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Monkey patching support #718

Open srittau opened 4 years ago

srittau commented 4 years ago

These are just some not terribly well though out ideas about possible monkey support in typing. This would need a proper PEP if it was ever implemented, but I just want to record my ideas here:

# foo accepts a date object, but allows to add and access
# unknown attributes at runtime. It basically treats date
# as having __getattr__()/__setattr__() methods.
def foo(date: Dynamic[]) -> None:
    date.my_attr = 123

# typing.dynamic() is a no-op at runtime and basically an alias
# for cast(Generic[X], y) at type-check time, where X is the
# type of y.
# In this example, dt has type Dynamic[].
dt = dynamic(

# The following would also work:
other_dt: = dt

A possible extensions would be to define the allowed monkey-patched attributes. Something like:

class Monkey(Protocol):
    donkey: int

def foo(dt: Dynamic[, Monkey]) -> None:
    # ok:
    dt.donkey += 3
    # errors:
    dt.donkey += ""

dt = dynamic(, Monkey)
srittau commented 4 years ago

One open question is: What does foo: Dynamic[X, Y] mean? Does is mean that foo is guaranteed to already have the attributes defined by Y or only that it allows those attributes to be set? The former would make x = dynamic(, Y) not work, the latter would compromise type safety.

JukkaL commented 4 years ago

Dynamic[X, Y] sounds similar to "unsafe unions" that have been discussed previously. X would be compatible with Dynamic[X, Y], and vice versa. Dynamic[X] could potentially be represented as an unsafe union of X and a type with suitable __getattr__ and __setattr__ methods.

bluetech commented 4 years ago
# The following would also work:
other_dt: = dt

The two lines combine to mean that X is both a subtype and a supertype of Dynamic[X], isn't it a bit strange? I would have expected the first line not to work without a dynamic(...).

Dynamic[X, Y] sounds similar to "unsafe unions" that have been discussed previously.

Is a Union is the right concept for this? A monkeypatching can happen on top of another monkeypatching and override with a different type, which makes it non-commutative.

Maybe Augmented[X, Y], Augmented[X, Y, Z] == Augmented[Augmented[X, Y], Z]?

BTW, we've had a somewhat related use case in pytest, where un-type-safe monkey-patching was used extensively, and came up with this solution: However it requires the cooperation of the source type to expose a "Store", so doesn't handle arbitrary augmentations of 3rd-party types.