It looks like in pyvisa-py/ USBInstrSession.list_resource, the returned resource names include the USB vendor id and device id using the 's' formatter. This means they are listed as decimal in the resource name, which makes filtering difficult when switching PyVISA backends. I might be misreading the spec, but according to rule 4.3.1, I think pyvisa-py should use '#06x' to insert the VID/PID.
It looks like in pyvisa-py/ USBInstrSession.list_resource, the returned resource names include the USB vendor id and device id using the 's' formatter. This means they are listed as decimal in the resource name, which makes filtering difficult when switching PyVISA backends. I might be misreading the spec, but according to rule 4.3.1, I think pyvisa-py should use '#06x' to insert the VID/PID.