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Fused DoRA kernels #216

Closed jeromeku closed 3 weeks ago

jeromeku commented 3 weeks ago

Fused DoRA Kernels

Fused DoRA layer implementation that reduces number of individual kernels from ~10 -> 5.



DoRA (weight-decomposed low-rank adaptation) is a variant of LoRA that decomposes the LoRA update into magnitude and vector components.

The DoRA layer is roughly as follows:

    dora_out = (x @ base_weight.T + lora_out) * magnitude_scale


    lora_out = lora_B(lora_A(x))
    magnitude_scale = magnitude_vector / (base_weight + lora_B.weight @ lora_A.weight).norm(p=2, dim=1)


After initial profiling, and as outlined above, the DoRA update layer requires multiple kernels.

In order of compute intensity:

While torch.compile (and CUDA graphs) can partially mitigate the overhead of multiple small kernels and improve compute efficiency of individual kernels, there remains room for additional optimization by reordering the computations to facilitate fusions, and more importantly, exploiting the unique shapes of the GEMMs, thereby decreasing the number of kernel launches and increasing the compute intensity of each kernel.

Key Contributions

1 - Small K Fused Kernel

Note that the lora_B.weight @ lora_A.weight has a specific shape, where K << {M, N}. That is, lora_B.weight is out_features x lora_rank and lora_A.weight is lora_rank x in_features.

Since lora_rank is typically < 64 while {in,out}-features are typically > 4096 (e.g., Llama MLP / QKV projections), this GEMM is inefficient, since each CTA loads a block, only to perform a few MAC iterations given small K.

Moreover, note that the result of this GEMM is not needed -- we only need the 2-norm of this computation.

Combining these two observations, we can write a fused kernel where:

  1. Each CTA computes an entire row of the output matrix, with the key assumption that BLOCK_K = K. That is, each CTA does a single MAC iteration to compute a BLOCK_M x BLOCK_N output, then iterates across dimension N.
  2. Since each block processes an entire row, we can now additionally fuse a grid-wise reduction along axis=1 into the kernel. In this case, we can directly fold the 2-norm computation into the GEMM.
  3. As an added bonus, we can also include the base_weight elementwise addition and magnitude_vector multiplication into the GEMM epilogue.

Altogether, this allows us to fuse the following computation into a single kernel:

    magnitude_scale = magnitude_vector / (base_weight + lora_B.weight @ lora_A.weight).norm(p=2, dim=1)

2 - Fused Epilogue GEMM

Additionally, instead of computing the base layer output before the DoRA / LoRA updates, we can compute the latter (loRA layer and magnitude_scale) first, and fold these into the epilogue of the base layer GEMM:

    #DoRA / LoRA updates
    lora_out = lora_B(lora_A(x))
    magnitude_scale = magnitude_vector / (base_weight + lora_B.weight @ lora_A.weight).norm(p=2, dim=1)

    #This is now a single kernel
    final_out = (x @ base_weight.T + lora_out) * magnitude_scale


The fused kernels can be used to implement DoRA / QDoRA layers.

A reference implementation is provided in dora.dora_layer.DoRALinear, which defines a base QDoRA linear layer (with a stub dequantize method) along with corresponding BNBDoRALinear and HQQDoRALinear subclasses, which override dequantize with their respective methods.


    import torch
    from bitsandbytes.nn import Linear4bit
    from torchao.prototypes.dora.dora_layer import BNBDoRALinear

    bs, seqlen = 1, 512
    dtype = torch.float16
    in_features, out_features, lora_rank = 4096, 4096, 16
    x = torch.randn(bs, seqlen, in_features, dtype=dtype, device="cuda")

    #Construct bitsnbytes QDoRA layer
    base_layer = Linear4bit(
    base_layer.quant_state.dtype = base_layer.compute_dtype
    dora_layer = BNBDoRALinear(base_layer, lora_rank)

    #Run reference forward pass
    ref = dora_layer.forward(x)

    #Run fused forward pass
    fused_out = dora_layer.forward_fused(x)

See test/ and benchmarks/ for more detailed usage.

Also, note that these are reference implementations and are not fully optimized. See Next Steps for follow-up plans.


See test/dora/test*, for correctness checks of the fused kernels and layers.


See benchmarks/

python benchmarks/ --help

Run with flag --kernel set to one of {dora-colnorm,dora-mm-epilogue}, to benchmark the respective fused kernels against a reference torch / torch.compile implementation, or --kernel=dora-full to bench against the entire DoRA computation.

Additionally, passing either --kernel={dora-bnb, dora-hqq} will bench a reference QDoRA layer against their fused implementations.


The reference DoRALinear layer described above also has an instrumented forward pass with annotated regions for each of the DoRA ops.

An example script for running a profiled forward pass is provided in dora/

To run with torch.profiler:


which outputs chrome trace to default folder dora_profiles.

To run with nsys:

nsys profile --capture_range=cudaProfilerApi ... python --profiler=nsys

where ... are other desired nsys options.

Note that --capture_range=cudaProfilerApi is required.

Next Steps