pytorch / android-demo-app

PyTorch android examples of usage in applications
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Flutter App crashed in release version only #266

Open baleksey opened 1 year ago

baleksey commented 1 year ago

Debug version works fine. But the same release version crashed on module = LiteModuleLoader.load(absPath); in with errors:

E/AndroidRuntime(15751): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
E/AndroidRuntime(15751): Process: com.example.pyml, PID: 15751
E/AndroidRuntime(15751): java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at org.pytorch.c.a(Unknown Source:2)
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at com.example.pyml.MainActivity.P(Unknown Source:234)
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at com.example.pyml.MainActivity.O(Unknown Source:0)
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at i.a.a(Unknown Source:2)
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at x.j$a.a(Unknown Source:17)
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at l.c.k(Unknown Source:18)
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at l.c.l(Unknown Source:20)
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at l.c.h(Unknown Source:0)
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at Source:12)
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at android.os.Looper.loop(
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at$
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at
E/AndroidRuntime(15751): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.pytorch.PyTorchAndroid
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad(
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at j.c.a(Unknown Source:0)
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at j.a.c(Unknown Source:8)
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        at org.pytorch.LiteNativePeer.<clinit>(Unknown Source:16)
E/AndroidRuntime(15751):        ... 17 more

Tried many org.pytorch:pytorch_android_lite versions - result always the same. Attaching the full and minimal Flutter project to reproduce the issue (24 Mb, model included). First try on debug - you'll receive "ML: SUCCESS" message on button press. Then on Release - app will instantly closes on loading the model.

COO1M commented 1 year ago

the same, did you solve it? I found that changing minifyEnabled to false works, but it's not a good solution

baleksey commented 1 year ago

@COO1M Unfortunately nope. Instead started to learn native Android/Java development in order to make desired ML based app. Surprisingly, even after Flutter simplicity I just love to work now in Android Studio and code in java. Almost all examples here works great after that.

COO1M commented 1 year ago

Not Flutter, my problem happens in native Android, and now it has been solved. As I guessed, something was obfuscated by ProGuard. Since I didn't find the official proguard rules of Pytorch_Android, I added -keep class org.pytorch.** {*;} -keep class com.facebook.** {*;}, it worked.

baleksey commented 1 year ago

Git it, thank you for solution!