pyvisa / pyvisa-sim

A PyVISA backend that simulates a large part of the "Virtual Instrument Software Architecture" (VISA_)
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Bug in `iter_bytes` #80

Closed dougthor42 closed 1 year ago

dougthor42 commented 1 year ago


dougthor42 commented 1 year ago

@MatthieuDartiailh I'm taking a look at this and I'm not sure I understand that you've said. Let me break it down to make sure I've got things right - please correct me where I'm wrong:

iter_bytes is meant to clip values to the right number of bits (since serial may use from 5 to 8 bits).

Sounds reasonable. If we send data that requires 10 bits to represent, clip it to 8 bits (or 5 or whatever mask is).

   data:  0b 0011 1111 1100   # eg: something non-ascii
clipped:  0b      1111 1100

When send_end is True the highest data bits should only be set when the message is over.

"should only be set": Did you mean "should only be sent"? Assuming you meant "sent", you mean we should do this:

Data Index Data Sent Value (send_end=True) Sent Value (send_end=False)
0 0b0011 1111 1100 0b1111 1100 0b1111 1100
1 0b0011 1111 1100 0b1111 1100 0b1111 1100
2 0b0011 1111 1100 0b1111 1100 0b1111 1100
3 (last) 0b0011 1111 1100 0b0011 1111 1100 0b1111 1100

The problem here is that ~ gives us a signed binary number. So basically the function is bugged (and it is annoying since it is duplicated in pyvisa-py).

Yeah ~ is "invert" which is defined as -(x+1). If I'm correct in all of the above, then it sounds like we might want AND with 2**mask - 1:

   mask: 8  # eg: "number of bits to use"
2**mask: 0b 1 0000 0000

          data:  0b 0011 1111 1100
&  2**mask - 1:  0b      1111 1111
        result:  0b      1111 1100

To make it less error prone it is we could refactor it to take the number of data bits and send_end. That way we could write out the mask directly.

Do you mean this?

def iter_bytes(data: bytes, max_bits: int = 8, send_end: bool = False) -> Iterator(bytes):
    """Clip values to the correct number of bits (serial may use from 5 to 8 bits).

    data : The data to send
    max_bits: Truncate each character to this number of least-significant bits.
    send_end: If True, send the final character with all bits (do not truncate).
        Otherwise, truncate the final character to max_bits.

I might want to rename send_end to something else that answers the question "should we truncate the final character to max_bits"?

MatthieuDartiailh commented 1 year ago

The behavior is meant to match the IVI specification. I attach links to both the IVI specification and NI documentation that details the expectation both for data bits and for send end. Let me know if this clears things.

dougthor42 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for those links. It sure sounds like what I described matches with those specs. I'll whip up a PR.