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[Mutable Buffer] [Core ML Delegate] Let Core ML Handle Mutable Buffer #4209

Closed YifanShenSZ closed 1 week ago

YifanShenSZ commented 1 month ago

🚀 The feature, motivation and pitch

Starting from iOS 18, Core ML has state, which is the counterpart of mutable buffer. As a result, ExecuTorch can now let Core ML handle buffer mutation

Additional context

The change will probably base on

lucylq commented 1 month ago

@cccclai on Core ML

cccclai commented 1 month ago

@YifanShenSZ any chance we know eta for this feature?

YifanShenSZ commented 1 month ago

I'm actively working on coremltools side, aiming toward our next release (end of July)

  1. (Done) conversion of executorch exported mutable-buffer model
  2. (Ongoing) make sure the in-place ops have correct pattern
YifanShenSZ commented 1 month ago

Coremltools side change is almost done, I can now export stateful executorch model to CoreML. We will need some change in executorch to_backend implementation to let the delegation path work

cccclai commented 1 month ago

From this error log:

  File "/Volumes/Models/LLM/Framework/CoreMLTools-Dev_ExecuTorch-0.2/envs/llama-py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/executorch/exir/backend/", line 113, in _
    copied_edge_program = copy.deepcopy(edge_program)

Looks like the program is not copiable. Can you try running copy.deepcopy(exported_program) before running to_backend api?

YifanShenSZ commented 1 month ago

Dug a bit and found the issue to be more involved. Please reproduce by

git clone --branch coreml-state

cd executorch
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init

pip install numpy==1.26.4

cd backends/apple/coreml
python test/
kimishpatel commented 1 month ago

Are you asking for state management completely handed over to delegate? If so, would delegate allow access to this state? We have had requests from users who wanted to manipulate kv cache state and not sure how this will line up with that

YifanShenSZ commented 1 month ago

Are you asking for state management completely handed over to delegate?


If so, would delegate allow access to this state? We have had requests from users who wanted to manipulate kv cache state and not sure how this will line up with that

@cymbalrush does Core ML runtime allow user to access state?

cymbalrush commented 1 month ago

Core ML allows access to state -

cccclai commented 1 month ago

I was able to repro, looking

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/chenlai/coreml_debug/executorch/backends/apple/coreml/test/", line 118, in <module>
  File "/Users/chenlai/coreml_debug/executorch/backends/apple/coreml/test/", line 102, in test_buffer
    delegated_program_manager = edge_program_manager.to_backend(CoreMLPartitioner())
  File "/opt/homebrew/anaconda3/envs/coreml_debug/lib/python3.10/site-packages/executorch/exir/program/", line 1204, in to_backend
    new_edge_programs[name] = to_backend(program, partitioner)
  File "/opt/homebrew/anaconda3/envs/coreml_debug/lib/python3.10/", line 878, in wrapper
    return dispatch(args[0].__class__)(*args, **kw)
  File "/opt/homebrew/anaconda3/envs/coreml_debug/lib/python3.10/site-packages/executorch/exir/backend/", line 394, in _
    return ExportedProgram(
  File "/opt/homebrew/anaconda3/envs/coreml_debug/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/export/", line 682, in __init__
  File "/opt/homebrew/anaconda3/envs/coreml_debug/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/export/", line 1101, in _validate
  File "/opt/homebrew/anaconda3/envs/coreml_debug/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/_export/", line 157, in check
  File "/opt/homebrew/anaconda3/envs/coreml_debug/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/_export/", line 408, in _verify_exported_program_signature
    raise SpecViolationError(
torch._export.verifier.SpecViolationError: Buffer output getitem does not point to a buffer that exists.
Dict of buffers that are mutated, in order: {'getitem': 'state_1'}
Buffer nodes available: []
cccclai commented 1 month ago

After checking, some changes need to be added to the delegate infra to support consuming the mutable buffer. It is our first case to have the backend to consume the mutable buffer. @angelayi will help add the feature.

kimishpatel commented 1 month ago

@cccclai can you describe what is the nature of the change?

cccclai commented 1 month ago

@cccclai can you describe what is the nature of the change?

We'd need to add some changes in and to support backend consuming the in-place ops. Since we didn't have a backend that can consume in place ops before, it's the first time we test this branch.

cccclai commented 1 month ago

There are some progress from @angelayi on this. is first pr and there will be one more pr to resolve it.

YifanShenSZ commented 1 week ago

Verified. Thanks team!