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Python 3 #20

Open smajda opened 9 years ago

smajda commented 9 years ago

Our VM is using Python 3. We need to make the app work with Python 3. Also: how do you get virtualenvs working in ansible with python3. Please. @lgw4 this is your fault. :)

smajda commented 9 years ago

So here's what we've got so far in ansible:

- apt: pkg="{{ item }}" state=latest
    - build_essential
    - python3
    - python3-dev
    - python3-pip
    - python3-software-properties
    - python3-virtualenv

- pip: 
    requirments: "{{ project_root }}/requirements/project.txt"
    virtualenv: "/virtualenvs/pythonkc"

We get Failed to find required executable virtualenv.

Related issue: Ansible itself does not support Python 3 yet

lgw4 commented 9 years ago

No, it's Ansible's fault they don't work with Python3.

Use virtualenvwrapper and specify the path to the python3 executable.