The ImageContainerNearest and ImageContanerBilinear classes can be used for resampling of swaths as well as grids. Below is an example using nearest neighbour resampling.
Expected Output
Actual Result, Traceback if applicable
Versions of Python, package at hand and relevant dependencies
Code Sample, a minimal, complete, and verifiable piece of code
The following code snippet is taken directly from the RTD pages:
Problem description
The above code produce a deprecation warning!
.../pyresample/ FutureWarning: Usage of ImageContainer is deprecated, please use NumpyResamplerBilinear class instead
In the first example of resampling "swath" data mention a deprecated class:
The ImageContainerNearest and ImageContanerBilinear classes can be used for resampling of swaths as well as grids. Below is an example using nearest neighbour resampling.
Expected Output
Actual Result, Traceback if applicable
Versions of Python, package at hand and relevant dependencies