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Ansible #256

Open paulcollinsiii opened 9 years ago

paulcollinsiii commented 9 years ago

Relates to willkg/richard#215

I kind of wanted to play around with Ansible & Vagrant anyways so this takes a quick crack at it. This is is based off my factoryboy branch, so once that branch is finalized this one will need a bit of rebasing magic applied.

Anyhow, it's a basic ubuntu / nginx / uwsgi setup. It uses the Dev configuration and doesn't do anything fancy with the DB so I'm sure there are some problems there. Getting the scripts to do fancy stuff like setup postgres and have the Dev role use that with some config is possible but I wanted to get this up here for comments first before getting too far along that path.

willkg commented 9 years ago

We're hitting this point where you're dogpiling changes. I can't even look at this until I've worked through all the previous ones. I'm caught between wanting to let you move at the pace you want to move at, but having serious difficulties keeping up with and absorbing the huge sweeping changes you're making to the project.

Further, @codersquid has been working on ansible stuff already and this probably doesn't take any of her efforts into account.

In general, it'd help if you:

  1. talked about what you were thinking of working on before you worked on it so we're not duplicating/stomping on existing efforts: saying something in the issue in question, saying something on IRC--anything is fine
  2. either base things on master or wait until previous PRs are worked through

I don't want to waste peoples' time and I don't want to block you from moving forward--you're fixing some really important technical deb issues I've let accrue over the years--but I just can't keep up with this.

For now, let's put this PR on ice until all the previous ones have been worked through. Also, can you talk with @codersquid about her ansible work and figure out with her how to move foward?

codersquid commented 9 years ago

Hi @paulcollinsiii, The ansible experiment I have going is over here, and I've also got a fabric-based deploy repo.

paulcollinsiii commented 9 years ago

@codersquid ah that's where they are. I'll go back and take a look at your playbooks and see if I can rework this a bit if you'd like. I just took a look at the ansible issue and said "Oh that looks like fun!" and started away. This PR can totally be throwaway code as far as I'm concerned. It grew out of a curiosity about ansible itself and not having any idea of how richard is actually deployed so I figured I'd make something up ^_~ By the time I got to a point where I could say vagrant up and have the default site come up I figured it could be interesting enough to post this up for ideas and comments but not necessarily to merge.

As for the dogpiling trust me I hear you =) I've based my consecutive PR on each other because for py.test and factory boy that was just easiest. For this one, I based it off of those just for force myself to dogfood (sorry couldn't help myself ;) my own code. By no means though is this ready for merge. I made this PR at 1am and forgot to tag @codersquid so I could get feedback from her.

codersquid commented 9 years ago

@paulcollinsiii, I'll take a look at your PR to see how you've set things up. I've skimmed it a little, but have some other things to take care of before I come back to this.

Some comments on my repo:

Btw, I don't want config and deploy concerns in the same repo as richard (which is why I'm experimenting with them in personal repos for the moment). Maybe when we have something cleaned up we can think about having a new repo that is 'blessed'.