In the recent release torchvision added support for mobilenet v3 and extended it to work with instance segmentation models.
However, support for Mask R-CNN with MobileNet v3 backbone is still missing and would be a worthy addition.
Similar module like torchvision.models.detection.fasterrcnn_mobilenet_v3_large_fpn but to work with Mask R-CNN like resnet hastorchvision.models.detection.maskrcnn_resnet50_fpn
MobileNet V3 would make inference much faster
Mask R-CNN is widely used owing to its dual use of getting mask+bounding box
🚀 Feature
Add Mask R-CNN with MobileNet v3 backbone
In the recent release torchvision added support for mobilenet v3 and extended it to work with instance segmentation models.
However, support for Mask R-CNN with MobileNet v3 backbone is still missing and would be a worthy addition.Pitch
but to work with Mask R-CNN like resnet hastorchvision.models.detection.maskrcnn_resnet50_fpn