pyvideo / richard

video indexing site
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Nested categories #120

Closed squiddy closed 11 years ago

squiddy commented 12 years ago

Currently we have categories that hold videos. Categories are grouped in category kinds (e.g. conference, user group). By allowing categories to be nested, we can remove the limiting category kinds and gain flexibility.

Worth looking at: for efficient tree implementations

willkg commented 11 years ago

I had forgotten about this bug. My bad.

So... I think the whole CategoryKind/Category thing was a mistake. I was trying to solve a problem where I had two kinds of things in, but I think that wasn't a problem I really needed to solve.

I'm not sure a full category hierarchy makes sense. Sure, it helps us model the data, but does it make it easier or harder for us to build a ui that helps the user find what they're looking for? Are sites going to have so many videos they really need a multi-level category hierarchy? I don't know the answers to those questions.

In's case, I have two kinds of categories: user groups and conferences. Also, conferences belong to a series (e.g. PyCon 2012 belongs to the PyCon series). That implies a three-level category hierarchy modeling-wise. I don't think exposing that hierarchy on the site helps users at all.

I think what I want to do here is ditch the CategoryKind model altogether--it was dumb and it's not really needed. Then I want to ditch either "name" or "title" from Category--probably "name". I think that cleans the models up a bit and lets me do what I need to do with

If at some point p, someone has a need for a category hierarchy, we can discuss it then and the ui/ux ramifications.

willkg commented 11 years ago

I nixed the CategoryKind bit. I was thinking we could have a "series" field in categories to indicate when a group of categories are related. But... I think works fine for now without hierarchical categories, so I'm not going to worry about this for now.

willkg commented 11 years ago

I'm closing issues out that are old that were good to think about, but didn't get any traction because there wasn't a compelling reason for it.

I don't need nested categories right now.