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[Feature Request] Action Masking #1404

Closed Kang-SungKu closed 1 year ago

Kang-SungKu commented 1 year ago


I recently started learning TorchRL, and creating a custom environment (using torchrl.envs.EnvBase) based on the documentation ( For my environment, I would like to apply an action mask, such that the environment does not allow infeasible action based on the observation (for example, suppose the action is to choose a trump card, the number of A is limited, such that it cannot be chosen once all the A's are drawn). So far, I could not find a way to implement action masking for the environment, but it would be a convenient feature to implement similar environment.


It would be convenient if I can include a mask as a part of the observation_spec, such that the environment can tell feasible/infeasible actions based on the observation (even when a random action is chosen). Currently, my environment cannot pass torchrl.envs.utils.check_env_specs() since infeasible actions are chosen.

If it is not reasonable to implement this feature, any alternative way to implement an action mask is appreciated.


I searched with the keyword 'Action Masking', but could not find relevant issues. Sorry if I missed something.

1030852813 commented 1 year ago

Please! I do need this feature so bad. Could anyone provide any RL library that supports action space?

smorad commented 1 year ago

You could do this in a TensorDictModule.

class ActionMask(TensorDictModule):
  def forward(self, td):
    if td['observation'] == 1:
      td['action'][:, 0] = 0

policy = Sequential(EGreedyWrapper(Sequential(mlp, QValueModule())), ActionMask())
Kang-SungKu commented 1 year ago

@1030852813 , TensorFlow Agents supports action masking. It allows to pass mask to their policy as the parameter named observation_and_action_constraint_splitter, and policies implement action masking in different ways, for example:

The good thing about their implementation is that the policies are designed to use the same form of observation_and_action_constraint_splitter. I am considering several options based on what @smorad mentioned to see what is reasonable.

vmoens commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting this! We should enable this use case, you are totally right.

What is the domain of the actions? Should this work for continuous and discrete or just discrete?

Can you provide a small example of what you'd like to see as a transform for that? In the example you gave the mask is changing continuously, I guess that should be an input to the transform too?

Kang-SungKu commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your response. I am considering a discrete action space at this point, but it would be useful if it is possible to define masks for continuous action space as well. I have not come up with the full list of transforms I need, so I am currently following the DQN example ( without transform (in other words, empty Compose() is used) to see what modification is required to make the action mask work. I plan to use transform RewardSum if I can print the history of episode_reward with logger and recorder (any guidance would be appreciated for this).

Environment Setting

Here is a simplified version of my environment that needs action mask (not the actual environment):

Modifications to make the action mask work

Given this environment, here is the list of modifications I needed to make to run the DQN example with action masking. I am new to Torch, so Feel free to let me know if there are better ways of implementation.

  1. It is necessary to redefine rand_action to utilize action masking. This is required as the collector (may) use the function rollout to collect frames, which generates random action satisfying the action_spec without considering the action mask. What I did is just keep sampling the random actions until it satisfies the action mask like below:

    def rand_action(self, tensordict: TensorDictBase | None = None):
        shape = tensordict.shape
        infeasible = True
        while infeasible:
            action_onehot = self.action_spec.rand(shape=shape)
            infeasible = False if, self._action_mask) > 0 else True
        tensordict.update({ACTION: action_onehot})
        return tensordict
  2. make_env function in the DQN example returns the environment as TransformedEnv, but TransformedEnv seems to use EnvBase.rand_action even when rand_action is re-defined in the custom environment. To prevent this, the custom environment is used without conversion to TransformedEnv, but should have the attribute custom_env.transform to run the trainer (for example, custom_env.transform = Compose() to use empty transform.

  3. For DQN actor, I wrote a TensorDictModule that re-sample the action after changing the Q-value of the infeasible actions (changing the Q value too much seems to lead to invalid Q-values, so I need to double-check it).

    class ActionMaskingModule(TensorDictModuleBase):
    def __init__(self):
        self.in_keys=['action', 'action_value', 'chosen_action_value', ACTION_MASK]
        self.out_keys=['action', 'action_value', 'chosen_action_value']
    def forward(self, tensordict: TensorDict):
        # Retrieve mask and action_value
        action = tensordict.get(self.in_keys[0], None)
        action_value = tensordict.get(self.in_keys[1], None)
        chosen_action_value = tensordict.get(self.in_keys[2], None)
        action_mask = tensordict.get(self.in_keys[3], None).to(action_value.dtype)
        if action.sum() == 0.0: exit()    # Some exception
        if 2 in action: exit()                   # Some exception
        # Update action_value, and then update action & chosen_action_value
        action_value_out = torch.where(,
        action_out = (action_value_out == action_value_out.max(dim=-1, keepdim=True)[0]).to(torch.long)
        chosen_action_value_out = (action_out * action_value_out).sum(-1, True)
        # Update the tensordict to be returned
        tensordict.update(dict(zip(self.out_keys, (action_out, action_value_out, chosen_action_value_out))))
        return tensordict

    The action mask module is attached after the QValueActor as follows when the actor is created:

    actor = SafeSequential(QValueActor(module=net,
                 ActionMaskingModule() ).to(device)
  4. Lastly, I needed to define a subclass EGreedyWrapper, similar to the reason I redefined rand_action for my environment, such that random actions are re-sampled until they satisfy the action mask (I will skip the implementation since it is similar to what I did for rand_action).

Question and/or Suggestion

Based on the observation, I believe it would be helpful to have variants of OneHotDiscreteTensorSpec and/or MultiDiscreteTensorSpec which can incorporate a mask when a random action is sampled. This will address 1., 2., and 4. at this same time, and eliminate the necessity to re-define all the random samplings in different locations.

Also, in my case, action mask is similar to one hot discrete tensor (should have at least one 1, except for the terminal state) but may have multiple 1's, so wonder if there is a spec which satisfies the requirements. I am using MultiDiscreteTensorSpec, which allows sampling zero array, which requires another exception handling from my side (especially when a fake_tensordict is generated and fed to an actor)

For a specific type of actor (including Q-actor), it would be too much to implement action masking features since different algorithms may utilize action mask differently. I believe it is reasonable to add an argument mask (or action_mask_key) and specify where the mask should be implemented (probably with NotImplementedError), such that one can easily customize the actors to utilize an action mask.

As I mentioned, I would be appreciated if there are better (or more desirable) ways of implementation.

vmoens commented 1 year ago

Could you look at the PR above and let me know if that helps solving your problem? Here's a notebook with some quick tests

fedebotu commented 1 year ago

Hi there, dropping by since it would be a very useful feature for our RL4CO library :) So far, we have been dealing with the action_mask internally and we do the random sampling similarly to how you managed it here.reshape(*shape_out%2C%201)) with torch.multinomial. As @Kang-SungKu suggested, it would be useful to add a masking key that you implemented here. A minor detail we would recommend to change is to default the mask_key kwarg to action_mask instead of mask, since action_mask seems to be more clear and widely used, as also done in Gymnasium/Gym in this example.

Kang-SungKu commented 1 year ago

@vmoens , I re-installed torchrl (masked_action branch) and tensordict based on your notebook, and copy-pasted the script in the section Masked actions in env: ActionMask transform without modification.

I confirmed that rand_step(td) draws infeasible action without applying the transform ActionMask() (I assume this is intended behavior), but I still get the following error when I run rollout with the environment transformed with ActionMask():

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\{workspace_path}\", line 45, in <module>
    r = env.rollout(10)
  File "C:\{conda_env_path}\lib\site-packages\torchrl\envs\", line 1222, in rollout
    tensordict = self.reset()
  File "C:\{conda_env_path}\lib\site-packages\torchrl\envs\", line 944, in reset
    tensordict_reset = self._reset(tensordict, **kwargs)
  File "C:\{conda_env_path}\lib\site-packages\torchrl\envs\transforms\", line 696, in _reset
    out_tensordict = self.transform._call(out_tensordict)
  File "C:\{conda_env_path}\lib\site-packages\torchrl\envs\transforms\", line 4461, in _call
    mask = tensordict.get(self.in_keys[1])
AttributeError: 'DiscreteTensorSpec' object has no attribute 'get'

I get the same attribute error when I change action_spec from DiscreteTensorSpec to OneHotDiscreteTensorSpec as well. Can you let me know what would be the issue? I think something might be slightly different from your settings, or I missed something simple. I appreciate your time!

vmoens commented 1 year ago

A minor detail we would recommend to change is to default the mask_key kwarg to action_mask instead of mask, since action_mask seems to be more clear and widely used, as also done in Gymnasium/Gym in this example.

I can see the point. A self-explanatory name and a clear purpose are great.

Kang-SungKu commented 1 year ago

@vmoens , is there anything I can check with to address the AttributeError: 'DiscreteTensorSpec' object has no attribute 'get' (maybe the version of specific dependencies)? Sorry if these are too simple things that I am missing. I really appreciate your time!

Kang-SungKu commented 1 year ago

@vmoens , thank you for your help which made the implementation cleaner. I made several modifications to make the action_mask work with the dqn tutorial. I am still validating if there are any unhandled exceptions, and I would appreciate more efficient implementations.

Modified Locations (Note: masked_actions branch of torchrl should be used to enable experimental masking features.)

  1. The function reset() of the transform ActionMask should be fixed to return tensordict rather than action_spec to avoid AttributeError: 'DiscreteTensorSpec' object has no attribute 'get'. This fix allows the transformed environment to run rollout(policy=None) without an error. The corresponding location is as follows:

  2. Experimental masking features are not enabled for EGreedyWrapper. To make it use a mask, it is necessary to assign mask to the action spec like spec.mask = tensordict['action_mask'] shown as follows:

    def forward(self, tensordict: TensorDictBase) -> TensorDictBase:
        tensordict = self.td_module.forward(tensordict)
            if spec is not None:
                if isinstance(spec, CompositeSpec):
                    spec = spec[self.action_key]
                    if 'action_mask' in tensordict.keys():
                        spec.mask = tensordict['action_mask']
                out = cond * spec.rand().to(out.device) + (1 - cond) * out
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "spec must be provided by the policy or directly to the exploration wrapper."
            action_tensordict.set(action_key, out)
        return tensordict

    The corresponding location is as follows:

  3. To make QValueActor (or other actors) use the mask, it is necessary to add an additional TensorDictModule applying action mask. I created a masked variant of QValueActor where an additional TensorDictModule is applied between q_net module (such as DuelingCnnDQNet) and QValueModule. The following code shows an intermediate module masking is added before QValueModule to apply a mask before evaluating argmax. Other than that, this class is the same as the original QValueActor.

    class MaskedQValueActor(SafeSequential):
    def __init__(
        action_space: Optional[str] = None,
        ## Create q_net module
        action_space, spec = _process_action_space_spec(action_space, spec)
        spec[action_value_key] = None
        spec["chosen_action_value"] = None
        ##### Create masking module start ######################
        if action_mask_key is None:
            action_mask_key = "action_mask"
        in_keys_masking = [action_value_key, action_mask_key]
        masking = TensorDictModule(
            lambda action_value, action_mask: torch.where(action_mask, action_value, torch.finfo(action_value.dtype).min),
            #lambda action_value, action_mask: torch.where(action_mask, action_value, action_value.min()-1.0),
        ##### Create masking module end ########################
        ## Create q_value module
        qvalue = QValueModule(
        super().__init__(module, masking, value)
  4. I needed to modify DQNLoss since it seems to expect a one-hot encoded action spec. I disabled action = action.unsqueeze(-1) in the following location to avoid adding a redundant axis to action.

vmoens commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this. I'm on PTO these days so that's why I'm not actively participating in this thread (or others FWIW). I will catch up as soon as I'm back! Sorry about that.

Kang-SungKu commented 1 year ago

No problem. I will let you know if I have any updates about this.

vmoens commented 1 year ago

The PR should be fixed now, the notebook works on my side. If you're happy with it we can merge it.

Kang-SungKu commented 1 year ago

I confirmed that the notebook works on my side as well.

If possible, I suggest EGreedyWrapper accept an optional argument like action_mask_key, such that spec.mask is assigned to apply the action mask when the key is passed to EGreedyWrapper (see item 2. in my previous report).

I still need to make the same modification to DQNLoss to make the DQN tutorial work (see item 4. in my previous report), when the action spec is DiscreteTensorSpec or BinaryDiscreteTensorSpec. I am not sure whether modifying it would affect other components, so it might require additional investigation.

I see that there is an ongoing discussion on check_env_specs in PR. It would be convenient to make the env pass the check_env_specs with the action mask incorporated.

I think PR can be merged when EGreedyWrapper and check_env_specs work with an action mask.

vmoens commented 1 year ago

As discussed with @matteobettini, we think EGreedy and DQN compatibility is a separate issue that deserves to be addressed in independent PRs. Happy to tackle these asap.