pytorch / serve

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Open Inference Protocol with nightly build not working #2951

Open harshita-meena opened 4 months ago

harshita-meena commented 4 months ago

🐛 Describe the bug

While trying to run load tests with latest merged changes on v2 Open inference protocol, I noticed that the example for mnist does not work in preprocessing step.

Error logs

The server side showed error

Screen Shot 2024-02-20 at 4 46 38 PM

Installation instructions

ARG VERSION=latest-cpu
ARG IMAGE_NAME=pytorch/torchserve-nightly


USER root

RUN apt-get -y update
RUN apt-get install -y curl vim

# Installation steps to download model from GCP
# Downloading gcloud package
RUN curl > /tmp/google-cloud-sdk.tar.gz

# Installing the package
RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/gcloud \
  && tar -C /usr/local/gcloud -xvf /tmp/google-cloud-sdk.tar.gz \
  && /usr/local/gcloud/google-cloud-sdk/

# Adding the package path to local
ENV PATH $PATH:/usr/local/gcloud/google-cloud-sdk/bin


RUN pip install protobuf googleapis-common-protos grpcio loguru

COPY /home/model-server/
COPY mnist.mar /home/model-server/model-store/

copied model from gs://kfserving-examples/models/torchserve/image_classifier/v2/model-store/mnist.mar Built the docker file using docker build -f Dockerfile -t metadata . and brought it up locally Ran ghz load test tool with

ghz  --proto serve/frontend/server/src/main/resources/proto/open_inference_grpc.proto   --call org.pytorch.serve.grpc.openinference.GRPCInferenceService/ModelInfer --duration 300s --rps 1 --insecure localhost:79 -D ./serve/kubernetes/kserve/kf_request_json/v2/mnist/mnist_v2_tensor_grpc.json

Model Packaing

Used an existing packaged model mnist.mar at gs://kfserving-examples/models/torchserve/image_classifier/v2

inference_address= management_address= metrics_address= enable_metrics_api=true model_metrics_auto_detect=true metrics_mode=prometheus number_of_netty_threads=32 job_queue_size=1000 enable_envvars_config=true model_store=/home/model-server/model-store load_models=mnist.mar workflow_store=/home/model-server/wf-store


Environment headers

Torchserve branch:

**Warning: torchserve not installed .. torch-model-archiver==0.9.0

Python version: 3.7 (64-bit runtime) Python executable: /Users/hmeena/development/ml-platform-control-planes/venv/bin/python

Versions of relevant python libraries: numpy==1.21.6 requests==2.31.0 requests-oauthlib==1.3.1 torch-model-archiver==0.9.0 wheel==0.41.0 Warning: torch not present .. Warning: torchtext not present .. Warning: torchvision not present .. Warning: torchaudio not present ..

Java Version:

OS: Mac OSX 11.7.8 (x86_64) GCC version: N/A Clang version: 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29) CMake version: version 3.23.2

Versions of npm installed packages: **Warning: newman, newman-reporter-html markdown-link-check not installed...

Repro instructions

same as installation instruction

Possible Solution

I am unsure of how well the OIP is working with Torchserve at the moment. I tried a small ranker example and it fails in the post processing step where the worker crashes completely, it is not able to send response as ModelInferResponse.

agunapal commented 4 months ago

Hi @harshita-meena Thanks for reporting the issue.

Do you mind trying this script

We are running this nightly.

harshita-meena commented 4 months ago

Currently I am trying to setup the tests but they will probably not fail because the images used in oip kserve yamls are custom ones (http and grpc) and both do not refer to nightly ones though are part of the at lines 189 and 215.

harshita-meena commented 4 months ago

Still struggling to get the tests running, if you can approve the workflow for this PR. The primary reason I am trying to get this working is because I wanted to use Open Inference Protocol for a non-kserve deployment. Everything works till the worker dies after the post processing step. I was heavily relying on this because OIP provides a great generic metadata/inference API. If this doesn't work I will use the inference.proto instead.

Screen Shot 2024-02-21 at 10 08 16 AM Screen Shot 2024-02-21 at 10 08 30 AM
agunapal commented 4 months ago

Hi @harshita-meena Thanks for the details. Checking with kserve regarding this. Will update

harshita-meena commented 4 months ago

You can reproduce the worker died issue, if you build the dockerfile part of this issue with config properties and create a new mnist.mar with a slightly modified handler for OIP specific requests. (attached a zip)

torch-model-archiver --model-name mnist --version 1.0 --serialized-file --model-file --handler -r requirements.txt

ghz --proto serve/frontend/server/src/main/resources/proto/open_inference_grpc.proto --call org.pytorch.serve.grpc.openinference.GRPCInferenceService/ModelInfer --duration 300s --rps 1 --insecure localhost:79 -D ./serve/kubernetes/kserve/kf_request_json/v2/mnist/mnist_v2_tensor_grpc.json

agunapal commented 3 months ago

Hi @harshita-meena Thanks! This is a new feature and there might be bugs. Will update when I repro it

harshita-meena commented 3 months ago

Hi @agunapal I was wondering if you identified the reason for the issue or got a chance to discuss with kserve.

harshita-meena commented 3 months ago

I figured out the solution and will reply back with it soon. Thankyou!

agunapal commented 3 months ago

Hi @harshita-meena I was able to repro the issue with the steps you shared. Please feel free to send a PR if you have identified the problem

harshita-meena commented 3 months ago

It is how the OIP expects the response, I was sending only dict or only list but if I send list of dicts containing parameters specific to OIP response, it will give successful prediction.

    def postprocess(self, data):
        """The post process of MNIST converts the predicted output response to a label.

            data (list): The predicted output from the Inference with probabilities is passed
            to the post-process function
            list : A list of dictionary with predictons and explanations are returned.

        return [{

harshita-meena commented 3 months ago

Just saw your message @agunapal, if it helps I can submit a PR with only handler specific to OIP.

agunapal commented 3 months ago

Hi @harshita-meena The error you posted and the one I see is in pre-processing? So, how is it related to post-processing.

Also, I'm wondering how do we address this backward compatibility breaking change for post-processing

harshita-meena commented 3 months ago

Apologies if my stream of errors confused you about the actual issue.

My main goal is to get an inference working with gRPC using Open Inference Protocol in a basic deployment not using kserve.

The pre-processing error is because I was using the old handler when i first started this issue that didn't extract the request following Open Inference Protocol but using the old inference.proto. The second error I posted is after I finally resolved pre-processing but I was not able to figure out the post processing step. Finally yesterday I was able to figure out how the post processing step should look.

Overall if your question is how can we prevent the worker from crashing, it will be in the OIP server logic in

Posting my findings from yesterday The issue was in postprocessing before a response is sent, assuming the prediction is for a batch of 1 and has model predicted value 0.

But if i send a response as a list of dictionary, the parsing logic goes through so OIP response can process it. [{"model_name":....."outputs":[{"name":"output-0","datatype":"INT64","shape":["1"],"data":[0]}] We will have to send each and every parameter part of OIP response (even the ones that are optional in the protocol) otherwise Pytorch Worker will crash in parsing.

agunapal commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the detailed findings. cc @lxning