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Subscriptions Pointing to Planet Python instead of their relative blogs/sites and aren't showing up in the feed #257

Open hobojoe1848 opened 6 years ago

hobojoe1848 commented 6 years ago


Hi, I want to notify you of a bug/problem that is happening on the Planet.

I am using:
O.S: Windows 10 Browser: Chrome Platform: desktop and mobile


Multiple blog/site links on the left column of the Planet Python home page don't link to their respective blogs. Rather, they link to itself. I don't think any of these sites are showing up in the Planet Py feed as a result. There are quite a number that do this, here are a few:

PyCon Podcast PyBites PyLadies Pylons News Feed Pypix Francisco Souza Dariusz Suchojad Chris Perkins Benjamin W. Smith Ashish Dutt and the list goes on...




tseaver commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the report! Feeds that appear in the "blogroll" with a link pointing to the planet are ones which do not update successfully in the planet's cronjob: either the network request fails, or the response payload cannot be parsed.

bbelderbos commented 6 years ago

Thanks tseaver. Do you have an error message or line of the code that fails? It could be our (pybites) cloudflare ssl, when we turned that on the issue started. On the other hand it seems planet python uses a very old feedparser version. Happy to debug and try to find a fix/ workaround. It seems to affect more blogs / pythonistas ...

tjguk commented 6 years ago

You're welcome to try to find it. Whenever I've tried, it's worked perfectly in my dev rig, and I don't have access to the server on which the code is running -- although it should be running the same branch of the same repo.

I don't know if Tres or the other Planet maintainers have any difference experience, but you're very welcome to fork the github repo and have a go yourself. Perhaps I've just missed something obvious.