pythonarcade / arcade

Easy to use Python library for creating 2D arcade games.
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Improve documentation on how to develop and contribute to Arcade #995

Closed pushfoo closed 1 year ago

pushfoo commented 2 years ago

Documentation request:

What documentation needs to change?

The beginner developer documentation needs to be improved.

Where is it located?

The how to contribute page page.

What is wrong with it? How can it be improved?

  1. Organize the page better with clearer steps and sections
  2. Add mention of how to run mypy and flake8 locally to save time before making a PR


This issue is being expanded to cover updating documentation across the board for how people can get started developing for Arcade and guidelines for making contributions.

This includes but isn't necessarily limited to:

rckwzrd commented 2 years ago

As a beginner developer and linux user... Here are a few thoughts on improvement.

The how to compile section in the docs has reasonably detailed instructions for Windows. The linux portion simply has the line sudo apt-get install python-dev. I do not really know what this means. Perhaps higher level of expertise is assumed for linux users (does not apply to me :) ).

There also seems to be some conflict between the and the how to contribute section in the docs. There is no mention of in the docs... but it is in

I am not a bash expert but appears to be uninstalling arcade and then installing files from /dist. Can why this is done be explained? Perhaps it has something to do with bdist_wheel.

It would be helpful to provide reasonably detailed instructions for cloning, forking and building a local install of arcade from the remote repo hosted on github. Also providing a brief "why" for each step would help instill a bit of knowledge for the new developer.

Specifically I found myself wondering:

einarf commented 2 years ago

Thanks. This is a great list.

Cleptomania commented 2 years ago

@mlr07 Thanks for the feedback, that's really useful info.

Linux is my primary OS and what I develop from most of the time so I can definitely do some work on improving the Linux specific instructions.

Some notes on a few of the points presented, and the general direction of things:

rckwzrd commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the additional feedback.

For the virtual environments I have been using the virtualvenv plugin for pyenv. I am pretty sure pyenv-virtualenv just wraps venv.

Does moving away from requirements.txt and using to pull dependancies allow for smooth packaging and deployment to PyPI?

For learning, I would like to see the procedural commands to get arcade up and running. Maybe a section could be dedicated to manual interaction. Then a following section for make scripts. An alternative might be to depreciate the make scripts all together. I don't know how this would effect the wider project and community though.

Cleptomania commented 2 years ago

The advantages of vs requirements.txt is really just flexibility. With a requirements file you really can just specify packages and versions. With we do a number of things, have dynamic descriptions, versions, etc, but also get the benefit of conditional dependencies.

We're able to define for example installing dataclasses if you're on python 3.6, and currently we don't have to do this, but there were times when numpy was a dependency, and we had to have different versions of numpy based on what OS you were on if you were on Python 3.9. We're able to achieve a lot of flexibility with, and it puts us closer in line with where the greater Python community is moving for dependency/build system management.

As for the status of the make scripts, @pvcraven would have to comment on that more. I personally don't use the make scripts at all, but I'm also not the one who handles the releases, and I'm not certain what other people are doing in their own specific setups.

pushfoo commented 2 years ago

I think one more crucial thing we need in the beginner docs is where to put constructor argument doc. I ran across #1005 while trying to address #985 , and it seems to have arisen because the standard either wasn't clear or classes haven't been moved to the new style yet.

I also started documenting arcade.Text in the wrong way for #985 before @pvcraven cleared the issue up for me on discord. Giving this info to beginners from the start would be good. Also maybe adding a CI check to detect newly added params in constructor docstrings once we fix all the existing ones.

pushfoo commented 2 years ago

Some things that would be helpful for beginners working with documentation:

  1. explain how to preview the generated documentation with python -m http.server --directory doc\build\html or similar (search works with this btw!)
  2. find and link good sphinx rst reference for beginners. there are multiple styles supported, and it help beginners if we point them to the correct one.
  3. A page that outlines what this project's guidelines for doc are
pushfoo commented 2 years ago

@Cleptomania Can we turn this into a task list that links other tickets? It's very broad in scope, and I'd be willing to take a few tickets from it while you work on pytiled.

Cleptomania commented 2 years ago

Sure. Feel free to work on whatever improvements you can see related to this. Main thing I've done is improve Linux install instructions.

pushfoo commented 2 years ago

Are your changes merged? I looked back through a few pages of recent commits and didn't see anything related to this.

Cleptomania commented 2 years ago

Yeah it's been a while, I think I have a few things in a local branch but I've been sidetracked for a while so I don't even remember exactly what I have. You're good to start working on anything.

Cleptomania commented 1 year ago

I think with our switch to and associated CONTRIBUTING guidelines we are in a pretty solid place for this. I'm going to close this issue but if anyone feels it still needs something done feel free to re-open, or just make a new issue that's more specific is probably better.