pyupio / dparse

A parser for Python dependency files
MIT License
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do a release #80

Open deronnax opened 6 months ago

deronnax commented 6 months ago

it's been 8,5 months since the last non-beta release. Also, none of the current release runs on python 3.12 because older dparse releases use ConfigParser.readfp() which is removed in Python 3.12.

pawamoy commented 4 months ago

This forces users to enable pre-releases when resolving dependencies, for example:

  × No solution found when resolving dependencies:
  ╰─▶ Because only dparse<0.6.4b0 is available and safety>=3.0.0 depends on dparse>=0.6.4b0, we can conclude that safety>=3.0.0 cannot be used.
      And because only the following versions of safety are available:
      and mkdocs-autorefs depends on safety>=3.0, we can conclude that the requirements are unsatisfiable.

      hint: dparse was requested with a pre-release marker (e.g., dparse>=0.6.4b0), but pre-releases weren't enabled (try: `--prerelease=allow`)

Opting into pre-releases would allow them in the whole dependency graph, not just for dparse, so that's not really something I'd want to do :thinking:

Any blockers for going from a beta release to a final release :slightly_smiling_face:?

mahathun commented 1 month ago

@pawamoy had the same issue, fixed it by adding the dparse pre release version to the dependancies. then you can do the rye sync without --pre

managed = true
dev-dependencies = [