pytorch / ao

Native PyTorch library for quantization and sparsity
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Remove input_quant_func from AffineQuantizedTensor subclass #243

Closed jerryzh168 closed 2 weeks ago

jerryzh168 commented 2 weeks ago

Summary: Currently we have a input_quant_func in the AffineQuantizedTensor, which is a bit convoluted, we want to use a separate LinearActAffineQuantizedTensor subclass for activation quantization (dynamic quantization) instead

also added dispatch for int8act-int8 weight dynamic quantization that's calling int_scaled_matmul kernel in the end

Test Plan: python test/quantization/ -k test_quantized_tensor_subclass_8da4w python test/quantization/ -k test_quantized_tensor_subclass_int8_dyn_quant





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jerryzh168 commented 2 weeks ago

Great :) Let's move AffineQuantizedTensor into dtypes next and create a PyTorch style conversion function? We should also not need to use torch_function to overwrite linear, but it makes sense to do it as a follow up because it'll require us to add support for detach, view, addmm, etc. to AffineQuantizedTensor

sounds good. main thing is transpose, we need to think about how to support that with the scales/zero_point and block_size arg