pyunity / pyunity

A pure Python 3D Game Engine that was inspired by the structure of the Unity Game Engine
MIT License
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[FEATURE] Resource handling and updating #67

Open rayzchen opened 1 year ago

rayzchen commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Currently resources are dynamically found and only specific to the default ones provided by PyUnity, however if this is to become a standalone then said resources would be located differently. The current method of project loading only facilitates loading Asset files and doesn't have an interface for other file creations, such as config files or caches.

Describe the solution you'd like A resource management system extending that also ties into the Project class.

Describe alternatives you've considered Something similar to what Unity does, which is to bundle all the assets into a single compressed file that is distributed with the rest of the executable.

Additional context This could also be useful in a PyUnity editor for when assets are modified, renamed etc. It also needs to take into account any project UUIDs it has to modify.

rayzchen commented 11 months ago

73 implemented a resource system to be used by modules but if supplied with Project paths it could work as an asset resolver.