pythongosssss / ComfyUI-WD14-Tagger

A ComfyUI extension allowing for the interrogation of booru tags from images.
MIT License
438 stars 51 forks source link

"Onnxruntime is required, please check requirements are installed." #6

Closed PowerToTheNerd closed 10 months ago

PowerToTheNerd commented 10 months ago

Installed ONNX Runtime and still get this error.



Screenshot 2023-08-22 105649

pythongosssss commented 10 months ago

Are you running using the standalone release version (there will be run_nvidia_gpu.bat and a folder called python_embeded)?

If so, from the root directory with those two items in it, can you open a terminal and run the following: python_embeded/python.exe -s -m pip show onnxruntime

Could you please also confirm which command you are runing to install the package

PowerToTheNerd commented 10 months ago

My mistake I was running only "pip install -r requirements.txt" in the folder. "D:\ComfyUI\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI-WD14-Tagger"

What fixed it was running the full path to the python file in python_emebeded along with "-s -m pip install -r requirements.txt"

Example : running this in ComfyUI-WD14-Tagger folder. "D:\ComfyUI\python_embeded\python.exe -s -m pip install -r requirements.txt"
