pytroll / fogpy

Satellite based fog and low stratus detection and nowcasting
GNU General Public License v3.0
19 stars 10 forks source link

Test errors and failures #1

Open gerritholl opened 5 years ago

gerritholl commented 5 years ago

After installation of fogpy, I get 12 errors and 1 failure:

test_base_algorithm (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_BaseSatelliteAlgorithm) ... ok
test_fls_algorithm (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_DayFogLowStratusAlgorithm) ... /media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/trollimage/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in power
  1.055 * (arr ** (1.0 / 2.4)) - 0.055,
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/trollimage/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater
  return np.where(arr > 6.0/29.0,
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/trollimage/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater
  return np.where(arr > 0.0031308,
test_fls_algorithm_no_cth_use_clusters (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_DayFogLowStratusAlgorithm) ... /home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice
  cth = np.nanmean(cthmargin)
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in reduce
  return umr_minimum(a, axis, None, out, keepdims, initial)
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in reduce
  return umr_maximum(a, axis, None, out, keepdims, initial)
/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater
  cth_mask = (self.cth - self.elev) > 1000
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-9] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-10] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-11] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-12] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-13] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-14] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-15] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-16] child process calling
/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice
  result = {k: np.nanmean(v) for k, v in result.iteritems()}
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-9] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-13] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-9] worker exiting after 22 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-13] worker exiting after 20 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-10] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-15] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[INFO/PoolWorker-9] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-10] worker exiting after 21 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[INFO/PoolWorker-13] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-15] worker exiting after 27 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-9] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-10] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-13] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-15] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-10] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-15] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-9] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-13] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-10] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-15] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-9] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-13] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-15] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-10] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-16] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-14] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-16] worker exiting after 22 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-14] worker exiting after 24 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-16] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-16] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-12] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-14] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-12] worker exiting after 17 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-16] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-14] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-16] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-12] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-14] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-12] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-14] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-12] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-12] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-11] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-11] worker exiting after 21 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-11] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-11] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-11] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-11] process exiting with exitcode 0
/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater
  0)] = True
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
test_fls_algorithm_other (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_DayFogLowStratusAlgorithm) ... [DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-17] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-17] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-18] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-18] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-19] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-19] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-20] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-20] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-21] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-21] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-22] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-22] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-23] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-23] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-24] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-24] child process calling
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-21] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-21] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-18] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-19] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-18] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-19] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-22] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-21] worker exiting after 18 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-17] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-22] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-24] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-21] worker exiting after 18 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-18] worker exiting after 16 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-19] worker exiting after 18 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-17] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-24] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-18] worker exiting after 16 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-19] worker exiting after 18 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-22] worker exiting after 18 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-22] worker exiting after 18 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-21] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-24] worker exiting after 20 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-17] worker exiting after 19 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-21] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-24] worker exiting after 20 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-19] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-18] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-17] worker exiting after 19 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-18] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-19] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-22] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-22] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-21] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-24] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-18] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-19] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-24] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-21] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-19] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-18] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-17] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-22] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-22] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-17] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-24] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-24] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-19] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-18] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-21] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-17] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-19] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-18] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-22] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-21] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-17] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-22] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-24] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-24] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-18] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-19] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-18] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-19] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-21] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-22] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-17] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-24] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-22] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-21] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-17] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-24] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-20] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-20] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-17] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-17] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-20] worker exiting after 17 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-20] worker exiting after 17 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-20] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-20] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-20] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-20] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-20] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-20] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-20] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-20] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-23] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-23] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-23] worker exiting after 22 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-23] worker exiting after 22 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-23] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-23] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-23] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-23] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-23] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-23] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-23] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-23] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
test_lcth_algorithm_artificial (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_LowCloudHeightAlgorithm) ... /home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/ FutureWarning: `rcond` parameter will change to the default of machine precision times ``max(M, N)`` where M and N are the input matrix dimensions.
To use the future default and silence this warning we advise to pass `rcond=None`, to keep using the old, explicitly pass `rcond=-1`.
  m, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y)[0]
test_lcth_algorithm_artificial_complement (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_LowCloudHeightAlgorithm) ... ok
test_lcth_algorithm_artificial_next (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_LowCloudHeightAlgorithm) ... ok
test_lcth_algorithm_interpolate (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_LowCloudHeightAlgorithm) ... ok
test_lcth_algorithm_linreg (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_LowCloudHeightAlgorithm) ... ok
Test single cloud cluster linear regression interpolation ... ok
test_lcth_algorithm_nan_neighbor (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_LowCloudHeightAlgorithm) ... /home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/ RuntimeWarning: All-NaN slice encountered
  self.minheight = np.nanmin(self.result)
/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice
  self.meanheight = np.nanmean(self.result)
/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/ RuntimeWarning: All-NaN slice encountered
  self.maxheight = np.nanmax(self.result)
/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/ RuntimeWarning: All-NaN slice encountered
  self.assertEqual(np.isnan(np.nanmax(, True)
/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/ RuntimeWarning: All-NaN slice encountered
  self.assertEqual(np.isnan(np.nanmax(lcthalgo.cth)), True)
test_lcth_algorithm_real (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_LowCloudHeightAlgorithm) ... ok
test_lcth_cell_neighbors (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_LowCloudHeightAlgorithm) ... ok
test_lcth_direct_neighbors (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_LowCloudHeightAlgorithm) ... ok
test_lcth_lapse_rate (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_LowCloudHeightAlgorithm) ... ok
test_nightfls_algorithm (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm) ... ERROR
test_nightfls_algorithm2 (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm) ... ERROR
test_nightfls_slope (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm) ... ERROR
test_nightfls_turningpoints_no_valley (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm) ... ERROR
test_nightfls_turningpoints_with_thres (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm) ... ERROR
test_nightfls_turningpoints_with_valley (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm) ... ERROR
Test resampling to degraded multispectral channel resolution ... /home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/ FutureWarning: `rcond` parameter will change to the default of machine precision times ``max(M, N)`` where M and N are the input matrix dimensions.
To use the future default and silence this warning we advise to pass `rcond=None`, to keep using the old, explicitly pass `rcond=-1`.
  results, resids, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y)
test_array_filter (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_ArrayFilter) ... ok
test_array_filter_param (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_ArrayFilter) ... ok
test_marray_filter (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_ArrayFilter) ... ok
test_cirrus_cloud_filter (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_CirrusCloudFilter) ... ok
test_ccl_cloud_filter (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_CloudFilter) ... ok
test_cloud_filter (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_CloudFilter) ... ok
test_cloud_filter_plot (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_CloudFilter) ... ok
test_masked_cloud_filter (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_CloudFilter) ... ok
test_cloud_motion_filter (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_CloudMotionFilter) ... ERROR
test_ice_cloud_filter (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_IceCloudFilter) ... ok
test_lowcloud_filter_clusters (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_LowCloudFilter) ... [DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-25] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-25] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-25] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-26] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-26] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-26] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-27] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-27] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-27] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-28] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-28] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-28] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-29] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-29] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-29] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-30] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-30] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-30] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-31] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-31] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-31] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-32] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-32] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-32] child process calling
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-26] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-26] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-27] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-28] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-26] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-27] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-28] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-27] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-28] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-29] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-26] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-29] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-26] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-27] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-29] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-28] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-26] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-30] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-27] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-28] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-27] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-30] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-28] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-29] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-31] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-30] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-26] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-29] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-31] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-26] process shutting down
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-29] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-27] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-31] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-28] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-26] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-27] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-28] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-30] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-27] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-28] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-30] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-26] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-29] process shutting down
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-31] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-30] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-29] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-26] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-27] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-28] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-31] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-29] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-26] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-28] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-27] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-31] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-28] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-27] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-29] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-30] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-26] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-29] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-30] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-29] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-27] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-26] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-30] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-31] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-28] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-32] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-26] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-27] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-28] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-32] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-31] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-27] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-28] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-32] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-30] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-31] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-29] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-26] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-30] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-29] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-26] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-30] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-28] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-27] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-29] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-32] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-26] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-27] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-28] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-31] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-32] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-28] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-27] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-31] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-32] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-30] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-31] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-29] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-30] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-30] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-29] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-32] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-32] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-29] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-31] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-32] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-30] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-31] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-30] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-30] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-31] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-32] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-32] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-32] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-31] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-31] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-31] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-32] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-32] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-32] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-32] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-32] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-32] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-25] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-25] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-25] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-25] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-25] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-25] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-25] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-25] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-25] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-25] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-25] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-25] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-25] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-25] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-25] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-25] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-25] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-25] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
test_lowcloud_filter_single (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_LowCloudFilter) ... [DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-33] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-33] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-33] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-33] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-34] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-34] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-34] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-34] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-35] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-35] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-35] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-35] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-36] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-36] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-36] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-36] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-37] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-37] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-37] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-37] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-38] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-38] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-38] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-38] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-39] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-39] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-39] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-39] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-40] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-40] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-40] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-40] child process calling
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-38] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-37] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-38] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-35] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-37] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-38] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-35] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-38] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-37] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-35] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-37] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-33] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-35] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-38] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-34] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-33] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-40] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-38] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-33] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-34] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-37] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-35] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-38] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-40] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-33] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-34] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-37] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-35] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-38] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-40] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-37] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-34] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-35] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-40] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-37] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-35] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-33] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-38] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-33] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-34] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-40] worker exiting after 3 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-33] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-38] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-34] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-37] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-40] worker exiting after 3 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-35] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-33] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-38] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-34] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-37] process shutting down
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[INFO/PoolWorker-35] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-40] worker exiting after 3 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-38] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-37] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-34] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-40] worker exiting after 3 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-35] process shutting down
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[INFO/PoolWorker-37] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-35] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-33] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-38] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[INFO/PoolWorker-33] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-38] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-34] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-37] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-40] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-35] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-38] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-33] process shutting down
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[INFO/PoolWorker-34] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-37] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-40] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-35] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-33] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-38] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-37] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-34] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-35] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-40] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-34] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-37] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-35] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-40] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-33] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-33] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-34] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-38] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-40] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-33] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-34] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-38] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-35] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-40] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-33] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-37] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-34] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-38] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-35] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-40] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-37] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-34] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-38] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-40] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-35] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-37] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-35] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-37] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-33] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-33] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-38] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-34] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-40] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-38] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-33] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-35] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-34] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-37] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-38] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-33] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-40] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-35] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-34] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-37] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-38] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-40] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-35] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-37] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-34] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-35] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-40] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-37] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-33] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-34] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-33] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-40] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-34] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-33] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-40] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-34] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-33] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-40] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-34] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-40] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-39] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-36] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-39] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-36] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-39] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-36] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-39] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-36] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-36] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-39] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-36] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-39] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-39] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-36] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-39] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-36] worker exiting after 2 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-36] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-39] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-39] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-36] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-39] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-36] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-39] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-36] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-39] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-36] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-39] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-36] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-39] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-36] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-39] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-36] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-39] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-39] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-36] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-39] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-36] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-39] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-36] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-36] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-39] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-36] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-39] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-36] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-39] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-39] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-36] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-36] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
test_lowcloud_filter_single_lwp_allfog (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_LowCloudFilter) ... [DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-41] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-41] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-41] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-41] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-41] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-42] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-42] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-42] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-42] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-42] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-43] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-43] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-43] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-43] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-43] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-44] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-44] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-44] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-44] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-44] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-45] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-45] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-45] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-45] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-45] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-46] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-46] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-46] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-46] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-46] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-47] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-47] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-47] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-47] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-47] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-48] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-48] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-48] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-48] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-48] child process calling
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-45] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-46] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[INFO/PoolWorker-45] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-46] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-45] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-46] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-47] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-45] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-46] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[INFO/PoolWorker-47] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-46] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-45] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-47] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-47] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-48] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-43] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-44] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-47] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-42] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-43] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-48] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-44] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-42] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-48] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-43] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-44] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-42] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-48] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-43] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-42] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-48] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-43] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-44] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-42] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-44] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-46] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-45] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-45] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-46] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-47] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-45] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-46] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-45] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-46] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-45] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-46] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-47] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-48] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-43] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-46] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-45] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-47] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-42] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-47] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-47] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-48] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-43] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-47] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-44] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-42] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-48] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-43] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-43] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-48] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-42] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-48] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-43] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-44] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-48] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-43] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-42] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-44] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-42] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-44] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-44] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-42] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-44] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-41] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-41] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-41] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-41] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-41] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-41] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-41] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-41] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-41] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-41] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-41] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
test_lowcloud_filter_single_lwp_nofog (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_LowCloudFilter) ... [DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] child process calling
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] process shutting down
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] process shutting down
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] process shutting down
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-55] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-53] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-50] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-54] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-55] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-53] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-50] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-56] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-54] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-56] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-51] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-49] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-51] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-52] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-49] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-52] process exiting with exitcode 0
/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater
  | np.isnan(self.fbh)] = True
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
test_lowcloud_filter_single_lwp_randomfog (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_LowCloudFilter) ... [DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502249340928
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234558464
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234554368
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] created semlock with handle 140502234550272
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] child process calling
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[DEBUG/MainProcess] added worker
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] child process calling
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] child process calling
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] closing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] worker handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler sending sentinel to workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler got sentinel
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] worker got sentinel -- exiting
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] worker exiting after 0 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] worker exiting after 1 tasks
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] process shutting down
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] process shutting down
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-61] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-62] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-63] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-64] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-58] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-59] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-61] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-57] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/PoolWorker-60] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[INFO/PoolWorker-62] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-63] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-59] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-58] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-57] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-64] process exiting with exitcode 0
[INFO/PoolWorker-60] process exiting with exitcode 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] ensuring that outqueue is not full
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] task handler exiting
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] result handler exiting: len(cache)=0, thread._state=0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] finalizing pool
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] helping task handler/workers to finish
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] removing tasks from inqueue until task handler finished
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining worker handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] terminating workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining task handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining result handler
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] joining pool workers
test_snow_filter (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_SnowFilter) ... ok
test_spatial_cth_filter_artifical (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_SpatialCloudTopHeightFilter) ... ok
test_spatial_homogenity_filter_highsd (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_SpatialHomogeneityFilter) ... FAIL
test_spatial_homogenity_filter_lowsd (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_SpatialHomogeneityFilter) ... ok
test_spatial_homogenity_filter_maxsize (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_SpatialHomogeneityFilter) ... ok
test_spatial_homogenity_filter_nomask_high (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_SpatialHomogeneityFilter) ... ok
test_spatial_homogenity_filter_nomask_low (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_SpatialHomogeneityFilter) ... ok
test_dem_interpolation_method (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_StationFusionFilter) ... ok
test_fusion_filter_bufr_import (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_StationFusionFilter) ... ERROR
test_fusion_filter_dem_interpolation (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_StationFusionFilter) ... ERROR
test_water_cloud_filter (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_WaterCloudFilter) ... ok
Failure: ImportError (No module named utils) ... ERROR
test_cloud_layer (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_cloud_layer_small (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_cloud_layer_small2 (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_air_pressure (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_cloud_based_vapour_mixing_ratio (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_effective_radius (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_effective_radius_with_cbh (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_fog_cloud_height (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_fog_cloud_height2 (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... /media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method BFGS cannot handle constraints nor bounds.
test_get_incloud_mixing_ratio (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_incloud_mixing_ratio_limit (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_liquid_density (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_liquid_mixing_ratio (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_liquid_water_content (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_liquid_water_path (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_liquid_water_path2 (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_moist_adiabatic_lapse_temp (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_moist_air_density (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_sat_vapour_pressure_buck (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_sat_vapour_pressure_magnus (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_vapour_mixing_ratio (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_get_visibility (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_init_cloud_layers (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_optimize_cbh_basin (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok
test_optimize_cbh_brute (fogpy.test.test_lowwatercloud.Test_LowWaterCloud) ... ok

ERROR: test_fls_algorithm (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_DayFogLowStratusAlgorithm)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 202, in test_fls_algorithm
    stationfile, bgimg=self.input['ir108'])
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/utils/", line 123, in add_to_image
    stations = read_synop(bufr, 'visibility')
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/utils/", line 55, in read_synop
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/trollbufr/", line 385, in decode
    self.decode_meta(bin_data, load_tables)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/trollbufr/", line 369, in decode_meta
    raise tables_fail
BufrTableError: BufrTableError: Table not found: '/data/tleppelt/git/trollbufr/table_b_013'
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Starting fog and low cloud detection algorithm in daytime mode
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Cloud Filter
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Histogram range for cloudy/clear sky pixels: -19.7446861967 - 1.11645277953
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Cloud mask difference threshold set to -3.51935588185
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for CloudFilter 

                    Cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 20551
                    Previous masked:         0
                    New filtered:            20551
                    Remaining:               21467
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: CloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/CloudFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Snow Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for SnowFilter 

                    Snow filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 577
                    Previous masked:         20551
                    New filtered:            0
                    Remaining:               21467
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: SnowFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/SnowFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Snow Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for IceCloudFilter 

                    Ice cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 36632
                    Previous masked:         20551
                    New filtered:            16473
                    Remaining:               4994
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: IceCloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/IceCloudFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Cirrus Filter
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Found solar zenith angles from 71.45427646160117 to 81.94458529861542°
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Set BT difference thresholds for cirrus: 1.1 to 2.3 K
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for CirrusCloudFilter 

                    Thin cirrus cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 9398
                    Previous masked:         37024
                    New filtered:            7
                    Remaining:               4987
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: CirrusCloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/CirrusCloudFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Water Cloud Filter
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Mean latitudinal threshold for cloudfree areas: 271.07 K
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for WaterCloudFilter 

                    Water cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 19857
                    Previous masked:         37031
                    New filtered:            112
                    Remaining:               4875
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: WaterCloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/WaterCloudFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 151
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: DayFogLowStratusAlgorithm results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Spatial Cloud Top Height Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for SpatialCloudTopHeightFilter 

                    Filtering cloud clusters by height for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 17144
                    Previous masked:         37143
                    New filtered:            514
                    Remaining:               4361
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: SpatialCloudTopHeightFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/SpatialCloudTopHeightFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 91
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Spatial Clustering Inhomogeneity Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for SpatialHomogeneityFilter 

                    Filtering cloud clusters by StDev for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 37657
                    Previous masked:         37657
                    New filtered:            0
                    Remaining:               4361
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: SpatialHomogeneityFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/SpatialHomogeneityFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Spatial Clustering Inhomogenity Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for CloudPhysicsFilter 

                    Filtering cloud microphysics for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 14340
                    Previous masked:         37657
                    New filtered:            568
                    Remaining:               3793
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: CloudPhysicsFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/CloudPhysicsFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 117
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Low Cloud Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Run low cloud models for single cells
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3790 Tasks Remaining --- 0.08 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3775 Tasks Remaining --- 0.47 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3758 Tasks Remaining --- 0.92 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3744 Tasks Remaining --- 1.29 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3730 Tasks Remaining --- 1.66 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3713 Tasks Remaining --- 2.11 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3698 Tasks Remaining --- 2.50 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3683 Tasks Remaining --- 2.90 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3671 Tasks Remaining --- 3.22 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3660 Tasks Remaining --- 3.51 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3645 Tasks Remaining --- 3.90 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3632 Tasks Remaining --- 4.24 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3620 Tasks Remaining --- 4.56 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3605 Tasks Remaining --- 4.96 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3592 Tasks Remaining --- 5.30 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3573 Tasks Remaining --- 5.80 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3558 Tasks Remaining --- 6.20 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3544 Tasks Remaining --- 6.56 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3530 Tasks Remaining --- 6.93 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3513 Tasks Remaining --- 7.38 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3499 Tasks Remaining --- 7.75 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3483 Tasks Remaining --- 8.17 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3465 Tasks Remaining --- 8.65 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3448 Tasks Remaining --- 9.10 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3436 Tasks Remaining --- 9.41 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3419 Tasks Remaining --- 9.86 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3405 Tasks Remaining --- 10.23 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3394 Tasks Remaining --- 10.52 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3379 Tasks Remaining --- 10.91 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3371 Tasks Remaining --- 11.13 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3361 Tasks Remaining --- 11.39 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3351 Tasks Remaining --- 11.65 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3339 Tasks Remaining --- 11.97 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3330 Tasks Remaining --- 12.21 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3320 Tasks Remaining --- 12.47 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3308 Tasks Remaining --- 12.79 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3299 Tasks Remaining --- 13.02 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3288 Tasks Remaining --- 13.31 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3276 Tasks Remaining --- 13.63 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3267 Tasks Remaining --- 13.87 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3258 Tasks Remaining --- 14.10 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3245 Tasks Remaining --- 14.45 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3231 Tasks Remaining --- 14.82 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3222 Tasks Remaining --- 15.05 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3214 Tasks Remaining --- 15.26 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3204 Tasks Remaining --- 15.53 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3189 Tasks Remaining --- 15.92 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3176 Tasks Remaining --- 16.27 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3168 Tasks Remaining --- 16.48 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3157 Tasks Remaining --- 16.77 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3144 Tasks Remaining --- 17.11 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3130 Tasks Remaining --- 17.48 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3116 Tasks Remaining --- 17.85 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3104 Tasks Remaining --- 18.17 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3093 Tasks Remaining --- 18.46 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3084 Tasks Remaining --- 18.69 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3073 Tasks Remaining --- 18.98 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3055 Tasks Remaining --- 19.46 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3045 Tasks Remaining --- 19.72 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3035 Tasks Remaining --- 19.98 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3020 Tasks Remaining --- 20.38 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3011 Tasks Remaining --- 20.62 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2994 Tasks Remaining --- 21.07 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2984 Tasks Remaining --- 21.33 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2974 Tasks Remaining --- 21.59 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2963 Tasks Remaining --- 21.88 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2950 Tasks Remaining --- 22.23 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2936 Tasks Remaining --- 22.59 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2924 Tasks Remaining --- 22.91 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2914 Tasks Remaining --- 23.17 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2904 Tasks Remaining --- 23.44 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2891 Tasks Remaining --- 23.78 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2879 Tasks Remaining --- 24.10 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2861 Tasks Remaining --- 24.57 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2851 Tasks Remaining --- 24.84 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2840 Tasks Remaining --- 25.13 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2828 Tasks Remaining --- 25.44 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2815 Tasks Remaining --- 25.78 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2801 Tasks Remaining --- 26.15 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2785 Tasks Remaining --- 26.58 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2772 Tasks Remaining --- 26.92 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2763 Tasks Remaining --- 27.16 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2754 Tasks Remaining --- 27.39 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2739 Tasks Remaining --- 27.79 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2726 Tasks Remaining --- 28.13 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2712 Tasks Remaining --- 28.50 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2698 Tasks Remaining --- 28.87 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2688 Tasks Remaining --- 29.13 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2678 Tasks Remaining --- 29.40 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2665 Tasks Remaining --- 29.74 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2649 Tasks Remaining --- 30.16 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2639 Tasks Remaining --- 30.42 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2624 Tasks Remaining --- 30.82 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2611 Tasks Remaining --- 31.16 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2599 Tasks Remaining --- 31.48 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2590 Tasks Remaining --- 31.72 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2580 Tasks Remaining --- 31.98 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2567 Tasks Remaining --- 32.32 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2553 Tasks Remaining --- 32.69 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2542 Tasks Remaining --- 32.98 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2526 Tasks Remaining --- 33.40 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2513 Tasks Remaining --- 33.75 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2502 Tasks Remaining --- 34.04 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2490 Tasks Remaining --- 34.35 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2482 Tasks Remaining --- 34.56 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2466 Tasks Remaining --- 34.99 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2454 Tasks Remaining --- 35.30 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2441 Tasks Remaining --- 35.64 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2430 Tasks Remaining --- 35.93 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2418 Tasks Remaining --- 36.25 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2406 Tasks Remaining --- 36.57 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2394 Tasks Remaining --- 36.88 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2384 Tasks Remaining --- 37.15 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2371 Tasks Remaining --- 37.49 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2357 Tasks Remaining --- 37.86 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2346 Tasks Remaining --- 38.15 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2334 Tasks Remaining --- 38.47 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2322 Tasks Remaining --- 38.78 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2311 Tasks Remaining --- 39.07 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2293 Tasks Remaining --- 39.55 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2285 Tasks Remaining --- 39.76 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2275 Tasks Remaining --- 40.02 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2260 Tasks Remaining --- 40.42 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2250 Tasks Remaining --- 40.68 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2236 Tasks Remaining --- 41.05 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2225 Tasks Remaining --- 41.34 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2213 Tasks Remaining --- 41.66 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2202 Tasks Remaining --- 41.95 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2189 Tasks Remaining --- 42.29 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2178 Tasks Remaining --- 42.58 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2170 Tasks Remaining --- 42.79 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2157 Tasks Remaining --- 43.13 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2146 Tasks Remaining --- 43.42 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2132 Tasks Remaining --- 43.79 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2122 Tasks Remaining --- 44.05 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2110 Tasks Remaining --- 44.37 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2099 Tasks Remaining --- 44.66 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2086 Tasks Remaining --- 45.00 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2071 Tasks Remaining --- 45.40 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2058 Tasks Remaining --- 45.74 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2046 Tasks Remaining --- 46.06 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2034 Tasks Remaining --- 46.37 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2024 Tasks Remaining --- 46.64 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2012 Tasks Remaining --- 46.95 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1999 Tasks Remaining --- 47.30 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1984 Tasks Remaining --- 47.69 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1969 Tasks Remaining --- 48.09 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1955 Tasks Remaining --- 48.46 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1944 Tasks Remaining --- 48.75 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1930 Tasks Remaining --- 49.12 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1920 Tasks Remaining --- 49.38 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1903 Tasks Remaining --- 49.83 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1891 Tasks Remaining --- 50.15 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1879 Tasks Remaining --- 50.46 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1868 Tasks Remaining --- 50.75 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1853 Tasks Remaining --- 51.15 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1840 Tasks Remaining --- 51.49 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1828 Tasks Remaining --- 51.81 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1817 Tasks Remaining --- 52.10 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1805 Tasks Remaining --- 52.41 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1792 Tasks Remaining --- 52.76 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1782 Tasks Remaining --- 53.02 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1769 Tasks Remaining --- 53.36 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1758 Tasks Remaining --- 53.65 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1743 Tasks Remaining --- 54.05 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1730 Tasks Remaining --- 54.39 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1721 Tasks Remaining --- 54.63 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1708 Tasks Remaining --- 54.97 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1697 Tasks Remaining --- 55.26 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1682 Tasks Remaining --- 55.66 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1674 Tasks Remaining --- 55.87 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1660 Tasks Remaining --- 56.24 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1650 Tasks Remaining --- 56.50 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1633 Tasks Remaining --- 56.95 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1618 Tasks Remaining --- 57.34 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1606 Tasks Remaining --- 57.66 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1596 Tasks Remaining --- 57.92 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1584 Tasks Remaining --- 58.24 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1573 Tasks Remaining --- 58.53 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1559 Tasks Remaining --- 58.90 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1549 Tasks Remaining --- 59.16 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1537 Tasks Remaining --- 59.48 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1524 Tasks Remaining --- 59.82 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1512 Tasks Remaining --- 60.14 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1496 Tasks Remaining --- 60.56 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1483 Tasks Remaining --- 60.90 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1472 Tasks Remaining --- 61.19 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1461 Tasks Remaining --- 61.48 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1449 Tasks Remaining --- 61.80 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1434 Tasks Remaining --- 62.19 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1419 Tasks Remaining --- 62.59 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1408 Tasks Remaining --- 62.88 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1393 Tasks Remaining --- 63.27 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1377 Tasks Remaining --- 63.70 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1366 Tasks Remaining --- 63.99 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1353 Tasks Remaining --- 64.33 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1339 Tasks Remaining --- 64.70 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1328 Tasks Remaining --- 64.99 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1314 Tasks Remaining --- 65.36 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1303 Tasks Remaining --- 65.65 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1292 Tasks Remaining --- 65.94 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1280 Tasks Remaining --- 66.25 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1266 Tasks Remaining --- 66.62 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1252 Tasks Remaining --- 66.99 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1238 Tasks Remaining --- 67.36 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1224 Tasks Remaining --- 67.73 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1206 Tasks Remaining --- 68.20 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1196 Tasks Remaining --- 68.47 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1184 Tasks Remaining --- 68.78 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1170 Tasks Remaining --- 69.15 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1158 Tasks Remaining --- 69.47 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1146 Tasks Remaining --- 69.79 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1131 Tasks Remaining --- 70.18 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1119 Tasks Remaining --- 70.50 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1107 Tasks Remaining --- 70.81 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1088 Tasks Remaining --- 71.32 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1079 Tasks Remaining --- 71.55 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1068 Tasks Remaining --- 71.84 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1055 Tasks Remaining --- 72.19 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1042 Tasks Remaining --- 72.53 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1031 Tasks Remaining --- 72.82 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1017 Tasks Remaining --- 73.19 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1005 Tasks Remaining --- 73.50 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 996 Tasks Remaining --- 73.74 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 981 Tasks Remaining --- 74.14 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 967 Tasks Remaining --- 74.51 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 955 Tasks Remaining --- 74.82 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 944 Tasks Remaining --- 75.11 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 932 Tasks Remaining --- 75.43 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 919 Tasks Remaining --- 75.77 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 904 Tasks Remaining --- 76.17 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 889 Tasks Remaining --- 76.56 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 873 Tasks Remaining --- 76.98 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 864 Tasks Remaining --- 77.22 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 853 Tasks Remaining --- 77.51 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 839 Tasks Remaining --- 77.88 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 829 Tasks Remaining --- 78.14 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 819 Tasks Remaining --- 78.41 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 802 Tasks Remaining --- 78.86 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 786 Tasks Remaining --- 79.28 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 776 Tasks Remaining --- 79.54 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 767 Tasks Remaining --- 79.78 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 751 Tasks Remaining --- 80.20 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 738 Tasks Remaining --- 80.54 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 726 Tasks Remaining --- 80.86 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 711 Tasks Remaining --- 81.25 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 697 Tasks Remaining --- 81.62 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 685 Tasks Remaining --- 81.94 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 669 Tasks Remaining --- 82.36 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 660 Tasks Remaining --- 82.60 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 648 Tasks Remaining --- 82.92 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 632 Tasks Remaining --- 83.34 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 621 Tasks Remaining --- 83.63 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 606 Tasks Remaining --- 84.02 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 596 Tasks Remaining --- 84.29 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 584 Tasks Remaining --- 84.60 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 570 Tasks Remaining --- 84.97 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 549 Tasks Remaining --- 85.53 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 539 Tasks Remaining --- 85.79 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 527 Tasks Remaining --- 86.11 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 512 Tasks Remaining --- 86.50 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 498 Tasks Remaining --- 86.87 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 479 Tasks Remaining --- 87.37 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 468 Tasks Remaining --- 87.66 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 455 Tasks Remaining --- 88.00 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 443 Tasks Remaining --- 88.32 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 414 Tasks Remaining --- 89.09 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 402 Tasks Remaining --- 89.40 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 393 Tasks Remaining --- 89.64 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 378 Tasks Remaining --- 90.03 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 356 Tasks Remaining --- 90.61 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 335 Tasks Remaining --- 91.17 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 319 Tasks Remaining --- 91.59 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 309 Tasks Remaining --- 91.85 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 290 Tasks Remaining --- 92.35 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 270 Tasks Remaining --- 92.88 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 257 Tasks Remaining --- 93.22 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 245 Tasks Remaining --- 93.54 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 215 Tasks Remaining --- 94.33 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 202 Tasks Remaining --- 94.67 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 191 Tasks Remaining --- 94.96 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 182 Tasks Remaining --- 95.20 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 164 Tasks Remaining --- 95.68 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 132 Tasks Remaining --- 96.52 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 122 Tasks Remaining --- 96.78 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 111 Tasks Remaining --- 97.07 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 98 Tasks Remaining --- 97.42 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 82 Tasks Remaining --- 97.84 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 58 Tasks Remaining --- 98.47 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 38 Tasks Remaining --- 99.00 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 27 Tasks Remaining --- 99.29 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 15 Tasks Remaining --- 99.60 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 5 Tasks Remaining --- 99.87 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: All Done. Completed 3793 tasks
fogpy.filters: INFO: Finished low cloud models for 3793 cells
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for LowCloudFilter 

                    Filtering low clouds for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 41828
                    Previous masked:         38225
                    New filtered:            3603
                    Remaining:               190
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: LowCloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/LowCloudFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Plotting filter attribute cbh to /tmp/FLS/LowCloudFilter_cbh_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Plotting filter attribute fbh to /tmp/FLS/LowCloudFilter_fbh_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Finish fog and low cloud detection algorithm
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Set color range to (267.44605080253444, 274.3928131405534)
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: DayFogLowStratusAlgorithm results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

ERROR: test_fls_algorithm_other (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_DayFogLowStratusAlgorithm)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 232, in test_fls_algorithm_other
    stationfile2, bgimg=self.input2['ir108'])
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/utils/", line 123, in add_to_image
    stations = read_synop(bufr, 'visibility')
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/utils/", line 55, in read_synop
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/trollbufr/", line 385, in decode
    self.decode_meta(bin_data, load_tables)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/trollbufr/", line 369, in decode_meta
    raise tables_fail
BufrTableError: BufrTableError: Table not found: '/data/tleppelt/git/trollbufr/table_b_013'
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Starting fog and low cloud detection algorithm in daytime mode
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Cloud Filter
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Histogram range for cloudy/clear sky pixels: -6.48294205488 - 2.5771321229
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Cloud mask difference threshold set to -1.95290496599
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for CloudFilter 

                    Cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 16336
                    Previous masked:         0
                    New filtered:            16336
                    Remaining:               25682
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: CloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/CloudFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Snow Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for SnowFilter 

                    Snow filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 183
                    Previous masked:         16336
                    New filtered:            144
                    Remaining:               25538
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: SnowFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/SnowFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Snow Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for IceCloudFilter 

                    Ice cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 35413
                    Previous masked:         16480
                    New filtered:            19524
                    Remaining:               6014
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: IceCloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/IceCloudFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Cirrus Filter
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Found solar zenith angles from 59.83404307196856 to 69.19908223088952°
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Set BT difference thresholds for cirrus: 1.1 to 4.73 K
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for CirrusCloudFilter 

                    Thin cirrus cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 6617
                    Previous masked:         36004
                    New filtered:            15
                    Remaining:               5999
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: CirrusCloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/CirrusCloudFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Water Cloud Filter
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Mean latitudinal threshold for cloudfree areas: 280.81 K
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for WaterCloudFilter 

                    Water cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 21489
                    Previous masked:         36019
                    New filtered:            765
                    Remaining:               5234
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: WaterCloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/WaterCloudFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 318
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: DayFogLowStratusAlgorithm results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Spatial Cloud Top Height Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for SpatialCloudTopHeightFilter 

                    Filtering cloud clusters by height for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 20746
                    Previous masked:         36784
                    New filtered:            2526
                    Remaining:               2708
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: SpatialCloudTopHeightFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/SpatialCloudTopHeightFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 142
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Spatial Clustering Inhomogeneity Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for SpatialHomogeneityFilter 

                    Filtering cloud clusters by StDev for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 39310
                    Previous masked:         39310
                    New filtered:            0
                    Remaining:               2708
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: SpatialHomogeneityFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/SpatialHomogeneityFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Spatial Clustering Inhomogenity Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for CloudPhysicsFilter 

                    Filtering cloud microphysics for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 11139
                    Previous masked:         39310
                    New filtered:            43
                    Remaining:               2665
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: CloudPhysicsFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/CloudPhysicsFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 148
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Low Cloud Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Run low cloud models for cloud clusters
fogpy.filters: INFO: 148 Tasks Remaining --- 0.00 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 146 Tasks Remaining --- 1.35 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 141 Tasks Remaining --- 4.73 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 137 Tasks Remaining --- 7.43 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 135 Tasks Remaining --- 8.78 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 126 Tasks Remaining --- 14.86 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 117 Tasks Remaining --- 20.95 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 112 Tasks Remaining --- 24.32 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 108 Tasks Remaining --- 27.03 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 102 Tasks Remaining --- 31.08 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 97 Tasks Remaining --- 34.46 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 92 Tasks Remaining --- 37.84 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 88 Tasks Remaining --- 40.54 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 83 Tasks Remaining --- 43.92 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 78 Tasks Remaining --- 47.30 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 74 Tasks Remaining --- 50.00 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 71 Tasks Remaining --- 52.03 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 68 Tasks Remaining --- 54.05 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 63 Tasks Remaining --- 57.43 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 60 Tasks Remaining --- 59.46 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 59 Tasks Remaining --- 60.14 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 56 Tasks Remaining --- 62.16 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 54 Tasks Remaining --- 63.51 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 50 Tasks Remaining --- 66.22 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 48 Tasks Remaining --- 67.57 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 46 Tasks Remaining --- 68.92 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 45 Tasks Remaining --- 69.59 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 41 Tasks Remaining --- 72.30 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 38 Tasks Remaining --- 74.32 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 33 Tasks Remaining --- 77.70 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 31 Tasks Remaining --- 79.05 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 28 Tasks Remaining --- 81.08 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 24 Tasks Remaining --- 83.78 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 23 Tasks Remaining --- 84.46 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 17 Tasks Remaining --- 88.51 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 15 Tasks Remaining --- 89.86 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 12 Tasks Remaining --- 91.89 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 9 Tasks Remaining --- 93.92 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 7 Tasks Remaining --- 95.27 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 5 Tasks Remaining --- 96.62 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2 Tasks Remaining --- 98.65 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2 Tasks Remaining --- 98.65 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1 Tasks Remaining --- 99.32 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: All Done. Completed 148 tasks
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for LowCloudFilter 

                    Filtering low clouds for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 41758
                    Previous masked:         39353
                    New filtered:            2405
                    Remaining:               260
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: LowCloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/LowCloudFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Plotting filter attribute cbh to /tmp/FLS/LowCloudFilter_cbh_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Plotting filter attribute fbh to /tmp/FLS/LowCloudFilter_fbh_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Finish fog and low cloud detection algorithm
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Set color range to (270.74371804537725, 284.14751440203855)
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: DayFogLowStratusAlgorithm results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

ERROR: test_nightfls_algorithm (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 622, in setUp
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 167, in __init__
    self._sgdp4 = _SGDP4(self.orbit_elements)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 706, in __init__
    raise NotImplementedError('Deep space calculations not supported')
NotImplementedError: Deep space calculations not supported

ERROR: test_nightfls_algorithm2 (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 622, in setUp
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 167, in __init__
    self._sgdp4 = _SGDP4(self.orbit_elements)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 706, in __init__
    raise NotImplementedError('Deep space calculations not supported')
NotImplementedError: Deep space calculations not supported

ERROR: test_nightfls_slope (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 622, in setUp
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 167, in __init__
    self._sgdp4 = _SGDP4(self.orbit_elements)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 706, in __init__
    raise NotImplementedError('Deep space calculations not supported')
NotImplementedError: Deep space calculations not supported

ERROR: test_nightfls_turningpoints_no_valley (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 622, in setUp
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 167, in __init__
    self._sgdp4 = _SGDP4(self.orbit_elements)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 706, in __init__
    raise NotImplementedError('Deep space calculations not supported')
NotImplementedError: Deep space calculations not supported

ERROR: test_nightfls_turningpoints_with_thres (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 622, in setUp
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 167, in __init__
    self._sgdp4 = _SGDP4(self.orbit_elements)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 706, in __init__
    raise NotImplementedError('Deep space calculations not supported')
NotImplementedError: Deep space calculations not supported

ERROR: test_nightfls_turningpoints_with_valley (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 622, in setUp
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 167, in __init__
    self._sgdp4 = _SGDP4(self.orbit_elements)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 706, in __init__
    raise NotImplementedError('Deep space calculations not supported')
NotImplementedError: Deep space calculations not supported

ERROR: test_cloud_motion_filter (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_CloudMotionFilter)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 689, in test_cloud_motion_filter
    ret, mask = testfilter.apply()
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/", line 128, in apply
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/", line 1091, in filter_function
    optflow = self.cv2.createOptFlow_DualTVL1()
AttributeError: 'CloudMotionFilter' object has no attribute 'cv2'
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Setting filter reference time to current time: 2019-02-19 13:27:57.331902
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Cloud Motion Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Calculate optical flow...
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

ERROR: test_fusion_filter_bufr_import (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_StationFusionFilter)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 727, in test_fusion_filter_bufr_import
    ret, mask = testfilter.apply()
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/", line 128, in apply
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/", line 1222, in filter_function
    stations = read_synop(self.bufrfile, 'visibility')
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/utils/", line 55, in read_synop
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/trollbufr/", line 385, in decode
    self.decode_meta(bin_data, load_tables)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/trollbufr/", line 369, in decode_meta
    raise tables_fail
BufrTableError: BufrTableError: Table not found: '/data/tleppelt/git/trollbufr/table_b_013'
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Setting filter reference time to current time: 2019-02-19 13:28:39.781717
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Cloud Filter
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Histogram range for cloudy/clear sky pixels: -19.7446861967 - 1.11645277953
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Cloud mask difference threshold set to -3.51935588185
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for CloudFilter 

                    Cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 20551
                    Previous masked:         0
                    New filtered:            20551
                    Remaining:               21467
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Station Data Fusion Filter
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

ERROR: test_fusion_filter_dem_interpolation (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_StationFusionFilter)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 747, in test_fusion_filter_dem_interpolation
    ret, mask = testfilter.apply()
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/", line 128, in apply
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/", line 1222, in filter_function
    stations = read_synop(self.bufrfile, 'visibility')
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/utils/", line 55, in read_synop
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/trollbufr/", line 385, in decode
    self.decode_meta(bin_data, load_tables)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/trollbufr/", line 369, in decode_meta
    raise tables_fail
BufrTableError: BufrTableError: Table not found: '/data/tleppelt/git/trollbufr/table_b_013'
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Setting filter reference time to current time: 2019-02-19 13:28:39.790132
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Cloud Filter
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Histogram range for cloudy/clear sky pixels: -19.7446861967 - 1.11645277953
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Cloud mask difference threshold set to -3.51935588185
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for CloudFilter 

                    Cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 20551
                    Previous masked:         0
                    New filtered:            20551
                    Remaining:               21467
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Station Data Fusion Filter
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

ERROR: Failure: ImportError (No module named utils)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line 418, in loadTestsFromName
    addr.filename, addr.module)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line 47, in importFromPath
    return self.importFromDir(dir_path, fqname)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line 94, in importFromDir
    mod = load_module(part_fqname, fh, filename, desc)
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 36, in <module>
    from utils import get_time_period
ImportError: No module named utils

FAIL: test_spatial_homogenity_filter_highsd (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_SpatialHomogeneityFilter)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 489, in test_spatial_homogenity_filter_highsd
    self.assertEqual(np.nansum(testfilter.mask), msum)
AssertionError: 97 != 58
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 9
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 8
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 1
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Setting filter reference time to current time: 2019-02-19 13:28:39.752344
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Spatial Clustering Inhomogeneity Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for SpatialHomogeneityFilter 

                    Filtering cloud clusters by StDev for satellite images.
                    Array size:              100
                    Masking:                 97
                    Previous masked:         39
                    New filtered:            58
                    Remaining:               3
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

Ran 74 tests in 554.615s

FAILED (errors=12, failures=1)
[INFO/MainProcess] process shutting down
[INFO/MainProcess] process shutting down
[INFO/MainProcess] process shutting down
[INFO/MainProcess] process shutting down
[INFO/MainProcess] process shutting down
[INFO/MainProcess] process shutting down
[INFO/MainProcess] process shutting down
[INFO/MainProcess] process shutting down
[DEBUG/MainProcess] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] running all "atexit" finalizers with priority >= 0
[DEBUG/MainProcess] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
[DEBUG/MainProcess] running the remaining "atexit" finalizers
gerritholl commented 5 years ago

The NotImplementedError: Deep space calculations not supported is caused by

from where it continues in pyorbital in

then self.mode gets set to SGDP4_DEEP_NORM because self.period > 225:

which finally is considered not supported:

According to git blame most of this code is very old so I don't yet understand if and how this may have worked in the past.

gerritholl commented 5 years ago

Geostationary satellites are not supported in pyorbital... see this email exchange from 2015. Then how does fogpy try to use pyorbital?

It appears that what is being SetUp in this test, does not correspond to anything used inside pyorbital at all?

gerritholl commented 5 years ago

The table failures appear to be due a missing trollbufr configuration.

gerritholl commented 5 years ago

When applying #2 and #3, the tests still fail but in a different way. The tables are now found, but:

ERROR: test_fls_algorithm (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_DayFogLowStratusAlgorithm)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 202, in test_fls_algorithm
    stationfile, bgimg=self.input['ir108'])
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/utils/", line 124, in add_to_image
    currentstations = stations[time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H0000")]
KeyError: '20131112080000'
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Starting fog and low cloud detection algorithm in daytime mode
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Cloud Filter
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Histogram range for cloudy/clear sky pixels: -19.7446861967 - 1.11645277953
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Cloud mask difference threshold set to -3.51935588185
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for CloudFilter 

                    Cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 20551
                    Previous masked:         0
                    New filtered:            20551
                    Remaining:               21467
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: CloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/CloudFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Snow Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for SnowFilter 

                    Snow filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 577
                    Previous masked:         20551
                    New filtered:            0
                    Remaining:               21467
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: SnowFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/SnowFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Snow Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for IceCloudFilter 

                    Ice cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 36632
                    Previous masked:         20551
                    New filtered:            16473
                    Remaining:               4994
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: IceCloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/IceCloudFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Cirrus Filter
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Found solar zenith angles from 71.45427646160117 to 81.94458529861542°
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Set BT difference thresholds for cirrus: 1.1 to 2.3 K
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for CirrusCloudFilter 

                    Thin cirrus cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 9398
                    Previous masked:         37024
                    New filtered:            7
                    Remaining:               4987
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: CirrusCloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/CirrusCloudFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Water Cloud Filter
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Mean latitudinal threshold for cloudfree areas: 271.07 K
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for WaterCloudFilter 

                    Water cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 19857
                    Previous masked:         37031
                    New filtered:            112
                    Remaining:               4875
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: WaterCloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/WaterCloudFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 151
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: DayFogLowStratusAlgorithm results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Spatial Cloud Top Height Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for SpatialCloudTopHeightFilter 

                    Filtering cloud clusters by height for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 17144
                    Previous masked:         37143
                    New filtered:            514
                    Remaining:               4361
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: SpatialCloudTopHeightFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/SpatialCloudTopHeightFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 91
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Spatial Clustering Inhomogeneity Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for SpatialHomogeneityFilter 

                    Filtering cloud clusters by StDev for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 37657
                    Previous masked:         37657
                    New filtered:            0
                    Remaining:               4361
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: SpatialHomogeneityFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/SpatialHomogeneityFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Spatial Clustering Inhomogenity Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for CloudPhysicsFilter 

                    Filtering cloud microphysics for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 14340
                    Previous masked:         37657
                    New filtered:            568
                    Remaining:               3793
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: CloudPhysicsFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/CloudPhysicsFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 117
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Low Cloud Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Run low cloud models for single cells
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3787 Tasks Remaining --- 0.16 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3771 Tasks Remaining --- 0.58 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3752 Tasks Remaining --- 1.08 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3737 Tasks Remaining --- 1.48 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3722 Tasks Remaining --- 1.87 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3707 Tasks Remaining --- 2.27 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3694 Tasks Remaining --- 2.61 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3683 Tasks Remaining --- 2.90 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3665 Tasks Remaining --- 3.37 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3654 Tasks Remaining --- 3.66 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3643 Tasks Remaining --- 3.95 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3629 Tasks Remaining --- 4.32 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3617 Tasks Remaining --- 4.64 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3606 Tasks Remaining --- 4.93 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3592 Tasks Remaining --- 5.30 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3578 Tasks Remaining --- 5.67 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3565 Tasks Remaining --- 6.01 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3550 Tasks Remaining --- 6.41 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3538 Tasks Remaining --- 6.72 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3524 Tasks Remaining --- 7.09 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3505 Tasks Remaining --- 7.59 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3490 Tasks Remaining --- 7.99 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3475 Tasks Remaining --- 8.38 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3458 Tasks Remaining --- 8.83 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3443 Tasks Remaining --- 9.23 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3429 Tasks Remaining --- 9.60 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3414 Tasks Remaining --- 9.99 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3399 Tasks Remaining --- 10.39 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3386 Tasks Remaining --- 10.73 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3375 Tasks Remaining --- 11.02 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3363 Tasks Remaining --- 11.34 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3354 Tasks Remaining --- 11.57 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3341 Tasks Remaining --- 11.92 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3332 Tasks Remaining --- 12.15 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3322 Tasks Remaining --- 12.42 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3309 Tasks Remaining --- 12.76 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3301 Tasks Remaining --- 12.97 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3292 Tasks Remaining --- 13.21 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3280 Tasks Remaining --- 13.52 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3269 Tasks Remaining --- 13.81 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3260 Tasks Remaining --- 14.05 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3245 Tasks Remaining --- 14.45 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3234 Tasks Remaining --- 14.74 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3225 Tasks Remaining --- 14.97 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3216 Tasks Remaining --- 15.21 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3205 Tasks Remaining --- 15.50 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3193 Tasks Remaining --- 15.82 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3177 Tasks Remaining --- 16.24 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3167 Tasks Remaining --- 16.50 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3158 Tasks Remaining --- 16.74 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3147 Tasks Remaining --- 17.03 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3132 Tasks Remaining --- 17.43 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3116 Tasks Remaining --- 17.85 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3107 Tasks Remaining --- 18.09 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3097 Tasks Remaining --- 18.35 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3086 Tasks Remaining --- 18.64 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3074 Tasks Remaining --- 18.96 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3056 Tasks Remaining --- 19.43 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3046 Tasks Remaining --- 19.69 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3036 Tasks Remaining --- 19.96 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3024 Tasks Remaining --- 20.27 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3012 Tasks Remaining --- 20.59 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2995 Tasks Remaining --- 21.04 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2986 Tasks Remaining --- 21.28 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2977 Tasks Remaining --- 21.51 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2964 Tasks Remaining --- 21.86 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2952 Tasks Remaining --- 22.17 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2937 Tasks Remaining --- 22.57 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2924 Tasks Remaining --- 22.91 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2915 Tasks Remaining --- 23.15 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2905 Tasks Remaining --- 23.41 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2894 Tasks Remaining --- 23.70 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2880 Tasks Remaining --- 24.07 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2860 Tasks Remaining --- 24.60 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2851 Tasks Remaining --- 24.84 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2841 Tasks Remaining --- 25.10 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2829 Tasks Remaining --- 25.42 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2815 Tasks Remaining --- 25.78 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2804 Tasks Remaining --- 26.07 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2787 Tasks Remaining --- 26.52 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2775 Tasks Remaining --- 26.84 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2764 Tasks Remaining --- 27.13 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2752 Tasks Remaining --- 27.45 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2738 Tasks Remaining --- 27.81 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2726 Tasks Remaining --- 28.13 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2710 Tasks Remaining --- 28.55 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2696 Tasks Remaining --- 28.92 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2687 Tasks Remaining --- 29.16 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2676 Tasks Remaining --- 29.45 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2666 Tasks Remaining --- 29.71 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2654 Tasks Remaining --- 30.03 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2642 Tasks Remaining --- 30.35 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2629 Tasks Remaining --- 30.69 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2615 Tasks Remaining --- 31.06 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2603 Tasks Remaining --- 31.37 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2593 Tasks Remaining --- 31.64 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2585 Tasks Remaining --- 31.85 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2575 Tasks Remaining --- 32.11 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2561 Tasks Remaining --- 32.48 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2546 Tasks Remaining --- 32.88 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2532 Tasks Remaining --- 33.25 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2520 Tasks Remaining --- 33.56 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2506 Tasks Remaining --- 33.93 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2495 Tasks Remaining --- 34.22 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2485 Tasks Remaining --- 34.48 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2474 Tasks Remaining --- 34.77 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2462 Tasks Remaining --- 35.09 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2450 Tasks Remaining --- 35.41 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2438 Tasks Remaining --- 35.72 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2425 Tasks Remaining --- 36.07 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2412 Tasks Remaining --- 36.41 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2397 Tasks Remaining --- 36.80 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2387 Tasks Remaining --- 37.07 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2377 Tasks Remaining --- 37.33 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2363 Tasks Remaining --- 37.70 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2353 Tasks Remaining --- 37.96 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2340 Tasks Remaining --- 38.31 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2327 Tasks Remaining --- 38.65 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2313 Tasks Remaining --- 39.02 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2300 Tasks Remaining --- 39.36 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2291 Tasks Remaining --- 39.60 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2280 Tasks Remaining --- 39.89 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2267 Tasks Remaining --- 40.23 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2255 Tasks Remaining --- 40.55 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2243 Tasks Remaining --- 40.86 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2232 Tasks Remaining --- 41.15 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2219 Tasks Remaining --- 41.50 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2209 Tasks Remaining --- 41.76 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2193 Tasks Remaining --- 42.18 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2180 Tasks Remaining --- 42.53 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2169 Tasks Remaining --- 42.82 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2157 Tasks Remaining --- 43.13 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2144 Tasks Remaining --- 43.47 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2133 Tasks Remaining --- 43.76 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2122 Tasks Remaining --- 44.05 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2108 Tasks Remaining --- 44.42 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2098 Tasks Remaining --- 44.69 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2085 Tasks Remaining --- 45.03 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2070 Tasks Remaining --- 45.43 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2059 Tasks Remaining --- 45.72 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2046 Tasks Remaining --- 46.06 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2033 Tasks Remaining --- 46.40 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2022 Tasks Remaining --- 46.69 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 2014 Tasks Remaining --- 46.90 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1999 Tasks Remaining --- 47.30 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1983 Tasks Remaining --- 47.72 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1970 Tasks Remaining --- 48.06 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1957 Tasks Remaining --- 48.40 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1945 Tasks Remaining --- 48.72 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1935 Tasks Remaining --- 48.98 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1921 Tasks Remaining --- 49.35 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1907 Tasks Remaining --- 49.72 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1892 Tasks Remaining --- 50.12 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1882 Tasks Remaining --- 50.38 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1869 Tasks Remaining --- 50.73 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1858 Tasks Remaining --- 51.02 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1845 Tasks Remaining --- 51.36 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1831 Tasks Remaining --- 51.73 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1821 Tasks Remaining --- 51.99 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1807 Tasks Remaining --- 52.36 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1797 Tasks Remaining --- 52.62 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1784 Tasks Remaining --- 52.97 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1773 Tasks Remaining --- 53.26 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1761 Tasks Remaining --- 53.57 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1745 Tasks Remaining --- 53.99 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1733 Tasks Remaining --- 54.31 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1721 Tasks Remaining --- 54.63 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1712 Tasks Remaining --- 54.86 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1699 Tasks Remaining --- 55.21 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1688 Tasks Remaining --- 55.50 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1677 Tasks Remaining --- 55.79 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1665 Tasks Remaining --- 56.10 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1654 Tasks Remaining --- 56.39 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1636 Tasks Remaining --- 56.87 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1620 Tasks Remaining --- 57.29 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1611 Tasks Remaining --- 57.53 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1597 Tasks Remaining --- 57.90 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1585 Tasks Remaining --- 58.21 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1572 Tasks Remaining --- 58.56 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1561 Tasks Remaining --- 58.85 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1548 Tasks Remaining --- 59.19 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1536 Tasks Remaining --- 59.50 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1522 Tasks Remaining --- 59.87 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1506 Tasks Remaining --- 60.30 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1491 Tasks Remaining --- 60.69 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1479 Tasks Remaining --- 61.01 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1467 Tasks Remaining --- 61.32 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1455 Tasks Remaining --- 61.64 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1445 Tasks Remaining --- 61.90 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1428 Tasks Remaining --- 62.35 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1417 Tasks Remaining --- 62.64 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1405 Tasks Remaining --- 62.96 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1392 Tasks Remaining --- 63.30 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1373 Tasks Remaining --- 63.80 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1362 Tasks Remaining --- 64.09 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1345 Tasks Remaining --- 64.54 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1334 Tasks Remaining --- 64.83 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1320 Tasks Remaining --- 65.20 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1309 Tasks Remaining --- 65.49 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1298 Tasks Remaining --- 65.78 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1285 Tasks Remaining --- 66.12 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1271 Tasks Remaining --- 66.49 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1259 Tasks Remaining --- 66.81 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1243 Tasks Remaining --- 67.23 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1233 Tasks Remaining --- 67.49 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1217 Tasks Remaining --- 67.91 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1204 Tasks Remaining --- 68.26 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1191 Tasks Remaining --- 68.60 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1178 Tasks Remaining --- 68.94 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1166 Tasks Remaining --- 69.26 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1156 Tasks Remaining --- 69.52 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1144 Tasks Remaining --- 69.84 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1128 Tasks Remaining --- 70.26 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1117 Tasks Remaining --- 70.55 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1104 Tasks Remaining --- 70.89 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1085 Tasks Remaining --- 71.39 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1075 Tasks Remaining --- 71.66 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1064 Tasks Remaining --- 71.95 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1050 Tasks Remaining --- 72.32 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1038 Tasks Remaining --- 72.63 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1026 Tasks Remaining --- 72.95 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1011 Tasks Remaining --- 73.35 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1001 Tasks Remaining --- 73.61 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 986 Tasks Remaining --- 74.00 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 972 Tasks Remaining --- 74.37 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 960 Tasks Remaining --- 74.69 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 949 Tasks Remaining --- 74.98 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 936 Tasks Remaining --- 75.32 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 924 Tasks Remaining --- 75.64 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 908 Tasks Remaining --- 76.06 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 898 Tasks Remaining --- 76.32 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 878 Tasks Remaining --- 76.85 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 867 Tasks Remaining --- 77.14 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 857 Tasks Remaining --- 77.41 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 843 Tasks Remaining --- 77.77 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 831 Tasks Remaining --- 78.09 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 821 Tasks Remaining --- 78.35 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 807 Tasks Remaining --- 78.72 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 790 Tasks Remaining --- 79.17 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 780 Tasks Remaining --- 79.44 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 768 Tasks Remaining --- 79.75 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 756 Tasks Remaining --- 80.07 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 742 Tasks Remaining --- 80.44 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 731 Tasks Remaining --- 80.73 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 718 Tasks Remaining --- 81.07 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 702 Tasks Remaining --- 81.49 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 692 Tasks Remaining --- 81.76 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 681 Tasks Remaining --- 82.05 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 667 Tasks Remaining --- 82.41 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 659 Tasks Remaining --- 82.63 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 645 Tasks Remaining --- 82.99 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 629 Tasks Remaining --- 83.42 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 618 Tasks Remaining --- 83.71 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 607 Tasks Remaining --- 84.00 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 597 Tasks Remaining --- 84.26 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 586 Tasks Remaining --- 84.55 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 570 Tasks Remaining --- 84.97 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 550 Tasks Remaining --- 85.50 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 537 Tasks Remaining --- 85.84 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 525 Tasks Remaining --- 86.16 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 512 Tasks Remaining --- 86.50 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 498 Tasks Remaining --- 86.87 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 478 Tasks Remaining --- 87.40 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 466 Tasks Remaining --- 87.71 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 456 Tasks Remaining --- 87.98 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 442 Tasks Remaining --- 88.35 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 410 Tasks Remaining --- 89.19 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 401 Tasks Remaining --- 89.43 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 391 Tasks Remaining --- 89.69 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 377 Tasks Remaining --- 90.06 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 350 Tasks Remaining --- 90.77 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 327 Tasks Remaining --- 91.38 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 319 Tasks Remaining --- 91.59 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 308 Tasks Remaining --- 91.88 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 291 Tasks Remaining --- 92.33 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 270 Tasks Remaining --- 92.88 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 255 Tasks Remaining --- 93.28 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 246 Tasks Remaining --- 93.51 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 214 Tasks Remaining --- 94.36 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 202 Tasks Remaining --- 94.67 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 193 Tasks Remaining --- 94.91 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 180 Tasks Remaining --- 95.25 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 159 Tasks Remaining --- 95.81 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 131 Tasks Remaining --- 96.55 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 119 Tasks Remaining --- 96.86 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 106 Tasks Remaining --- 97.21 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 96 Tasks Remaining --- 97.47 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 80 Tasks Remaining --- 97.89 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 50 Tasks Remaining --- 98.68 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 33 Tasks Remaining --- 99.13 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 21 Tasks Remaining --- 99.45 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 13 Tasks Remaining --- 99.66 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 1 Tasks Remaining --- 99.97 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: All Done. Completed 3793 tasks
fogpy.filters: INFO: Finished low cloud models for 3793 cells
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for LowCloudFilter 

                    Filtering low clouds for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 41830
                    Previous masked:         38225
                    New filtered:            3605
                    Remaining:               188
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: LowCloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/LowCloudFilter_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Plotting filter attribute cbh to /tmp/FLS/LowCloudFilter_cbh_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Plotting filter attribute fbh to /tmp/FLS/LowCloudFilter_fbh_201311120830.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Finish fog and low cloud detection algorithm
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Set color range to (267.44605080253444, 273.76849008650674)
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: DayFogLowStratusAlgorithm results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

ERROR: test_fls_algorithm_other (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_DayFogLowStratusAlgorithm)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 232, in test_fls_algorithm_other
    stationfile2, bgimg=self.input2['ir108'])
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/utils/", line 124, in add_to_image
    currentstations = stations[time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H0000")]
KeyError: '20140827070000'
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Starting fog and low cloud detection algorithm in daytime mode
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Cloud Filter
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Histogram range for cloudy/clear sky pixels: -6.48294205488 - 2.5771321229
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Cloud mask difference threshold set to -1.95290496599
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for CloudFilter 

                    Cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 16336
                    Previous masked:         0
                    New filtered:            16336
                    Remaining:               25682
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: CloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/CloudFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Snow Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for SnowFilter 

                    Snow filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 183
                    Previous masked:         16336
                    New filtered:            144
                    Remaining:               25538
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: SnowFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/SnowFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Snow Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for IceCloudFilter 

                    Ice cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 35413
                    Previous masked:         16480
                    New filtered:            19524
                    Remaining:               6014
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: IceCloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/IceCloudFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Cirrus Filter
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Found solar zenith angles from 59.83404307196856 to 69.19908223088952°
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Set BT difference thresholds for cirrus: 1.1 to 4.73 K
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for CirrusCloudFilter 

                    Thin cirrus cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 6617
                    Previous masked:         36004
                    New filtered:            15
                    Remaining:               5999
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: CirrusCloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/CirrusCloudFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Water Cloud Filter
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Mean latitudinal threshold for cloudfree areas: 280.81 K
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for WaterCloudFilter 

                    Water cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 21489
                    Previous masked:         36019
                    New filtered:            765
                    Remaining:               5234
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: WaterCloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/WaterCloudFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 318
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: DayFogLowStratusAlgorithm results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Spatial Cloud Top Height Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for SpatialCloudTopHeightFilter 

                    Filtering cloud clusters by height for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 20746
                    Previous masked:         36784
                    New filtered:            2526
                    Remaining:               2708
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: SpatialCloudTopHeightFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/SpatialCloudTopHeightFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 142
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Spatial Clustering Inhomogeneity Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for SpatialHomogeneityFilter 

                    Filtering cloud clusters by StDev for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 39310
                    Previous masked:         39310
                    New filtered:            0
                    Remaining:               2708
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: SpatialHomogeneityFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/SpatialHomogeneityFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Spatial Clustering Inhomogenity Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for CloudPhysicsFilter 

                    Filtering cloud microphysics for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 11139
                    Previous masked:         39310
                    New filtered:            43
                    Remaining:               2665
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: CloudPhysicsFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/CloudPhysicsFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 148
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Low Cloud Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Run low cloud models for cloud clusters
fogpy.filters: INFO: 148 Tasks Remaining --- 0.00 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 146 Tasks Remaining --- 1.35 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 141 Tasks Remaining --- 4.73 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 139 Tasks Remaining --- 6.08 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 133 Tasks Remaining --- 10.14 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 121 Tasks Remaining --- 18.24 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 116 Tasks Remaining --- 21.62 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 112 Tasks Remaining --- 24.32 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 104 Tasks Remaining --- 29.73 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 101 Tasks Remaining --- 31.76 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 96 Tasks Remaining --- 35.14 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 89 Tasks Remaining --- 39.86 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 83 Tasks Remaining --- 43.92 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 79 Tasks Remaining --- 46.62 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 75 Tasks Remaining --- 49.32 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 71 Tasks Remaining --- 52.03 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 68 Tasks Remaining --- 54.05 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 66 Tasks Remaining --- 55.41 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 60 Tasks Remaining --- 59.46 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 59 Tasks Remaining --- 60.14 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 58 Tasks Remaining --- 60.81 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 55 Tasks Remaining --- 62.84 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 51 Tasks Remaining --- 65.54 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 50 Tasks Remaining --- 66.22 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 49 Tasks Remaining --- 66.89 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 46 Tasks Remaining --- 68.92 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 42 Tasks Remaining --- 71.62 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 41 Tasks Remaining --- 72.30 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 37 Tasks Remaining --- 75.00 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 35 Tasks Remaining --- 76.35 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 32 Tasks Remaining --- 78.38 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 30 Tasks Remaining --- 79.73 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 27 Tasks Remaining --- 81.76 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 24 Tasks Remaining --- 83.78 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 20 Tasks Remaining --- 86.49 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 17 Tasks Remaining --- 88.51 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 12 Tasks Remaining --- 91.89 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 10 Tasks Remaining --- 93.24 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 9 Tasks Remaining --- 93.92 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 6 Tasks Remaining --- 95.95 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: 3 Tasks Remaining --- 97.97 % Complete
fogpy.filters: INFO: All Done. Completed 148 tasks
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for LowCloudFilter 

                    Filtering low clouds for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 41778
                    Previous masked:         39353
                    New filtered:            2425
                    Remaining:               240
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: LowCloudFilter results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS/LowCloudFilter_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: WARNING: Nothing to stretch !
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Plotting filter attribute cbh to /tmp/FLS/LowCloudFilter_cbh_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.filters: INFO: Plotting filter attribute fbh to /tmp/FLS/LowCloudFilter_fbh_201408270715.png
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying invert with parameters True
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Finish fog and low cloud detection algorithm
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Set color range to (273.9249643716746, 284.14751440203855)
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: DayFogLowStratusAlgorithm results are plotted to: /tmp/FLS
trollimage.image: DEBUG: Applying stretch crude with parameters {}
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

ERROR: test_nightfls_algorithm (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 622, in setUp
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 167, in __init__
    self._sgdp4 = _SGDP4(self.orbit_elements)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 706, in __init__
    raise NotImplementedError('Deep space calculations not supported')
NotImplementedError: Deep space calculations not supported

ERROR: test_nightfls_algorithm2 (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 622, in setUp
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 167, in __init__
    self._sgdp4 = _SGDP4(self.orbit_elements)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 706, in __init__
    raise NotImplementedError('Deep space calculations not supported')
NotImplementedError: Deep space calculations not supported

ERROR: test_nightfls_slope (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 622, in setUp
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 167, in __init__
    self._sgdp4 = _SGDP4(self.orbit_elements)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 706, in __init__
    raise NotImplementedError('Deep space calculations not supported')
NotImplementedError: Deep space calculations not supported

ERROR: test_nightfls_turningpoints_no_valley (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 622, in setUp
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 167, in __init__
    self._sgdp4 = _SGDP4(self.orbit_elements)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 706, in __init__
    raise NotImplementedError('Deep space calculations not supported')
NotImplementedError: Deep space calculations not supported

ERROR: test_nightfls_turningpoints_with_thres (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 622, in setUp
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 167, in __init__
    self._sgdp4 = _SGDP4(self.orbit_elements)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 706, in __init__
    raise NotImplementedError('Deep space calculations not supported')
NotImplementedError: Deep space calculations not supported

ERROR: test_nightfls_turningpoints_with_valley (fogpy.test.test_algorithms.Test_NightFogLowStratusAlgorithm)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 622, in setUp
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 167, in __init__
    self._sgdp4 = _SGDP4(self.orbit_elements)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyorbital/", line 706, in __init__
    raise NotImplementedError('Deep space calculations not supported')
NotImplementedError: Deep space calculations not supported

ERROR: test_cloud_motion_filter (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_CloudMotionFilter)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 689, in test_cloud_motion_filter
    ret, mask = testfilter.apply()
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/", line 128, in apply
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/", line 1091, in filter_function
    optflow = self.cv2.createOptFlow_DualTVL1()
AttributeError: 'CloudMotionFilter' object has no attribute 'cv2'
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Setting filter reference time to current time: 2019-02-21 14:07:11.028607
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Cloud Motion Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Calculate optical flow...
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

ERROR: test_fusion_filter_bufr_import (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_StationFusionFilter)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 727, in test_fusion_filter_bufr_import
    ret, mask = testfilter.apply()
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/", line 128, in apply
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/", line 1223, in filter_function
    currentstations = stations[self.time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H0000")]
KeyError: '20131112080000'
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Setting filter reference time to current time: 2019-02-21 14:08:01.172060
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Cloud Filter
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Histogram range for cloudy/clear sky pixels: -19.7446861967 - 1.11645277953
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Cloud mask difference threshold set to -3.51935588185
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for CloudFilter 

                    Cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 20551
                    Previous masked:         0
                    New filtered:            20551
                    Remaining:               21467
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Station Data Fusion Filter
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

ERROR: test_fusion_filter_dem_interpolation (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_StationFusionFilter)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 747, in test_fusion_filter_dem_interpolation
    ret, mask = testfilter.apply()
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/", line 128, in apply
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/", line 1223, in filter_function
    currentstations = stations[self.time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H0000")]
KeyError: '20131112080000'
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Setting filter reference time to current time: 2019-02-21 14:08:11.832507
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Cloud Filter
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Histogram range for cloudy/clear sky pixels: -19.7446861967 - 1.11645277953
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Cloud mask difference threshold set to -3.51935588185
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for CloudFilter 

                    Cloud filtering for satellite images.
                    Array size:              42018
                    Masking:                 20551
                    Previous masked:         0
                    New filtered:            20551
                    Remaining:               21467
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Station Data Fusion Filter
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

ERROR: Failure: AreaNotFound ('Area "germ" not found in file "/home/gholl/checkouts/geotools/etc/areas.yaml"')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line 418, in loadTestsFromName
    addr.filename, addr.module)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line 47, in importFromPath
    return self.importFromDir(dir_path, fqname)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line 94, in importFromDir
    mod = load_module(part_fqname, fh, filename, desc)
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 105, in <module>
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyresample/", line 63, in load_area
    area_list = parse_area_file(area_file_name, *regions)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyresample/", line 93, in parse_area_file
    return _parse_yaml_area_file(area_file_name, *regions)
  File "/media/nas/x21324/miniconda3/envs/py27b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyresample/", line 138, in _parse_yaml_area_file
    area_name, area_file_name))
AreaNotFound: 'Area "germ" not found in file "/home/gholl/checkouts/geotools/etc/areas.yaml"'

FAIL: test_spatial_homogenity_filter_highsd (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_SpatialHomogeneityFilter)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 489, in test_spatial_homogenity_filter_highsd
    self.assertEqual(np.nansum(testfilter.mask), msum)
AssertionError: 98 != 56
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 14
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 6
fogpy.algorithms: INFO: Clustering low clouds
fogpy.algorithms: DEBUG: Number of spatial coherent fog cloud clusters: 1
fogpy.filters: DEBUG: Setting filter reference time to current time: 2019-02-21 14:08:01.124284
fogpy.filters: INFO: Applying Spatial Clustering Inhomogeneity Filter
fogpy.filters: INFO: Filter results for SpatialHomogeneityFilter 

                    Filtering cloud clusters by StDev for satellite images.
                    Array size:              100
                    Masking:                 98
                    Previous masked:         42
                    New filtered:            56
                    Remaining:               2
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

Ran 74 tests in 607.350s

FAILED (errors=12, failures=1)
gerritholl commented 5 years ago

I don't know why it's different, but now I have

Ran 83 tests in 637.427s

FAILED (errors=25, failures=4)
gerritholl commented 5 years ago

I thought all tests now pass, and indeed they do with nosetests:

/opt/pytroll/pytroll_inst/miniconda3/envs/pytroll_py37/lib/python3.7/unittest/ RuntimeWarning: TestResult has no addExpectedFailure method, reporting as passes
Ran 83 tests in 285.185s


They also pass when run with pytest:

==================================== 80 passed, 2 skipped, 1 xfailed, 34 warnings in 280.63 seconds ====================================

However, with python test there are less tests run, and there is still a test error:

ERROR: test_cloud_motion_filter (fogpy.test.test_filters.Test_CloudMotionFilter)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/test/", line 711, in test_cloud_motion_filter
    ret, mask = testfilter.apply()
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/", line 133, in apply
  File "/home/gholl/checkouts/fogpy/fogpy/", line 1144, in filter_function
    optflow = self.cv2.optflow.createOptFlow_DualTVL1()
AttributeError: module 'cv2.cv2' has no attribute 'optflow'

Ran 75 tests in 228.599s

FAILED (errors=1, skipped=2, expected failures=1)
Test failed: <unittest.runner.TextTestResult run=75 errors=1 failures=0>
error: Test failed: <unittest.runner.TextTestResult run=75 errors=1 failures=0>

The same result with coverage run --source=fogpy test (or more precisely: PYTHONWARNINGS="ignore:Method:RuntimeWarning" BUFR_TABLES="/media/x21308/DWD-bufrtables/tabellen_v3/" coverage run --source=fogpy test).