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PEP 501: improvements inspired by PEP 750's tagged strings #3904

Closed ncoghlan closed 1 week ago

ncoghlan commented 4 weeks ago

Accumulating ideas prompted by the PEP 750 discussion at before working on an update to the PEP 501 text:

To adjust TemplateField for eager evaluation:

This gives the following interface for the concrete type:

class TemplateLiteralField(NamedTuple):
    value: Any
    expr: str
    format_spec: str | None = None

Based on the discussions with @warsaw in the PEP 750 thread (e.g. and ), it's looking like neither template literals nor tagged strings would be particularly beneficial for i18n use cases.

It's definitely possible to integrate them:

  1. string.Template could support construction from the native template syntax (extracting the template's field names from the interpolation fields, together with a string-keyed dict mapping the field names to their eagerly interpolated values)
  2. string.Template could implement the native template interpolation protocol, rendering itself in a normalised form (the simplest version would always render the fields as ${name}, but a slightly nicer version would emit $name when it is unambiguous to do so)

However, the integration would have significant caveats:

You'd presumably get a minor performance win by replacing dynamic variable name lookups with compiler supported field interpolations, but even that is questionable since many (most?) i18n templates are interpolating local variable values that can be retrieved with a single dict lookup.

Instead, to get i18n use cases away from using dynamic string lookups, we'd likely need to define a dedicated "$-string" (dollar string) syntax that used PEP 292 interpolation syntax to define a TemplateLiteral instance. Such a syntax could also be really interesting for shell command execution.

When discussing support for building lazy template field evaluation on top of the f-string inspired eager field evaluation, consider the following points:

Give examples, such as delaying expensive function calls when logging:

logging.debug(t"This is a log message with eager evaluation of {expensive_call()}")
logging.debug(t"This is a log message with lazy evaluation of {expensive_call!()}")

logging.debug(t"This is a log message with eager evaluation of {expensive_call_with_args(x, y, z)}")
logging.debug(t"This is a log message with lazy evaluation of {(lambda: expensive_call_with_args(x, y, z))!()}")

and naming fields in reusable SQL statements:

stmt = sql(t"INSERT INTO table (column1, column2) VALUES ({"column1"}, {"column2"})")
new_entries = [{"column1": c1, "column2": c2} for c1, c2 in get_entry_data()]
results = db.executemany(stmt, new_entries)

(SQL is an interesting case, since executemany specifically wants to give the DB API control of repeated substitutions so it can optimise things. Parameter substitution isn't just about avoiding SQL injections)

(cc @nhumrich )

ncoghlan commented 4 weeks ago

@nhumrich Since both our names are on the PEP, let me know if there's anything here that you'd prefer we didn't add (the lazy evaluation stuff in particular seems potentially controversial, although I must say I like the way that second logging example looks - just 4 extra characters to say "this is evaluated at rendering time, not template definition time")

nhumrich commented 4 weeks ago

Awesome. I will look more in depth the details required to add these things.

In the meantime, I am not convinced that lazy evaluation is something this PEP needs to deal with. It is not the purpose of the PEP to solve every possible case, but rather, allow the user to solve those problems in their own programs.

I think it's more likely that expensive_call in a template literal string would be the format itself, rather than some arbitrary function wanting to be delayed. Since the format function is already a callable, I think the normal use case of deferred execution is still easy and expected.

If for some reason, a user needed deferred execution of a function call inside the template itself, they could always add support for callables inside their own template renderer. Then use that in conjunction with lambdas or partials. Which, is no different from how you would handle it anywhere else in python.

Passing in your own custom format function that handles callables feels so easy, I don't see why we would need to overcomplicate the PEP to handle it.

We could potentially add that delayed evaluation of the values themselves could be considered in a followup PEP if there warrants a need.

ncoghlan commented 4 weeks ago

Your thoughts on declaring lazy evaluation out of scope make sense to me, so I've reworded the initial post accordingly (I also moved the suggested () for rendering time function invocation to the format specifier rather than having it outside the field specifier where render_field implementations wouldn't be able to see it)

Edit: I also updated my notes on mentioning string.Template Edit 2: added details on the changes to TemplateField and TemplateLiteralField to account for eager vs lazy evaluation

ncoghlan commented 3 weeks ago

Added further notes on the potential utility for i18n use cases based on the PEP 750 discussion with @warsaw (short version: while some level of integration is theoretically possible, the potential benefits are small enough and the related challenges significant enough that it likely won't be worth spending anyone's time to actually make that integration happen).

This isn't in the main set of notes yet, but writing those up did give me an idea in relation to this comment @warsaw made in the PEP 750 thread:

Another thing that occurs to me though, is that to be a more-or-less drop in replacement for flufl.i18n style translatable strings, you’d need to be able to support the $-string (PEP 292) style placeholders. Is the PEP 750 placeholder syntax restricted to f-string style {placeholder} syntax?

It is specifically PEP 750 that commits all possible tagged strings to using f-string style interpolation fields, with no scope for future syntactic variations.

By contrast, PEP 501 only commits t-strings to directly aligning with the f-string syntax. That means it would leave the door open to a future PEP proposing a dedicated _ string prefix that instead used the PEP 292 syntax to define interpolation fields. I think that's a genuine design benefit arising from the more limited proposal, so it's likely worth mentioning.

ncoghlan commented 2 weeks ago

Adding in another change inspired by PEP 750: making the interpretation of conversion specifiers lazy. While template literals will make a, r, and s work as they do in f-strings by default, other template renderers may handle them differently. Template literals will also support () as a "call the result of the expression at rendering time" conversion specifier, giving a basic level of support for delayed rendering (enough for logging to support lazy field rendering without needing custom specifier processing).

I also added some further notes about the i18n use case, including the potential benefits of leaving the door open to a future syntactic proposal for "dollar-strings" (which would use the PEP 292 substitution syntax, but the same runtime interpolation machinery).

I'm going to start a draft PR for these changes tomorrow (Aug 25 AEST).

ncoghlan commented 2 weeks ago

WIP PR on my fork of the PEPs repo:

( I won't merge it there, but this potentially allows comments on the amendments as they're in progress, rather than having to wait until I'm ready to submit the full PR to the main PEPs repo)

ncoghlan commented 1 week ago

Decent progress today: WIP PR now has a first draft of the updated proposal and specification sections. I also added some notes on sections that should either be moved around, or else referenced earlier than they are.

Next step is to review the design discussion section and update it as needed.

ncoghlan commented 1 week ago

First pass at updating the design discussion section (including adding a "How To Teach This" suggestion).

Still a few specific TODOs to fill in.

ncoghlan commented 1 week ago

In filling out the design discussion section, I noticed a problem with the way custom conversions specifiers were defined: actually using them would break the default renderer. For now, I'm going to tweak the syntax to allow the default renderer to cleanly ignore them, but it may be simpler to only define the new lazy evaluation specifier. The reason I'm not going down the latter yet is because I have concerns that omitting custom conversion specifier support will lead to ad hoc conventions in the format specifier field that serve the same purpose as custom conversion specifiers.

ncoghlan commented 1 week ago

OK, first pass at the update is done. Next steps before creating the PR against the PEPs repo:

ncoghlan commented 1 week ago

Just noting an idea that I considered adding, but decided it didn't add enough to the PEP to be worth the extra up-front complexity (vs just adding it later as a regular feature request): a from_raw_segments class method that handles wrapping plain strings and 4-tuples into TemplateLiteralText and TemplateLiteralField objects. The basic idea is simple enough, but the implementation gets fiddly if you want to make it do the right thing when the passed in values are already instances of those classes. It's also not clear yet if that's the right programmatic API to provide (for example, building on is another potential candidate).

ncoghlan commented 1 week ago

No ETA on a new discussion thread yet. There's heaps of time until Python 3.14's beta cycle starts, and I think discussions will be more productive if we wait until the next iteration of PEP 750 has been published so folks can more easily compare the latest versions of both proposals (they look more different than they actually are at the moment, since the PEP 501 update is based on the upcoming PEP 750 amendments that were already announced in the discussion thread rather than on the current version).