pytransitions / transitions

A lightweight, object-oriented finite state machine implementation in Python with many extensions
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GraphMachine: set proportional font or allow caller control #621

Closed ulemanstreaming closed 1 month ago

ulemanstreaming commented 1 year ago

You have an idea for a feature that would make transitions more helpful or easier to use? Great! We are looking forward to your suggestion.

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. No

Describe the solution you'd like The graphs drawn by GraphMachine are great, but the fixed-pitch font looks a bit clunky and takes more space than it needs to. I tried to pass a keyword argument to get_graph() (font= or fontname= or font_name=) but it's not set up to pass that on to dot and raises a TypeError.

In principle, the **kwargs parameter could allow for a passthrough argument that lets the caller set this kind of layout properties but a general solution might be tricky and a lot of work to implement. Simply picking a nicer font and sticking with it would be an improvement to me and, I hope, to many other users.

Additional context I started playing with FSMs using statemachine but switched to transitions because it seems better engineered (and more convenient for my purposes). Both packages produce similar graphs, but I think statemachine's look better (it uses Arial). (statemachine also makes nice, capitalized node labels from state names, but the font choice is the main thing for me.)

From transitions
From statemachine
aleneum commented 1 year ago

Hello @ulemanstreaming,

the diagrams module supports pygraphviz and graphviz backends and get_graph will return either pygraphviz or graphviz graph objects which you can edit to your liking. If you use pygraphviz (default) you could edit pygraphviz.AGraph attributes like this:

from transitions.extensions import GraphMachine

states = ["welcome", "industry", "usecase", "load_data"]
transitions = [
    ["next_step", "welcome", "industry"],
    ["next_step", "industry", "usecase"],
    ["next_step", "usecase", "load_data"],
    ["previous_step", "load_data", "usecase"],
    ["previous_step", "usecase", "industry"],
    ["previous_step", "industry", "welcome"],

m = GraphMachine(states=states, transitions=transitions, initial='welcome')
graph = m.get_combined_graph()
graph.graph_attr["fontname"] = "arial"
graph.edge_attr["fontname"] = "arial"
graph.node_attr["fontname"] = "arial"
graph.draw('graph_arial.png', prog='dot')


But there is also a mechanism for 'global' graph settings: The dot/graphviz settings are defined as class members (Graphmachine.machine_attributes, Graphmachine.style_attributes). For global changes you can either 'monkey patch' those or use inheritance and create your own configuration. For a start, you can copy the above mentioned configurations.

GraphMachine uses MarkupMachine to get a dictionary representation of the current machine configuration (states, transitions, etc.). You could override get_markup_config to intercept this process and add a capitalised label.

from transitions.extensions import GraphMachine
from copy import deepcopy

states = ["welcome", "industry", "usecase", "load_data"]
transitions = [
    ["next_step", "welcome", "industry"],
    ["next_step", "industry", "usecase"],
    ["next_step", "usecase", "load_data"],
    ["previous_step", "load_data", "usecase"],
    ["previous_step", "usecase", "industry"],
    ["previous_step", "industry", "welcome"],

machine_attributes = deepcopy(GraphMachine.machine_attributes)
style_attributes = deepcopy(GraphMachine.style_attributes)

machine_attributes["fontname"] = "arial"
style_attributes["node"]["default"]["fontname"] = "arial"
style_attributes["edge"]["default"]["fontname"] = "arial"

class ArialGraph(GraphMachine):


    def get_markup_config(self):
        config = super(ArialGraph, self).get_markup_config()
        for state in config['states']:
            state['label'] = state['name'].capitalize()
        return config

ag = ArialGraph(states=states, transitions=transitions, initial='welcome')
ag.get_combined_graph().draw('graph_inherited.png', prog='dot')


So this is how you could achieve what you are looking for as of now. However, if you have some ideas about how to streamline this process and make it more user friendly let me know. Adding more parameters to the constructor is something I'd like to avoid since there are already so many of them.

aleneum commented 1 year ago

Instead of

graph.graph_attr["fontname"] = "arial"
graph.edge_attr["fontname"] = "arial"
graph.node_attr["fontname"] = "arial"

you could also pass them as arguments to dot:

graph.draw('graph_args.png', prog='dot', args="-Gfontname=Arial -Efontname=Arial -Nfontname=Arial")
ulemanstreaming commented 1 year ago

Thank you @aleneum . These are very helpful suggestions, and sufficient for my current purposes.


So, it works. I have no suggestions for making it easier beyond documenting these tricks, or maybe doing more with the `kwargs` parameter in `get_graph()`. I agree that loading up the constructor with more parameters is not great; if you really wanted to give callers more control, adding one or a few methods to set style attributes might be preferable.

This issue can be closed as far as I'm concerned.