pytorch / text

Models, data loaders and abstractions for language processing, powered by PyTorch
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UTF-8 error with testing set of `torchtext.datasets.Multi30k(language_pair=("de", "en"))`. #2221

Open raaaaaymond opened 6 months ago

raaaaaymond commented 6 months ago

🐛 Bug

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Getting the following error while attempting to iterate through the testing set of (the 3rd thing returned by) torchtext.datasets.Multi30k(language_pair=("de", "en")):

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x80 in position 37: invalid start byte

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install torch torchaudio torchdata torchtext torchvision.
  2. Run the following code:
    training, validation, testing = torchtext.datasets.Multi30k(language_pair=("de", "en"))
    for thing in testing:
  3. Observe UnicodeDecodeError.

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

There should be no error, but a print out of the data. For example, if instead of for thing in testing, we did for thing in validation or for thing in training, then everything works as expected.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Not necessary; just observe the error.


Please copy and paste the output from our environment collection script (or fill out the checklist below manually).

PyTorch version: 2.1.2+cu121
Is debug build: False
CUDA used to build PyTorch: 12.1
ROCM used to build PyTorch: N/A

OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
GCC version: (MinGW-W64 x86_64-msvcrt-posix-seh, built by Brecht Sanders) 13.1.0
Clang version: Could not collect
CMake version: version 3.28.0-rc1
Libc version: N/A

Python version: 3.11.6 (tags/v3.11.6:8b6ee5b, Oct  2 2023, 14:57:12) [MSC v.1935 64 bit (AMD64)] (64-bit runtime)
Python platform: Windows-10-10.0.22621-SP0
Is CUDA available: True
CUDA runtime version: 12.2.128
GPU models and configuration: GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080
Nvidia driver version: 546.17
cuDNN version: Could not collect
HIP runtime version: N/A
MIOpen runtime version: N/A
Is XNNPACK available: True

Versions of relevant libraries:
[pip3] mypy==1.6.0
[pip3] mypy-extensions==1.0.0
[pip3] numpy==1.26.0
[pip3] torch==2.1.2+cu121
[pip3] torchaudio==2.1.2+cu121
[pip3] torchdata==0.7.1
[pip3] torchtext==0.16.2
[pip3] torchvision==0.16.2+cu121
[conda] Could not collect

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

matekrk commented 6 months ago

Hi, I encountered same issues (working on ) Any updates on that?

zh-jp commented 5 months ago

Hi, I encountered same issues (working on ) Any updates on that?

I'm learning this repository too. And this issue happend when running:

train, val, test = datasets.Multi30k(language_pair=("de", "en"))

Inspired by processing datasets separately, this modified code can run successfully:

train = datasets.Multi30k(root='.data', split='train', language_pair=('de', 'en'))
val = datasets.Multi30k(root='.data', split='valid', language_pair=('de', 'en'))

But if you add test, the error will occur, for reasons I don't know.

The package version is following:

pytorch                   2.1.2           py3.11_cuda12.1_cudnn8_0    pytorch
pytorch-cuda              12.1                 hde6ce7c_5    pytorch
pytorch-mutex             1.0                        cuda    pytorch

torchaudio                2.1.2                    pypi_0    pypi
torchdata                 0.7.1                     py311    pytorch
torchtext                 0.16.2                    py311    pytorch
torchvision               0.16.2                   pypi_0    pypi
foxy6624 commented 4 months ago

The error occurred because the original server went down, so the download link for the Multi30k dataset was temporarily modified. For example, the download link for the test set is:, This compressed file contains .test.* and test.* files( represents en, de, fr). However, the _filter_fn function filters files based on whether the filename contains: `test., which also matches.test.files. The.test.` files contain illegal utf-8 characters, causing an error when reading the file.

Possible solutions are:

  1. Change the download link for the Multi30k dataset back to the original, see:
  2. Modify _filter_fn function to match whether it contains /test.* (with an additional slash) instead of test.*, eg:return f"/{_PREFIX[split]}.{language_pair[i]}" in x[0].
  3. Manually download and unzip the test.* files to the torch cache directory: ~/.cache/torch/text/datasets/Multi30k/.
OnlyBelter commented 3 months ago

The test set is still not working!

I'm using the following version:

torch                     2.2.2                    pypi_0    pypi
torchdata                 0.7.1                    pypi_0    pypi
torchtext                 0.17.2                   pypi_0    pypi

It constantly throws an error: UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x80 in position 37: invalid start byte.