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Proposal: Generalize `Callable` to be able to specify argument names and kinds #264

Closed sixolet closed 4 years ago

sixolet commented 8 years ago

Right now you can specify callables with two patterns of arguments (shown here by example):

These don't cleanly match the actual types of callable objects in Python. Argument names, whether arguments are optional, and whether arguments are *args or **kwargs do affect the type of a callable. We should be able to spell these things in the type language. Doing so would enable us to correctly write the types of callback functions, for example.

Callable should take two arguments: an argument list and a return type. The return type is exactly as currently described in PEP484. The argument list is either:

An argument specifier is one of:

The round parens are an indication that these are not actual types but rather this new argument specifier thing.

Like the rules for python function arguments, all positional argspecs must come before all optional argspecs must come before zero or one star argspecs must come before zero or one kw argspecs.

This should be able to spell all function types you can make in python by defining single functions or methods, with the exception of functions that need SelfType to be properly specified, which is an orthogonal concern.

Some statements I think are true:

JukkaL commented 8 years ago

Another thing to consider is keyword-only arguments in Python 3. Keyword-only arguments can be optional or non-optional. Maybe use Arg(t, name='foo', keyword_only=True), and similarly for OptionalArg?

sixolet commented 8 years ago

@JukkaL Yep seems good.

ilevkivskyi commented 8 years ago

@sixolet Thankyou for your proposal! I proposed a similar idea in #239 based on inspect.Signature and Guido rejected it in favor of function stubs. His argument (and I agree with him) is readability. Compare:

def cb_stub(x: T, *args, option: str='verbose') -> int:
    raise NotImplementedError

def func(callback: Callable[cb_stub]):


Args = [Arg(T, name='x'), StarArg(Any), OptionalArg(str, name='option')]

def func(callback: Callable[Args, int]):

I think the first one is more readable and allows to quickly grasp the function signature. Also it is not clear from your proposal how to type annotate a decorator that preserves the types of all arguments in *args (propbably you also need to discuss how this interacts with variadic generics etc).

I would like to reiterate, function stubs together with OtherArgs discussed in #239 cover vast majority of use cases, so that I think practicality beats purity here.

@JukkaL what do you think about the magic (variadic) type variable OtherArgs? I copy here use cases in decorators from previous discussions:

from typing import OtherArgs, TypeVar, Callable
R = TypeVar('R')

def change_ret_type(f: Callable[[OtherArgs], R]) -> Callable[[OtherArgs], int]: ...

def add_initial_int_arg(f: Callable[[OtherArgs], R]) -> Callable[[int, OtherArgs], R]: ...

def fix_initial_str_arg(f: Callable[[str, OtherArgs], R]) -> Callable[[OtherArgs], int]:
    def ret(*args, **kwargs):
        f('Hello', *args, **kwargs)
    return ret
sixolet commented 8 years ago

Regarding OtherArgs, I think it's separable and so we should consider it separately; being able to spell argument names and kinds is useful in the absence of such a thing. I'll write it up separately once we know what the fate of variadic type variables is likely to be (since the exact definition/meaning of OtherArgs depends on whether we can explain it with variadic typevars).

sixolet commented 8 years ago

It's true that this proposal is similar to your proposal based on inspect.Signature, but it differs in a few important ways:

JukkaL commented 8 years ago

@ilevkivskyi I agree with @sixolet that OtherArgs should be discussed separately from this. This proposal (or the alternative proposed syntax) would be useful as such. Callbacks with other than positional arguments have been a pretty common mypy feature request.

ilevkivskyi commented 8 years ago

OK, if you want to proceed with this, I would propose to try to make it more concise. Here are some tweaks, apart from already mentioned OpArgs:

Arg('x', T)
Arg('y') # same as Arg('y', Any)

With all these tweaks it will look like this:

def fun1(x: List[T], y: int = 0, *args, **kwargs: str) -> None:

has type

Callable[[Arg('x', List[T]), OptArg('y', int), StarArg(), KwArg(str)], None]

Second example:

def fun2(__s: str, __z: T, *, tmp: str, **kwargs) -> int:

has type

Callable[[str, T, Arg('tmp', str, kw_only=True), KwArg()], int]

It looks more concise, and still readable. What do you think?

sixolet commented 8 years ago

@ilevkivskyi I like most of that.

The only bit I think I disagree with is

allow omitting kw_only in obvious places, e.g., after StarArg

And that's because I think in this particular case consistency is more important than brevity.

Huh. Can we omit the parens when they're not being used for anything? Why not

Callable[[str, T, Arg('tmp', str, kw_only=True), KwArg], int]
sixolet commented 8 years ago

(Answering my own question, the round parens remind us it's an argspec not a type. Right.)

ilevkivskyi commented 8 years ago

@sixolet OK Now that you have +1 from Jukka, you should get an approval from Guido and then add this to the PEP and

By the way I was thinking a bit about how this will interoperate with variadic generics, and I think the solution is simple: StarArg and KwArg should be allowed to accept them as an argument and that's it. Then you could easily type a decorator with something like

As = TypeVar('As', variadic=True)
Ks = TypeVar('Ks', variadic=True)

Input = Callable[[int, StarArg(As), KwArg(Ks)], None]
Output = Callable[[StarArg(As), KwArg(Ks)], None]
Deco = Callable[[Input], Output]

Moreover OtherArgs could be easily defined as [StarArg(As), KwArg(Ks)], so that one can write (unpacking just unpacks two items here):

Input = Callable[[int, *OtherArgs], None]
Output = Callable[*OtherArgs], None]

But now it is probably not needed in the specification. So that now I give your proposal a solid +1.

elazarg commented 7 years ago

I don't understand what's wrong with something like Callable[lambda a: int, *, b: str =...:...]

It will be much easier for type checkers to learn, and the meaning is obvious. Why invent new ways of saying the same thing?

JukkaL commented 7 years ago

It's not syntactically valid. Lambdas can't have type annotations.

sixolet commented 7 years ago

@lazarg Also, we should be careful to avoid confusing people regarding "how do you write a function" vs "how do you write the type of a function"

elazarg commented 7 years ago

The type (the interface) of the function is the thing that appears right after its name - the signature.

elazarg commented 7 years ago

Oh. Consequences of using : instead of => ?

That's very unfortunate.

elazarg commented 7 years ago

How about Callable[lambda x, *y, **z: {x:int, y:str, z:str}] ?

sixolet commented 7 years ago

@elazarg I suspect we'll be better off and have a clearer language if we steer clear of situations where people can confuse an object of a type (a function) with the type itself (the callable). Here it's not exactly what you're suggesting, though, I understand. You're providing a function as the type parameter to a Callable type to demonstrate what type the callable will be. It might be even more confusing, especially if the function that you're providing as a type parameter produces a very special kind of dict object, and that has nothing to do with the return type of the Callable.

gvanrossum commented 7 years ago

I think we should turn the finalized proposal into a new PEP, rather than amending PEP 484. Who wants to draft it?

sixolet commented 7 years ago

I'd be happy to with some process guidance.

On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 2:29 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

I think we should turn the finalized proposal into a new PEP, rather than amending PEP 484. Who wants to draft it?

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gvanrossum commented 7 years ago

PEP 1 describes the general process: PEP 12 is a template:

I'm not sure if these are 100% up to date, but basically you should create a PR for and assign it PEP number 9999; a reviewer will assign a number before merging the initial draft. Note that the initial draft usually gets merged as soon as it conforms to the form guidelines -- after that the discussion starts, typically with a post to the python-dev mailing list.

ilevkivskyi commented 7 years ago

@sixolet You know that I was quite cold to this syntax (I prefer prototype based syntax), so that here I have some ideas that could make the future PEP look better from my point of view:

mjpieters commented 7 years ago

Are there any plans to make it possible to use a placeholder (like a typevar) for the whole argument list? That's helpful for decorators where the wrapped function signature is preserved; contrived e.g.:

A = TypeVar('A')      # arguments generic
RT = TypeVar('RT')  # Return type 
def singleton_list(func: Callable[A, RT]) -> Callable[A, List[RT]):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        return [func(*args, **kwargs)]
    return wrapper

I used TypeVar('A') here to represent the argument list; this is probably violating a whole slew of principles, but it should serve to illustrate the idea nicely.

JelleZijlstra commented 7 years ago

I proposed something quite similar in python/mypy#3028. I think we want to move forward with something like this, but it needs somebody to actually do the work.

ilevkivskyi commented 6 years ago

An observation: currently, and even with this callable extension proposal it is impossible to specify that an overloaded function is expected. This is probably relatively rare, but still an argument to revive the proposal of allowing template functions, so that one can write:

def cb(arg: int) -> None: ...
def cb(arg: str) -> str: ...

def execute(tasks: Mapping[str, Any], cb: Callable[cb]) -> None:
gvanrossum commented 6 years ago

Can't that be expressed (albeit verbosely) with a union of two callable types?

ilevkivskyi commented 6 years ago

This would be a different type. Continuing my example:

cb(42)  # totally fine
bad_cb: Union[Callable[[int], None], Callable[[str], str]]
bad_cb(42)  # fails type check because fails check for some elements of the union

edit: fixed typo

gvanrossum commented 6 years ago

Ah, you care about the type-checking inside execute(). Fair enough. For a caller there's not much difference though right?

ilevkivskyi commented 6 years ago

Yes, an overload can be given where a union is expected. But note that if someone will give a union there, it will crash at runtime (while being uncaught statically).

The problem is that union is much wider type than an overload, each element of the union will be actually better.

ilevkivskyi commented 6 years ago

Another (simpler) interesting example is the ambiguity about what should this mean:

def fun() -> Callable[[T], T]:

Currently this creates a non-generic function that returns a generic function. This is probably the right thing to do, but this is too implicit, for each given signature mypy tries to guess what the author of the function means (and I am not sure there are any strict rules). It would be more unambiguous if one could write:

def same(x: T) -> T:
def fun() -> Callable[same]:

It is clear now that fun is not intended to be generic.

howinator commented 6 years ago

What's the status of this? Has anyone taken the initiative to draft a PEP? If none of the core devs have the time, I can distill the discussion here down into a PEP.

gvanrossum commented 6 years ago

What's the status of this? Has anyone taken the initiative to draft a PEP? If not, I can distill the discussion here down into a PEP.

Sadly we've not had time to work on this. If you're interested in drafting a PEP that would be great! Hopefully you're bringing some opinions of your own (just transcribing the conversation here isn't sufficient for a PEP. :-)

howinator commented 6 years ago

Wait you're saying I have to have original thought? :P

But seriously, I've dealt with this lack of expressiveness across a couple different projects now, so I do have some thoughts about how this should work. I'll use your "PEP how-to" links above. Thanks!

devxpy commented 5 years ago

Can we please have something like this?

Callable[[dict, ...], dict]

Which means the first argument to the callable must be a dict, and any number of arguments are accepted after that..

This is quite useful for type annotating wrapper functions.

def print_apples(fn: Callable[[dict, ...], dict]) -> Callable[[dict, ...], dict]:

    def wrapper(fruits, *args, **kwargs):
        print('Apples:', fruits['apples'])

        return fn(fruits, *args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

def get(fruits, key):
    return fruits[key]
ilevkivskyi commented 5 years ago

@devxpy Note that you can already express lots of things using callback protocols

Seanny123 commented 5 years ago

@howinator did you end up making this PEP?

devxpy commented 5 years ago

@ilevkivskyi This does not seem to work with *args and **kwargs.

Am I doing something wrong?

from typing import Callable, Any
from typing_extensions import Protocol

class ApplesWrapper(Protocol):
    def __call__(self, fruits: dict, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: ...

def print_apples(fn: ApplesWrapper) -> ApplesWrapper:    
    def wrapper(fruits: dict, *args, **kwargs):
        print('Apples:', fruits['apples'])

        return fn(fruits, *args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

def get(fruits: dict, key):
    return fruits[key]
$ mypy error: Argument 1 to "print_apples" has incompatible type "Callable[[Dict[Any, Any], Any], Any]"; expected "ApplesWrapper"
ilevkivskyi commented 5 years ago

@Seanny123 Now that we have callback protocols, the PEP will be less valuable (if needed at all). The only missing thing is variadic generics, but this is a separate question, and the problem with them is not who will write the PEP, but who will implement it.

@devxpy Well, mypy correctly says that type of get() is not a subtype of ApplesWrapper, there are many possible calls to ApplesWrapper that will fail on get().

I think what you want is OtherArgs proposed in #239 and also discussed a bit above. This is more about variadic generics which, as I explained above, is a separate issue.

JukkaL commented 5 years ago

Should we close this issue now that callback protocols are described in PEP 544 (which was accepted)?

gvanrossum commented 5 years ago

I seem to be in the minority, but I find callback protocols too verbose, and not very intuitive.

I'd rather have a decorator you can put on a dummy def. E.g. instead of

class ApplesWrapper(Protocol):
    def __call__(self, fruits: dict, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: ...

I'd prefer

def ApplesWrapper(fruits: dict, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: ...

My reasons are hard to explain -- I find the need to use class, Protocol, __call__ and self for the current solution rather noisy.

JukkaL commented 5 years ago

I agree that the current syntax is overly verbose. On the other hand complex callables don't seem to be required more than occasionally by most programmers. Maybe somebody will come up with a nicer and more concise syntax, though.

antonagestam commented 5 years ago

To find similarity to another thing within the language, async def, it might be interesting to explore a "def" keyword like below. Since the spec can't have a body, the colon and ellipsis/pass should be omitted in my opinion.

argspec def ApplesWrapper(fruits: dict, *args, **kwargs) -> Any

Or, if we'd like to be even less verbose with an even shorter syntax, making this it's entirely "own" thing.

argspec ApplesWrapper(fruits: dict, *args, **kwargs) -> Any
Michael0x2a commented 5 years ago

Maybe we could add in some decorator that when present will promote some function into a callable protocol? Basically, make it so that type checkers treat Guido's second example as a shorthand for the first.

The decorator could just be the identity function at runtime. We could also make it literally construct the protocol class if the distinction between a function vs a callable object is important to preserve.

At least for mypy, I feel we could pretty easily implement this via the plugin system.

jdelic commented 5 years ago

@antonagestam I haven't fully thought this through, but right now I like your idea... as it also specifies return types and not just args I would go for

typed def callback(a: str) -> bool:
# or
typespec callback(...) -> bool:
# or
typedef callback(...) -> bool:

instead of argspec.

And then only declare the implementation's intention of fulfilling the contract using a decorator:

def mycallback(...) -> bool:

As the language already introduced class variable annotations and return type annotations I'd find a syntax extension more natural for "first class support" of function types than a decorator syntax that leads to typing being implemented counter-intuitively through a mixture of new language keywords and special code.

antonagestam commented 5 years ago

@jdelic As for naming of this hypothetical keyword, would signature be even better? I agree that argspec is not an accurate name.

signature Greet(name: str) -> str

(I hope this is not the wrong forum for hypothetical discussions like this)

gvanrossum commented 5 years ago

Note that such syntactical changes are hard to get accepted -- adding a reserved word to Python requires a PEP, a from __future__ import ... statement, and several releases of deprecation warnings. (That's what it cost to introduce async def and await.)

In contrast, a decorator is trivial to add -- you can just import it.

ilevkivskyi commented 5 years ago

I am fine with the current way. Some reasons:

ambv commented 4 years ago

I always sided with the line of thinking described by Guido here. I didn't even think we'd need a special decorator for it. I always thought of function objects as "types with callable signatures". I've seen many cases where being able to pass an example function as a type would make things clearer instead of using Callable[].

In practice I don't mind specifying a Protocol with __call__() much but the requirement to add self as the first argument there adds confusion on top of the overall verbosity of this.

gvanrossum commented 4 years ago

It's a tough call. In the end I think we should just try to live with the Protocol solution for a while before we decide that it's too onerous. So I'm closing this.