pyvideo / richard

video indexing site
216 stars 55 forks source link

contributor infrastructure #217

Open willkg opened 10 years ago

willkg commented 10 years ago

pyvideo is currently maintained by people who have admin status and that's it. That's problematic when growing the site and growing a community of people to maintain the site.

I want to build a system that scales to like 50 active contributors tops. If we get beyond that, we should switch to a new system.

I'm thinking we should create a django group and then make sure we have a way to manage the people in that group. Then we'll give that group permission to edit video data and change the edit links on the site so that this group can edit video data.

This issue covers:

treyhunner commented 10 years ago

This would also be very useful for associating slides with videos. I manually associate slides with videos when bookmarking talks. Storing this data with the video would be useful.

Here is an example list I made which contains a few slides links: