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Colab tutoral doesn't work #312

Open podturkinalex opened 1 year ago

podturkinalex commented 1 year ago

After this code: results_per_input = utils.decode_results(detections_batch) best_results_per_input = [utils.pick_best(results, 0.40) for results in results_per_input]

I've got this error:

`RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 results_per_input = utils.decode_results(detections_batch) 2 best_results_per_input = [utils.pick_best(results, 0.40) for results in results_per_input]

2 frames ~/.cache/torch/hub/NVIDIA_DeepLearningExamples_torchhub/PyTorch/Detection/SSD/ssd/ in decode_single(self, bboxes_in, scores_in, criteria, max_output, maxnum) 219 , max_ids = scores_out.sort(dim=0) 220 max_ids = max_ids[-max_output:] --> 221 return bboxes_out[max_ids, :], labels_out[max_ids], scores_out[max_ids] 222 223

RuntimeError: indices should be either on cpu or on the same device as the indexed tensor (cpu)`