He's the author of the Mu Code editor for children and beginner programmers
A "micro" editor for MicroPython and the BBC micro:bit. Written in Python and Qt5.
I don't yet have an abstract for his talk, but he's interested. He's not 100% sure he'll be able to make it, but if folks agree to invite him, the sooner we can push him an offer the better chance we'll have to get PyCon CZ on his schedule.
Coming from the UK, I would estimate costs to be about 15,000czk
He gave a talk recently at PyCon SK entitled "Teach, Learn, Python" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhP7zjq0XEI That covers Python, Education and introduces the Micro:Bit.
He's the author of the Mu Code editor for children and beginner programmers A "micro" editor for MicroPython and the BBC micro:bit. Written in Python and Qt5. http://codewith.mu/
He recently wrote a book on this topic called "Python in Education": http://www.oreilly.com/programming/free/python-in-education.csp
And does lots of presentations: http://ntoll.org/presentations/
I don't yet have an abstract for his talk, but he's interested. He's not 100% sure he'll be able to make it, but if folks agree to invite him, the sooner we can push him an offer the better chance we'll have to get PyCon CZ on his schedule.
Coming from the UK, I would estimate costs to be about 15,000czk