pytorch / executorch

On-device AI across mobile, embedded and edge for PyTorch
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Ignore the FLATC_EXECUTABLE env var when empty #3612

Closed dbort closed 1 month ago

dbort commented 1 month ago

We've seen some situations fail because flatc_path is an empty string. This seems like a likely culprit, but doesn't hurt either way.

Test Plan: Ran the following script with (. /tmp/, which successfully created /tmp/et-test/executorch/add.pte.


set -euxo pipefail

conda remove -yn et-test --all
conda create -yn et-test python=3.10
conda activate et-test

mkdir -p /tmp/et-test
cd /tmp/et-test
# Get this PR
git clone -b flatc-empty-path
cd executorch

git submodule sync
git submodule update --init


cat > /tmp/ << HERE
import torch
from torch.export import export
from executorch.exir import to_edge

# Start with a PyTorch model that adds two input tensors (matrices)
class Add(torch.nn.Module):
  def __init__(self):
    super(Add, self).__init__()

  def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor):
      return x + y

# 1. torch.export: Defines the program with the ATen operator set.
aten_dialect = export(Add(), (torch.ones(1), torch.ones(1)))

# 2. to_edge: Make optimizations for Edge devices
edge_program = to_edge(aten_dialect)

# 3. to_executorch: Convert the graph to an ExecuTorch program
executorch_program = edge_program.to_executorch()

# 4. Save the compiled .pte program
with open("add.pte", "wb") as file:

python /tmp/
echo "Created" *.pte
pytorch-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

:link: Helpful Links

:test_tube: See artifacts and rendered test results at

Note: Links to docs will display an error until the docs builds have been completed.

:white_check_mark: No Failures

As of commit 1ed61d4b07d2113d403b0e70d7dbd373cd38151c with merge base 0e7955d2263580136d85cc50ae69873ad3adcd07 (image): :green_heart: Looks good so far! There are no failures yet. :green_heart:

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facebook-github-bot commented 1 month ago

@dbort has imported this pull request. If you are a Meta employee, you can view this diff on Phabricator.

facebook-github-bot commented 1 month ago

@dbort merged this pull request in pytorch/executorch@2b1ed26164ea6295e318e502d8f19dad69b59430.