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Random transforms for both input and target? #9

Closed fmassa closed 6 years ago

fmassa commented 7 years ago

In some scenarios (like semantic segmentation), we might want to apply the same random transform to both the input and the GT labels (cropping, flip, rotation, etc). I think we can get this behaviour emulated in a segmentation dataset class by resetting the random seed before calling the transform for the labels. This sound a bit fragile though.

One other possibility is to have the transforms accept both inputs and targets as arguments.

Do you have any better solutions?

soumith commented 7 years ago

hmm, good point. We could make a stateful transform object that resets the random seed every 2 steps. To do this you simply have to create a class with the call operator that is stateful.

For example:

trans = transforms.tworandom(transforms.compose([...]))
dataset = dset.SegmentationDset(...,transform=trans, target_transform=trans)
colesbury commented 7 years ago

Ewww, that's a fragile ugly hack. I also don't see how it will help, since the target isn't an image.

Can't you just extend the CocoDataset? Generate the random parameters and then apply the same logical op to both image and target:

class TransformedCocoDataset(CocoDataset):
  def __getitem__(self, i):
    input, target = super(TransformedCocoDataset, self).__getitem__(i)
    hflip = random.random() < 0.5
    if hflip:
      # flip target rectangle
    # etc.
    return input, target

Perhaps we should provide similar operations that work on bounding boxes?

colesbury commented 7 years ago

Oh -- I misread the issue. I guess the target is an image for segmentation. It still seems to me like you want to generate the random parameters once and apply the operation twice. For things that aren't trivial (like RandomSizedCrop), we may want to refactor out the part that generates the random parameters to the image op. Probably don't have to do anything for trivial ops like horizontal-flip.

fmassa commented 7 years ago

I think the solution proposed by @colesbury about sub-classing on the dataset is the most general one. In a maybe cleaner way, this solution is actually equivalent to using a transformdataset from tnt with a single callable instead of a dict of callables.

Also, the current way of passing transform and target_transform in every dataset is equivalent to using a transformdataset with dicts of transforms as input (and returning dicts as well instead of tuples).

As such, are you ok if we merge tnt datasets into core, and remove transform and target_transform arguments from vision datasets?

ClementPinard commented 7 years ago

The way I see it in @colesbury code, we will have the same probleme when trying to compose different transform functions, because random parameters are created within the call function. we won't be able to customize transform functions, and will have to create a subdataset per set of transform functions we want to try.

What about special transformation for both imputs and targets ? This may create some duplicates functions like randomcrop for image based target (maybe add target as an optional argument ?) , but i don't see how we would apply properly coherent transformations for input and target.

We could also give a seed as an argument in addition to img in getitem , but we are not garanteed transform and target_transform will be constructed in a dual manner such that random variables will have coherent effects (like flipping both inputs and targets, or translating BB coordinates according to input img transformation)

I feel like there should 3 types of transform : transform_input that deals with transformations that are independent of target, like flip-crop for classification, transform_target idem for target and lastly co_transform(sorry about bad terminology) that deals with dependent transformations and must take input and target as arguments and I believe concerns the vast majority of data augmentation for more geometric problems, such as detection, depth estimation, flow, etc

abeschneider commented 7 years ago

I actually just ran into this problem myself. Another potential solution is to allow transforms to perform the same operation over a list of images. Thus, CocoDataset would look like:

if self.transform is not None:
    img, label = self.transform(img, label)

and the transform itself may look like:

    def __call__(self, *images):
        # perform some check to make sure images are all the same size
        if self.padding > 0:
            images = [ImageOps.expand(img, border=self.padding, fill=0) for im in images]

        w, h = images[0].size
        th, tw = self.size
        if w == tw and h == th:
            return images

        x1 = random.randint(0, w - tw)
        y1 = random.randint(0, h - th)
        return [img.crop((x1, y1, x1 + tw, y1 + th)) for img in images]

It may be possible to further abstract this out and create a container class for an image that automatically applies the same operations across the collection. That way the operations could be agnostic to what they are actually operating on.

fmassa commented 7 years ago

I gave it a shot on implementing some generic random transform that could be applied so several inputs (even for example images + bounding boxes). An example implementation can be found here. Here are the main ideas:

It's a bit rough (and maybe a bit too complicated), but it could handle the cases we have mentioned in this thread.

bodokaiser commented 7 years ago

@fmassa does your proposal also consider transforms which depend on input and target image?

This would be helpful when you have for example want to crop your input image to the size of the target image.

fmassa commented 7 years ago

@bodokaiser Yes, this should be handled as well. All you need to do is to create a transform that take both input and target and perform the operation, returning input and target. Here is an example:

class MyJointOp(object):
    def __call__(self, input, target):
        # perform something on input and target
        return input, target

and then you would use it as follows (using my transforms), supposing that your dataset outputs input and target:

flip_gen = mytransforms.RandomFlipGenerator()
    MyJointOp(), # take all inputs/targets
    [transforms.ColorAugmentation(), None], # Color augmentation in input, no operation in target
    flip_gen, # get a random seed for the flip transform and returns the identity
    [transforms.RandomFlip(flip_gen), transforms.RandomFlip(flip_gen)], # apply the same flip to input and target
bodokaiser commented 7 years ago

@fmassa Do you plan to merge your implementation into torchvision?

fmassa commented 7 years ago

@bodokaiser for the moment I'll only merge the part that separates the random parameters from the transforms, so that you can apply the same random transform to different inputs / targets. We decided that my proposal brings too much complexity, and that it's up to the user to subclass their dataset and add the random transforms that you want.

bodokaiser commented 7 years ago

@fmassa I understand the complexity argument moreover supporting same random parameters for both transforms is already a huge plus.

I think for my problems I will end up just moving some preprocessing to map(preprocess, loader) so that I can filter out bad samples from my dataset or other transforms which require both input and target data.

oeway commented 7 years ago

Hi guys, for the same issue, I proposed a similar solution by sharing the seed across input and target transform functions in Keras: . As mentioned above, that's too complicated to handle, my implementation is buggy and not thread-safe(the input and target can mis-synchronised).

When moving to torch, I found the easy and robust way to implementing this kind of transformations is by merging and splitting image channels.

The idea is to use one transform for handling both input and target images, by using Merge() and Split, we can merge input and target images along channel-dimension, and then we can apply the transform, after, we split it back.

Here is my implementation:

transform = EnhancedCompose([
    Merge(),              # merge input and target along the channel axis
    Split([0,1],[1,2]),  # split into 2 images
    [CenterCropNumpy(size=input_shape), CenterCropNumpy(size=target_shape)],
    [NormalizeNumpy(), None],
    [Lambda(to_tensor), Lambda(to_tensor)]
class EnhancedCompose(object):
    """Composes several transforms together, support separate transformations for multiple input.
    def __init__(self, transforms):
        self.transforms = transforms

    def __call__(self, img):
        for t in self.transforms:
            if isinstance(t, collections.Sequence):
                assert isinstance(img, collections.Sequence) and len(img) == len(t), "size of image group and transform group does not fit"
                tmp_ = []
                for i, im_ in enumerate(img):
                    if callable(t[i]):
                img = tmp_
            elif callable(t):
                img = t(img)
            elif t is None:
                raise Exception('unexpected type')                
        return img

class Merge(object):
    """Merge a group of images
    def __init__(self, axis=-1):
        self.axis = axis
    def __call__(self, images):
        if isinstance(images, collections.Sequence) or isinstance(images, np.ndarray):
            assert all([isinstance(i, np.ndarray) for i in images]), 'only numpy array is supported'
            shapes = [list(i.shape) for i in images]
            for s in shapes:
                s[self.axis] = None
            assert all([s==shapes[0] for s in shapes]), 'shapes must be the same except the merge axis'
            return np.concatenate(images, axis=self.axis)
            raise Exception("obj is not a sequence (list, tuple, etc)")

class Split(object):
    """Split images into individual images
    def __init__(self, *slices, **kwargs):
        assert isinstance(slices, collections.Sequence)
        slices_ = []
        for s in slices:
            if isinstance(s, collections.Sequence):
        assert all([isinstance(s, slice) for s in slices_]), 'slices must be consist of slice instances'
        self.slices = slices_
        self.axis = kwargs.get('axis', -1)

    def __call__(self, image):
        if isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
            ret = []
            for s in self.slices:
                sl = [slice(None)]*image.ndim
                sl[self.axis] = s
            return ret
            raise Exception("obj is not an numpy array")

Also note that, by doing this, I would propose to implement all the transformations with numpy and scipy.ndimage in torchvision, which is more powerful than PIL, and also to get rid of the limitations on the channel number and image mode that PIL can handle.

And this implementation can also support more than two image pairs, meaning sometimes we can have multiple inputs and outputs. For example, some kind of sample weight map which need to be transformed at the same time.

I have been using my implementation for a while and it helped me a lot. Let me know how do you think. if there is enough people interested, I could try to do a PR.

lwye commented 7 years ago

@oeway This idea is great for my current project that requires uncertain number of targets for an image. The transform functions seem to be different from that in torchvision. Could you provide the whole implementation for this project. I would like to give it a try. Thanks

oeway commented 7 years ago

@Iwye Thanks for your interest. The interface of transform functions are the same as torchvision (__init__ and __call__ interface), but you are right because I handle numpy arrays. I will try to clean up my code and put on git, hopefully soon.

lwye commented 7 years ago

@oeway Great. It will be more flexible to operate on numpy in my case. Look forward to it.

catalystfrank commented 7 years ago

So does anyone have any ideas about how to perform this transform.ColorAugmentation()? Any links of unmerger PR / fork is OK. Thanks in advance.

fmassa commented 7 years ago

@catalystfrank you can find color augmentation transforms in here.

bermanmaxim commented 7 years ago

@oeway one issue I see with that approach concerns the image-resizing random transforms: while the input image typically use bilinear transformation, the discretely-labelled target uses a neirest-neighbour assignment.

oeway commented 7 years ago

Once we can process different channels in one function, we can make a dedicated transform for that, for example, we can pass a list of interpolation methods for each channel or one method for all channels . That shouldn't be an issue.

On Tue, 18 Apr 2017 at 01:50 Maxim Berman wrote:

@oeway one issue I see with that approach concerns the image-resizing random transforms: while the input image typically use bilinear transformation, the discretely-labelled target uses a neirest-neighbour assignment.

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oeway commented 7 years ago

@lwye and others interested in my solution, here is a standalone image transform module for dense prediction tasks, I used for my project, in the end you can find some code shows how to use the module:

It's compatible with torch's transform function interface, but there is no dependency on torch functions, so you can use it with other DL libraries as well.

You may find bug or have ideas for improvement, in that case, please comment in the gist or here.

blackyang commented 7 years ago

any progress for this thread?

@oeway 's method is great for e.g. segmentation task but for detection where targets are not images, I think @fmassa 's proposal about using list of transforms is more general. Will that (or something similar) be merged to core? Or as mentioned it is up to users to subclass their datasets?

fmassa commented 7 years ago

@blackyang I need to write some tests to to verify if it works properly even in multi-threaded settings, but I've been lacking time to do it lately.

kulikovv commented 7 years ago

EDIT: modified to work with torchvision 0.7

I've solved this issue this way in my cityscape dataset wrapper:

def __getitem__(self,index):      
        img =[index]).convert('RGB')
        target =[index])

        seed = np.random.randint(2147483647) # make a seed with numpy generator 
        random.seed(seed) # apply this seed to img tranfsorms
        torch.manual_seed(seed) # needed for torchvision 0.7
        if self.transform is not None:
            img = self.transform(img)

        random.seed(seed) # apply this seed to target tranfsorms
        torch.manual_seed(seed) # needed for torchvision 0.7
        if self.target_transform is not None:
            target = self.target_transform(target)

        target = torch.ByteTensor(np.array(target))

        return img, target
bermanmaxim commented 7 years ago

In my segmentation application I have made some transformations functions that either accept an (image, label) pair, or a single (image), and that also work with (transormation_image, transormation_label) pairs, allowing me to use

transforms_train = JointCompose([RandomScale(0.5, 1.5) if args.random_scale else None, 
                                     RandomHorizontalFlip() if args.random_mirror else None,
                                     RandomCropPad(input_size, (0, IGNORE_LABEL)),
                                     [None, Scale((output_size[1], output_size[0]), NEAREST)],
                                     [Normalize(torch.from_numpy(IMG_MEAN)), None],

which expect an (image, label) pair as input. I wrote the code without wanting to be generic so it needs some work, but maybe its a direction to pursue, rather than concatenating the image and label along a channel.

perone commented 7 years ago

Another important feature that would be nice to have is to have a parameter for constructors or for the entire transformation pipeline that would accept a RandomState instead of setting global seeds or using global random generators. This is a very common design mistake, also seen on Keras and many other frameworks, where they keep setting global random seed everywhere.

fmassa commented 6 years ago

This issue is being addressed in #230, and a first PR was already sent in #240. Let's continue the discussion in #230.

lpuglia commented 6 years ago

For whom is still interested: I wrote a little hack that augment two images with the same transformation:

cj = transforms.ColorJitter(brightness=1.0, contrast=1.0, saturation=1.0, hue=1.0)
seed = np.random.randint(0,2**32)
pl = cj(x0)
pr = cj(x1)

setting the same seed of np.random will give you the same uniformly sampled values before the two color-jitters are applied.


apparently newer versions of TorchVision have started to use random package instead of numpy.random, solution:

cj = transforms.ColorJitter(brightness=1.0, contrast=1.0, saturation=1.0, hue=1.0)
seed = random.randint(0,2**32)
pl = cj(x0)
pr = cj(x1)
SDNAFIO commented 5 years ago

@lpuglia It just should be noted that this will give you the same random seed in each worker if you use num_workes > 1 in your DataLoader.

See also here:

weihaosky commented 4 years ago

I've solved this issue this way in my cityscape dataset wrapper:

def __getitem__(self,index):      
        img =[index]).convert('RGB')
        target =[index])

        seed = np.random.randint(2147483647) # make a seed with numpy generator 
        random.seed(seed) # apply this seed to img tranfsorms
        if self.transform is not None:
            img = self.transform(img)

        random.seed(seed) # apply this seed to target tranfsorms
        if self.target_transform is not None:
            target = self.target_transform(target)

        target = torch.ByteTensor(np.array(target))

        return img, target

It does not work for me. The colorjitter still performs different for multiple images. why?

weihaosky commented 4 years ago

Figured it out. Another random seed also needs to be set.

nik-hil commented 4 years ago

I find this helpful in image segmentation,

SebastienEske commented 4 years ago

Hello, I would really think that if each transform had its own RNG object, we could provide it with a seed and that would solve the problem. Something along the lines of

class mytrandomransform():
    def __init__(self, seed=None):
        self.rng = CMWC() #or any other RNG object
        if seed!=None:
    def run(self):
        return self.rng.random()
a = mytrans(2)
b = mytrans(2)

Here is a more complete code example And this is a fully backward compatible change since we only add one optional parameter when creating the transform.

ginobilinie commented 4 years ago

I gave it a shot on implementing some generic random transform that could be applied so several inputs (even for example images + bounding boxes). An example implementation can be found here. Here are the main ideas:

  • Allow to pass an arbitrarily nested tuple of inputs (can be image, labels, bboxes, masks, etc), and the Compose transform can accept the tuple instead of individual elements
  • The sequence of transforms should be a list as before, but if an entry is a list, then it is applied to the corresponding instance of the tuple of inputs, and if it's not, then it's applied to all the elements at the same time.
  • Every random transform should consist of 2 classes: a random generator, that generates the elements during the function call, and the transform itself, that can accept the generator object and uses the random parameters generated from it. It can thus allow the same transformation to be applied to different inputs by reusing the same implementation, and it's not needed to implement say RandomCrop2Images etc.
  • It's backward compatible with previous transforms.

It's a bit rough (and maybe a bit too complicated), but it could handle the cases we have mentioned in this thread. Yes, the main issue is if you use transforms.compose, then the call function of your transform operation can only take two positional arguments, one is self, another can be a tuple, for example, (img, gt). But it seems it can accept more than 1 returns.

LucaMarconato commented 3 years ago

Another possibility without having to change the seed it to save and load the state. In this example I transform both the origin and the target applying the same instance of a random transformation. For me the only seed making a change was the torch seed, not the random one or the numpy one.

t = transforms.RandomRotation(degrees=360)
state = torch.get_rng_state()
x = t(x)
y = t(y)
MarioGalindoQ commented 2 years ago

I think I have a simple solution: If the images are concatenated, the transformations are applied to all of them identically:

import torch
import torchvision.transforms as T

# Create two fake images (identical for test purposes):
image = torch.randn((3, 128, 128))
target = image.clone()

# This is the trick (concatenate the images):
both_images =, target.unsqueeze(0)),0)

# Apply the transformations to both images simultaneously:
transformed_images = T.RandomRotation(180)(both_images)

# Get the transformed images:
image_trans = transformed_images[0]
target_trans = transformed_images[1]

# Compare the transformed images:
torch.all(image_trans == target_trans).item()

>> True