pyushkevich / itksnap

ITK-SNAP medical image segmentation tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
281 stars 78 forks source link

Export screenshot series while in axial mode #91

Open Neuroguide opened 1 year ago

Neuroguide commented 1 year ago

When you try to Menu>Export>Screenshot Series>Coronal while in axial only mode you only get single slice snapshot as if in the single screenshot mode. When you switch back to tri plane view works well.

Build Build date Feb21,2023 Git commit hash 476b64378e836296b6942edce35efd55896a9a57 Git commit date 2023-02-21 10:47:15 -0500 Git branch master Build site name pymm21_macos Build OS Darwin-20.5.0 arm64 Build type Release ITK version 5.2.1 VTK version 9.1.0 Qt version 6.2.2 CMake version 3.22.1 C compiler Clang C++ compiler Clang