pytroll / pygac

A python package to read and calibrate NOAA and Metop AVHRR GAC and LAC data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Refactor clock drift #84

Closed carloshorn closed 3 years ago

carloshorn commented 4 years ago

This PR closes #76 and closes #80 and the associated PRs: closes #81 and closes #82.


  1. By adding more comment lines and proper variable names, the code should be more comprehensible.
  2. By making reader.times a property, there is no need to synchronize the array with reader.utcs anymore. This makes sense, because both arrays contain the same information but expressed in different data types.


  1. It turned out that #76 was a consequence of an error in computing the maximum line number of shifted line indices. The - max_idx is wrong, see discussion in #82.

  2. This PR takes care of skipped scan lines which addresses the following TODO: by taking into account the complete line number range when sub-setting the missed lines, instead of only considering the shifted lines as in the current implementation:

  3. The current implementation computes wrong utc values for missed scan lines if the first scan line number is not equal to one, see The correct time transformation is:

    missed_utcs = ((missed - self.scans["scan_line_number"][0])*np.timedelta64(500, "ms")
               + self.utcs[0])
  4. The computed longitudes and latitudes for the slerp interpolation should correspond to the utcs before clock adjustment. So the time difference between each line in the interpolation array is equal to the scan rate of 500 ms. Therefore, it should be clock_drift_adjust=False in the following call: otherwise, the values in complete_lons, complete_lats are not necessarily in the correct order.

  5. It corrects #80, by making reader.times a property and taking into account milliseconds in the final assignment Furthermore, note that this line is also incorrect, because after the variable offsets has the wrong units (1/scan_rate = 1/(0.5 seconds/line) = 2 lines/seconds)

Potential Side Effects:

  1. This PR removes the method Reader.compute_lonlat, see It is not considered as necessary for the public interface of Reader, because it is only called for clock drift adjustment, where the calling method reader._adjust_clock_drift is private already.
carloshorn commented 4 years ago

I noticed that there were not tests yet regarding the clock drift adjustment. I would postpone the creation of tests after the first code review.

carloshorn commented 4 years ago

I would have liked to see tests for the changed functionality or bugfixing before the refactoring took place, it would ensure that the refactoring is just a refactoring, ie that all the tests are still passing.

Good point for the future, I am not yet much into TDD, but I clearly see the benefit. How can we proceed on it? I could create a new branch where I implement the test and include the fixes and changes step by step. Or is the now implemented test meaningful enough to show the correctness of this PR?

mraspaud commented 4 years ago

@carloshorn looks go with the test you added! I don't think you need to rewind your work now.

As far as TDD goes, it's just as the name says :) Write a test first (that fails) and then proceed with the implementation so that the test passes. When the test passes, refactor so that the code becomes clean. See a demo of how to do this here:

The hardest part is to know what to test. My rule of thumb is that every line should be tested, but we test only public functionality, not implementation details. We can talk more on slack about it if you want (in #random for example).

carloshorn commented 4 years ago

According to Table J-1 (Satellite Scanning Instrument Parameters for TIROS-N through NOAA-14) in the KLM guide, the max scan angle for AVHRR/2 is given by 55.37 deg. I don't know where the 55.385 deg in the code come from, but the 55.37 deg is also the default in pyorbita..geoloc_instrument_definitions.avhrr_gac.

I will have to check, but I think this was calculated somehow. It's somewhere in pyorbital maybe.

I am still trying to understand the given scan angle of 55.385 deg which is passed to pyorbital in the current implementation:

Unfortunately, I could not find any clear hint in pyorbital. My first guess, that it is the scan midpoint plus half a scan step, did not lead to this number. Then, the following line got my attention: But still, I could not reproduce the 55.385 degrees.

Can you think of anything else to try, or maybe some verbal ideas/explanations why the scan angle needs an adjustment?

ninahakansson commented 4 years ago

@carloshorn Nice work with the PR! About the 55.385 this might be inherited from the PPS-ahamap package. I found a note from 2002. I can ask KG if he remembers :).

   /*    Replaced with calculations taken from 6S Users' Guide Version 2 /KG */

   for(y=0;y<self->podlac->podHeader.numberOfScans;y++) {
      for(x=0;x<LAC_MXPIX;x++) {
carloshorn commented 4 years ago

@ninahakansson, please ask KG. I hope he remembers, otherwise, I would vote for using the default value 55.37 from the KLM Guide, because I would prefer to have a reference/justification/explanation for any assumption/choice/parameter that appears in the code. If someone remembers or comes up with an explanation later on, we can still open an issue, change back to 55.385 and add a comment line with the explanation. What do you think?

mraspaud commented 4 years ago

From what I can find, pyorbital is also defaulting to 55.37 for avhrr:

mraspaud commented 4 years ago

Also notice that the scan angle is 55.25 for noaa 16:

ninahakansson commented 4 years ago

KG had nothing to add and @abhaydd showed me that in one part of the KLM-guide that value is 55.4 and that the value varies between sources, versions of sources and actually between instruments. I have no opinion about updating it or not. As it is a small change PPS will be OK either way.

carloshorn commented 4 years ago

Also notice that the scan angle is 55.25 for noaa 16:

Currently, there is just a clock drift adjustment for POD satellites, but it is truly a thing to remember when adding clock drifts for KLM satellites in the future.

carloshorn commented 4 years ago

@ninahakansson, thanks for checking. In this case, I would stick on one source, which could be Table J-1 (Satellite Scanning Instrument Parameters for TIROS-N through NOAA-14) in the KLM guide and use it to justify the choice in the code. In the current PR, this is done indirectly by passing the responsibility to the default value of pyorbital.geoloc_instrument_definitions.avhrr_gac, which refers to exactly this table in its doc-string.

mraspaud commented 4 years ago

@carloshorn in principle clock drift adjustment shouldn't be needed as the clock is updated daily on the klm series.

carloshorn commented 4 years ago

@mraspaud, cool, then we are lucky and do not need to implement an extra case for NOAA-16.

mraspaud commented 4 years ago

@sfinkens I think you need to run your tests on this one

ghost commented 4 years ago

Congratulations :tada:. DeepCode analyzed your code in 2.218 seconds and we found no issues. Enjoy a moment of no bugs :sunny:.

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carloshorn commented 4 years ago

@mraspaud, sorry I have not noticed that you were about to approving this. I went through the code a last time for my-self.

mraspaud commented 4 years ago

Retry DeepCode

sfinkens commented 4 years ago

Awesome, now I'm able to understand what's happening :smile: Thanks for digging into this! I'll run the tests ASAP.

mraspaud commented 3 years ago

@sfinkens did you run the tests on this one too?

sfinkens commented 3 years ago

I'm on it. There are differences, as expected, but I think not critical. Currently hunting a memory leak occuring while plotting the differences...

sfinkens commented 3 years ago

Regression tests show minor differences for the angles, which is expected because the scanline timestamps were corrected.

AVHRR-GAC_FDR_1C_N07_19850129T193012Z_19850129T211513Z_R_O_20200101T000000Z_0100 nc_sun_sensor_azimuth_difference_angle

AVHRR-GAC_FDR_1C_N07_19850129T193012Z_19850129T211513Z_R_O_20200101T000000Z_0100 nc_solar_zenith_angle

AVHRR-GAC_FDR_1C_N07_19850129T193012Z_19850129T211513Z_R_O_20200101T000000Z_0100 nc_solar_azimuth_angle

AVHRR-GAC_FDR_1C_N07_19850129T193012Z_19850129T211513Z_R_O_20200101T000000Z_0100 nc_sensor_zenith_angle

AVHRR-GAC_FDR_1C_N07_19850129T193012Z_19850129T211513Z_R_O_20200101T000000Z_0100 nc_sensor_azimuth_angle

AVHRR-GAC_FDR_1C_N07_19850129T193012Z_19850129T211513Z_R_O_20200101T000000Z_0100 nc_reflectance_channel_3

AVHRR-GAC_FDR_1C_N07_19850129T193012Z_19850129T211513Z_R_O_20200101T000000Z_0100 nc_reflectance_channel_2

AVHRR-GAC_FDR_1C_N07_19850129T193012Z_19850129T211513Z_R_O_20200101T000000Z_0100 nc_reflectance_channel_1

AVHRR-GAC_FDR_1C_N07_19850129T193012Z_19850129T211513Z_R_O_20200101T000000Z_0100 nc_longitude

AVHRR-GAC_FDR_1C_N07_19850129T193012Z_19850129T211513Z_R_O_20200101T000000Z_0100 nc_latitude

AVHRR-GAC_FDR_1C_N07_19850129T193012Z_19850129T211513Z_R_O_20200101T000000Z_0100 nc_brightness_temperature_channel_5

AVHRR-GAC_FDR_1C_N07_19850129T193012Z_19850129T211513Z_R_O_20200101T000000Z_0100 nc_brightness_temperature_channel_4

mraspaud commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the hard work everyone!