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Find a common home for decompositions, perhaps outside of the obliquely named _refs directory #124427

Open dan-garvey opened 3 months ago

dan-garvey commented 3 months ago

🚀 The feature, motivation and pitch

Downstream torch.compile user here.

I recently went through a bit of a frustrating process where I was under the naive and mistaken impression that the torch decompositions entirely lived here:

So when hitting an issue with an op, my go to is to check and see if there is a decomposition. (ctrl +f in that file) In my case, I was looking for the decomposition of aten.linspace.Tensor_Tensor, which does not live in that file but instead lives under _refs/ Unfortunately for me, I only discovered this a two working days later after trying to resolve the issue with that op at a different compiler level.

Now I could have used a more holistic search method like: repo:pytorch/pytorch @register_decomposition(aten.linspace

but I do think that the current set of decompositions are at least a little fragmented across the codebase: shows: torch/_inductor/ torch/refs/__init_\.py torch/_decomp/ torch/jit/ torch/_refs/ torch/_refs/ (and several more cases under _refs)

I'm by no means an expert on pytorch repo structure, and the way it is now could totally make sense and I just don't get it, but from my narrow, external perspective, the 6500 line refs/__init_\.py feels disorganized and unintuitive.

I realize I'm not offering much in terms of a solution here, but I expect that experienced contributors who are interested in keeping the codebase as organized as possible will be better equipped than I am to propose solutions. (if it is even a problem)


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cc @ezyang @msaroufim @bdhirsh @anijain2305 @chauhang

ezyang commented 3 months ago

The historic reason for this organization is torch/_refs was intended to be a pure Python reimplementation of the entirety of the PyTorch frontend (e.g., you could substitute torch with torch._refs) but the camp for that lost out to the camp that just wrote decomps for aten operators because this was easier to do and more expedient.

I do agree it's kind of disorganized but I'm not really sure what a more intuitive organization is.

masnesral commented 2 months ago

Discussed in the triage meeting. We'll take proposals for reorganization, but it's low priority internally.