pytorch / xla

Enabling PyTorch on XLA Devices (e.g. Google TPU)
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TPU Freezing on loss.backward() on same epoch. #7101

Open axhero7 opened 1 month ago

axhero7 commented 1 month ago

🐛 Bug

I am fine tuning a transformers model - openai whisper - and using pytorch to do the training. I am training using a google cloud TPU v4, and it freezes with zero errors at iteration 34. The model has been able to train for one full epoch (extremely slowly) on a google colab GPU, but want to train it for larger epochs, and batch size and learning using TPUs.

I've followed steps with #3203 , #2749 , and #1562, all fixes did not resolve my issues.

To Reproduce

Link to the Github


Let me know any information I can provide, thank you for helping!

axhero7 commented 1 month ago

Just adding, I wrote some print statements was able to figure out that it happens explicitly on the loss.backward() call, could be helpful.

JackCaoG commented 1 month ago

@wonjoolee95 can you take a look since you are offcall this week?

wonjoolee95 commented 3 weeks ago

Apologies for the late reply, as I've been away last week.

Hmm, nothing obviously wrong stands out to me looking at the code. @axhero7, can you dump the IR and HLO following I expect the dump to be large, so you can dump the IR/HLO right before the code starts to hang at loss.backward().