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LayerConductance() get the attribution, the value all equal to zero #1225

Open BaiMeiyingxue opened 10 months ago

BaiMeiyingxue commented 10 months ago

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BaiMeiyingxue commented 10 months ago

Hi, I check the function, and I found it occurred at this function:

def predict2(inputs,input_ids, all_test_audio, input_mask, segment_ids):
    logits, text_att, fusion_att, pooled_output_a, hidden_states, audio_attn, audio_weight, text_weight = model(
        input_ids=input_ids, all_audio_data=all_test_audio, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=segment_ids,inputs_embeds=inputs)
    return logits, text_att, fusion_att, pooled_output_a, hidden_states, audio_attn, audio_weight, text_weight

def custom_forward2(inputs,input_ids, all_test_audio, input_mask=None, segment_ids=None,):
    logits, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = predict2(inputs,input_ids, all_test_audio, input_mask, segment_ids)
    # logits = logits.detach().cpu().numpy()
    # logits = torch.argmax(logits, axis=-1)
    return torch.softmax(logits, dim = 1)[0][0].unsqueeze(-1)
        saved_layer, output = _forward_layer_distributed_eval(

intermedia results in saved_layer is not zero , as follows:

the saved_layer in compute_layer_gradients_and_eval defaultdict(<class 'dict'>, {MAG(
  (W_ha): Linear(in_features=256, out_features=128, bias=True)
  (W_a): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=128, bias=True)
  (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((128,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)
  (dropout): Dropout(p=0.5, inplace=False)
): {device(type='cuda', index=0): (tensor([[[ 78.7412,  73.8596,  73.8594,  ..., 110.7228,  73.8589,  65.9760],
         [ 79.4688,  73.8545,  73.8542,  ..., 110.2769,  73.8539,  67.1542],
         [ 82.7490,  73.8542,  73.8540,  ..., 132.7583,  73.8536,  62.8921],
         [ 73.4833,  73.8537,  73.8534,  ...,  76.7181,  73.8530,  73.1434],
         [ 73.4835,  73.8539,  73.8536,  ...,  76.7183,  73.8532,  73.1436],
         [ 73.4835,  73.8539,  73.8537,  ...,  76.7184,  73.8533,  73.1436]],

        [[ 78.7414,  73.8593,  73.8592,  ..., 110.7227,  73.8585,  65.9763],
         [ 79.4685,  73.8537,  73.8536,  ..., 110.2761,  73.8529,  67.1541],
         [ 82.7489,  73.8536,  73.8536,  ..., 132.7577,  73.8529,  62.8921],
         [ 73.4833,  73.8531,  73.8531,  ...,  76.7178,  73.8523,  73.1435],
         [ 73.4830,  73.8529,  73.8529,  ...,  76.7176,  73.8521,  73.1432],
         [ 73.4839,  73.8537,  73.8537,  ...,  76.7185,  73.8529,  73.1440]],

        [[ 78.7395,  73.8583,  73.8580,  ..., 110.7207,  73.8575,  65.9752],
         [ 79.4674,  73.8534,  73.8532,  ..., 110.2752,  73.8526,  67.1537],
         [ 82.7476,  73.8532,  73.8530,  ..., 132.7564,  73.8524,  62.8916],
         [ 73.4819,  73.8526,  73.8523,  ...,  76.7168,  73.8517,  73.1427],
         [ 73.4820,  73.8526,  73.8524,  ...,  76.7169,  73.8518,  73.1427],
         [ 73.4826,  73.8533,  73.8531,  ...,  76.7176,  73.8525,  73.1434]],


        [[ 81.5572, 128.5072, 112.7790,  ..., 134.9548, 109.1424,  93.4030],
         [138.1441, 272.8504, 229.1123,  ..., 266.4277, 214.6286, 188.7362],
         [126.5526, 229.1123, 226.2585,  ..., 289.5139, 188.7424, 158.7619],
         [ 87.0023, 174.4372, 157.2018,  ..., 146.8118, 160.7992, 158.1951],
         [108.5435, 214.6286, 188.7424,  ..., 167.3614, 192.2544, 182.7976],
         [102.6403, 205.5971, 184.3762,  ..., 166.0714, 184.3864, 182.7823]],

        [[ 81.5615, 128.5496, 112.7817,  ..., 135.0740, 109.1179,  93.4688],
         [138.1872, 272.9772, 229.1659,  ..., 266.7053, 214.6296, 188.9022],
         [126.5548, 229.1659, 226.2448,  ..., 289.7447, 188.6952, 158.8691],
         [ 87.0793, 174.6189, 157.3272,  ..., 146.9802, 160.8787, 158.3711],
         [108.5192, 214.6296, 188.6952,  ..., 167.4441, 192.1724, 182.8588],
         [102.7136, 205.7789, 184.5013,  ..., 166.2566, 184.4481, 182.9819]],

        [[ 81.5608, 128.5636, 112.7730,  ..., 135.1378, 109.1116,  93.5008],
         [138.1961, 273.0161, 229.1708,  ..., 266.8467, 214.6322, 188.9795],
         [126.5371, 229.1708, 226.2046,  ..., 289.8467, 188.6646, 158.9085],
         [ 87.1190, 174.7090, 157.3798,  ..., 147.0668, 160.9248, 158.4611],
         [108.5132, 214.6322, 188.6646,  ..., 167.4924, 192.1476, 182.8960],
         [102.7509, 205.8658, 184.5499,  ..., 166.3515, 184.4858, 183.0822]]],
       device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<ReluBackward0>),)}})

and the output is like:

output in compute_layer_gradients_and_eval : tensor([0.0024], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<UnsqueezeBackward0> then the value pass into the function,

saved_grads = torch.autograd.grad(torch.unbind(output), grad_inputs) the value of saved_grads is all zero. I have been stuck in the trouble about one week, could you give me some advice? @NarineK