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[Documentation] Incomplete documentation for implementing custom models #2427

Open slishak-PX opened 1 month ago

slishak-PX commented 1 month ago

The Implementing Custom Models section of the documentation makes it sound a lot more straightforward to use a custom model than it really is. So far, I've found the following extra conditions that should be mentioned (in this instance, when using qNoisyExpectedImprovement):

The posterior method must accept a posterior_transform kwarg, otherwise the following error appears:

Stack trace ``` File .../python3.11/site-packages/botorch/acquisition/, in qNoisyExpectedImprovement.__init__(self, model, X_baseline, sampler, objective, posterior_transform, X_pending, prune_baseline, cache_root, constraints, eta, marginalize_dim) 496 CachedCholeskyMCSamplerMixin.__init__( 497 self, model=model, cache_root=cache_root, sampler=sampler 498 ) 499 if prune_baseline: --> 500 X_baseline = prune_inferior_points( 501 model=model, 502 X=X_baseline, 503 objective=objective, 504 posterior_transform=posterior_transform, 505 constraints=self._constraints, 506 marginalize_dim=marginalize_dim, 507 ) 508 self.register_buffer("X_baseline", X_baseline) 509 # registering buffers for _get_samples_and_objectives in the next `if` block File .../python3.11/site-packages/botorch/acquisition/, in prune_inferior_points(model, X, objective, posterior_transform, constraints, num_samples, max_frac, sampler, marginalize_dim) 304 raise ValueError(f"max_frac must take values in (0, 1], is {max_frac}") 305 with torch.no_grad(): --> 306 posterior = model.posterior(X=X, posterior_transform=posterior_transform) 307 if sampler is None: 308 sampler = get_sampler( 309 posterior=posterior, sample_shape=torch.Size([num_samples]) 310 ) TypeError: Model.posterior() got an unexpected keyword argument 'posterior_transform' ```

The model additionally requires a num_outputs attribute, otherwise the following error appears (related to

Stack trace ``` File .../python3.11/site-packages/botorch/acquisition/, in MCAcquisitionFunction.__init__(self, model, sampler, objective, posterior_transform, X_pending) 89 super().__init__(model=model) 90 MCSamplerMixin.__init__(self, sampler=sampler) ---> 91 if objective is None and model.num_outputs != 1: 92 if posterior_transform is None: 93 raise UnsupportedError( 94 "Must specify an objective or a posterior transform when using " 95 "a multi-output model." 96 ) File .../python3.11/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/, in Module.__getattr__(self, name) 1686 if name in modules: 1687 return modules[name] -> 1688 raise AttributeError(f"'{type(self).__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'") AttributeError: 'Model' object has no attribute 'num_outputs' ```

A posterior sampler must be registered using @GetSampler.register(object), otherwise the following error appears:

Stack trace ``` File .../python3.11/site-packages/botorch/acquisition/, in qNoisyExpectedImprovement.__init__(self, model, X_baseline, sampler, objective, posterior_transform, X_pending, prune_baseline, cache_root, constraints, eta, marginalize_dim) 496 CachedCholeskyMCSamplerMixin.__init__( 497 self, model=model, cache_root=cache_root, sampler=sampler 498 ) 499 if prune_baseline: --> 500 X_baseline = prune_inferior_points( 501 model=model, 502 X=X_baseline, 503 objective=objective, 504 posterior_transform=posterior_transform, 505 constraints=self._constraints, 506 marginalize_dim=marginalize_dim, 507 ) 508 self.register_buffer("X_baseline", X_baseline) 509 # registering buffers for _get_samples_and_objectives in the next `if` block File .../python3.11/site-packages/botorch/acquisition/, in prune_inferior_points(model, X, objective, posterior_transform, constraints, num_samples, max_frac, sampler, marginalize_dim) 306 posterior = model.posterior(X=X, posterior_transform=posterior_transform) 307 if sampler is None: --> 308 sampler = get_sampler( 309 posterior=posterior, sample_shape=torch.Size([num_samples]) 310 ) 311 samples = sampler(posterior) 312 if objective is None: File .../python3.11/site-packages/botorch/sampling/, in get_sampler(posterior, sample_shape, **kwargs) 51 r"""Get the sampler for the given posterior. 52 53 The sampler can be used as `sampler(posterior)` to produce samples (...) 64 The `MCSampler` object for the given posterior. 65 """ 66 kwargs["sample_shape"] = sample_shape ---> 67 return GetSampler(posterior, **kwargs) File .../python3.11/site-packages/botorch/utils/, in Dispatcher.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs) 91 func = self.__getitem__(types=types) 92 try: ---> 93 return func(*args, **kwargs) 94 except MDNotImplementedError: 95 # Traverses registered methods in order, yields whenever a match is found 96 funcs = self.dispatch_iter(*types) File .../python3.11/site-packages/botorch/sampling/, in _not_found_error(posterior, sample_shape, **kwargs) 128 @GetSampler.register(object) 129 def _not_found_error( 130 posterior: Posterior, sample_shape: torch.Size, **kwargs: Any 131 ) -> None: --> 132 raise NotImplementedError( 133 f"A registered `MCSampler` for posterior {posterior} is not found. You can " 134 "implement and register one using `@GetSampler.register`." 135 ) NotImplementedError: A registered `MCSampler` for posterior <__main__.ModelPosterior object at 0x7fb28dc8ed10> is not found. You can implement and register one using `@GetSampler.register`. ```

Furthermore, when not using stochastic sampling, the Posterior object must also implement base_sample_shape, batch_range and potentially more.

esantorella commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the feedback! (And for those collapsible stack traces -- very easy to navigate.) A few thoughts that might help:

I'm also curious what your use case is and whether it might be possible to accomplish it without a custom model at all. For example, if you wanted to use a custom kernel, you could pass that as the covar_module argument to SingleTaskGP rather than defining a whole new model.

Some to-dos for improving BoTorch:

slishak-PX commented 1 month ago

Hi @esantorella,

Thanks for the response. I have subclassed Model and Posterior but at first I only implemented the abstract properties and methods, assuming from the documentation that the ones that just raised NotImplementedError would not be required, so I agree with your suggestion to change this, along with all of your other suggestions.

Specifically for qNEI and similar acquisition functions, it doesn't matter whether you provide a sampler, because the error is raised by prune_inferior_points which doesn't get passed the sampler argument. A workaround that avoids having to register the sampler is to call prune_inferior_points manually before instantiating the acquisition function. The fix that makes the most sense to me would be to pass through the sampler into prune_inferior_points when instantiating an acquisition function, but this might substantially change the behaviour of existing code.

My use case is a non-GP surrogate, hence there was not a lot of existing machinery that I could reuse. For instance, the base samples of this model are uniformly distributed rather than normally, so I had to define uniform Sobol and IID samplers (which are obviously very similar to the samplers in botorch.sampling.normal).

esantorella commented 1 month ago

at first I only implemented the abstract properties and methods, assuming from the documentation that the ones that just raised NotImplementedError would not be required

I looked into whether these methods could be made abstract, and unfortunately most of them can't, since there are a good number of existing subclasses that don't implement those methods. I do think the NotImplementedError API is confusing and a bad pattern, because it's hard to tell what methods need to be implemented for what purposes, but unfortunately cleaning this sort of thing up tends to be messy given the size of the codebase.

Specifically for qNEI and similar acquisition functions, it doesn't matter whether you provide a sampler, because the error is raised by prune_inferior_points which doesn't get passed the sampler argument.

Ah yes, there's even a typecheck error telling us that only a TorchPosterior works here. You might be able to get around this by passing prune_baseline=False to qNEI.

My use case is a non-GP surrogate, hence there was not a lot of existing machinery that I could reuse. For instance, the base samples of this model are uniformly distributed rather than normally, so I had to define uniform Sobol and IID samplers (which are obviously very similar to the samplers in botorch.sampling.normal).

Makes sense! Thanks.