gives a server error in OPT without any trace being generated ... would be good to generate a partial trace so that something can be visualized.
def subset(list, sublist=[]):
if len(list) == 0:
for value in sublist:
print(value, end=" ")
subset(list[len(list)-1:], sublist)
subset(["1", "2", "3"])
When run in CPython, it gives this error: RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded ...
other examples:
def keep_if_even(lst):
if (lst[0]%2)==0:
if n==len(lst):
return new_list
return keep_if_even(lst)
def edit_diff(start, goal, limit):
"""A diff function that computes the edit distance from START to GOAL."""
if start == goal: # Fill in the condition
return 0
elif limit < 0:
return 0
add_diff = 1 + edit_diff(start[: len(start)-1], goal, limit)
remove_diff = 1 + edit_diff(start, goal[len(goal)-1], limit)
substitute_diff = 1 + edit_diff(start[: len(start)-1], goal[len(goal)-1], limit)
return min(add_diff, remove_diff, substitute_diff)
big_limit = 10
edit_diff("wird", "wiry", big_limit)
def summ(x):
k = 2
total = 0
if x == 2:
return k
return (summ((-1)**x) * (3*x)) + summ(x-1)
k += 1
def binary_search_recursive(input_list, key):
# The input_list must be sorted
# this function searches for the "key" and in the "input_list"
# returns True if the "key" was found, False otherwise
return get_binary_search_recursive(input_list, key)
def get_binary_search_recursive(input_list, key):
if input_list == []:
return False
mid = (0 + len(input_list)) // 2
if input_list[mid] == key:
return True
if input_list[mid] < key:
return get_binary_search_recursive(input_list[mid:], key)
elif input_list[mid] > key:
return get_binary_search_recursive(input_list[:mid], key)
print(binary_search_recursive([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], 11))
gives a server error in OPT without any trace being generated ... would be good to generate a partial trace so that something can be visualized.
When run in CPython, it gives this error: RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded ...
other examples: