python / mypy

Optional static typing for Python
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<directory> is not a valid Python package name #8400

Closed jcrben closed 4 years ago

jcrben commented 4 years ago

Note that this message appears for a couple other reported issues, but it's not clear that they are the same: and

Please provide more information to help us understand the issue:


Code is this in

def greeting(name: str) -> str:
    return "Hello " + name

Directory layout is more critical: test -> nested -> nested-2 ->

Next to is - other directories are empty.

When I run ~/.local/pyenv/versions/3.7.2/bin/python -m mypy /Users/bencreasy/test/nested/nested-2/ I get: nested-2 is not a valid Python package name

If I remove, the message goes away.

Don't see why it can't run the file, but if it cannot, a better error message.

Python: Python 3.7.2 mypy: mypy 0.761

Yes, after running pip install git+git:// - same message.


ilevkivskyi commented 4 years ago files exist in Python for a reason: this means the directory represents a package (so that one can import it). Since import nested-2 is obviously a syntax error, package names must be valid Python identifiers.

TBH, I don't see what is not clear in this error message, but if you will make a PR with alternative wording we might consider it.

abcdenis commented 3 years ago

Hi, what I did:

Now I have to investigate:

It will be nice to print invalid package full name/directory. Or print option name to skip such checking.

Thank you.

markfickett commented 2 years ago

I'm getting a similar error where my directory structure is /path/with/some-directory-in-it/pkgdir/ . When I cd to pkgdir and run mypy I get an error saying some-directory-in-it is not a valid Python package. There is a some-directory-in-it/, but I can use other Python tools, like pip install -e . (there's a that specifies a valid Python package name) and python just fine, so it's confusing that mypy does not work in this context.

wangkuiyi commented 1 year ago

@markfickett I got the same problem. After renaming some-directory-in-it into some_directory_in_it, mypy worked.

BTripp1986 commented 1 year ago

I am getting this error for a parent directory which is not coupled with the actual project.


The my_project_with_mypy directory is a git repository, and therefore independent of the parent directory.

I could move the project into another directory hierarchy, but then what if someone clones my repo into a directory with dashes?

This definitely seems like an error, but I am new to MyPy so I could just be missing some kind of configuration which will work around this.

stevleibelt commented 5 months ago

@BTripp1986 do you get any response if this is indeed an issue or not?

I ran into the same problem. Checking out a git repository with the name foo-bar. It feels so wrong that this is an issue since I execute mypy inside the repository.

elmago commented 3 months ago

I had the same problem, but I managed to make progress by directly pointing to the Python package I needed using the --package option like: mypy -p src

caldempsey commented 3 months ago

Running into this. I think this is a silly restriction. I'd like to use mypy in heterogenous codebases. Not everything has to adhere perfectly to Python standards. Python can also be a scripting language, and so PEP8 does not have to be a first class citizen on every occasion.

AntiSol commented 1 month ago

I just ran into this in a situation where I am using a submodule

  |- .git
  |- pyproject.toml

  |- .git
  |- pyproject.toml
  |- src
  |  |- core_project -> git@host:core-project.git
  |  |-

  from core_project import module

koljapluemer commented 1 week ago

Kindly, why is this issue closed? This makes mypy effectively unusable within projects that have a naming standard that happens to not be PEP8, for very little reason. A development library forcing naming standards of wrapper directories is an absurd overreach for extremely little reason.