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extract slices along curved plane #154

Open pr4deepr opened 4 years ago

pr4deepr commented 4 years ago

Hi I have a question about slicing image across a user-defined depth from the surface boundary. I usually work with images that are curved like the below example or cylindrical objects. Example curved image stack

Workflow I've been using to generate the mesh

import pyvista as pv"D:\\Hypocotyl_GFP-MBD.tif")
#gaussian smoothing
thresh=smoothened.threshold([20,255]) #threshold determined using imagej
#adding another scalar based on elevation

# Get the out surface as PolyData
surf = thresh.extract_geometry()
# Smooth the surface
smooth = surf.smooth(n_iter=50)
#Didn't know how to fit a surface to the curvature

Depending on the datasets, the structures I am interested in are usually a certain depth below the boundary or edges. For example, I would like to extract a surface 8 pixels thick, 5 pixels below the surface. Does that make sense? Apologies, this is not to scale, but its an example of what I am after, but along the length of the surface: Example

Also, another question I have is, is it possible to straighten the curved surface?, so the dimensions are kept? Conversion-from-curved-surface-to-planar-image

Thank you so much.

banesullivan commented 4 years ago

This is a really cool challenge, thanks for posting! I'm curious if you have the 3D coordinates for the picked lines shown in the image you shared?:


If so, we could use those lines to slice the input mesh with the .slice_along_line filter.

Flattening out those slices would be a bit challenging as there isn't any perfect way of doing it that I know of - all methods will have drawbacks.

You could skip all the slicing and go directly to creating a 3D structured grid of a semi-cylinder and resample the image to that structured grid. Then you can extract each layer of the semi-cylinder and "flatten" it to a plane.

While we have a convenient method to create cylinder structured grids with pyvista.CylinderStructured, you may want to do it manually, only creating a semi-cylinder and warping it to be more oval-like. To do this, you'd need to define an ellipse/oval that fits the data's structure. To do so, I'd recommend manually picking a line to fit the structure and fitting the equation of an ellipse to those points via some linear regression.


Once you have a nice model of an ellipse from linear regression or whatever, you can use those terms to create an elliptical structured grid like so (I arbitrarily chose terms for the oval that looked "decent" and I included a helper method for you to be able to easily create this kind of mesh).

Simply replace a the a and b terms with ranges around what you fit. Also, replace the center term to something that works better... the center here is not the same as in the equation.

import numpy as np

def EllipseStructured(a, b,
                      theta_resolution=32, min_theta=0.0, max_theta=np.pi,
                      nh=3, min_h=0.0, max_h=10.0,
    """Create an elliptical StructuredGrid."""
    assert len(a) == len(b)

    # Equation in polar coordinates
    def R(theta):
        r = []
        for A, B in list(zip(a, b)):
            r.append(A*B/np.sqrt((B*np.cos(theta))**2 + (A*np.sin(theta))**2))
        return np.array(r)

    # Polar
    theta = np.linspace(min_theta, max_theta, num=theta_resolution)
    r = R(theta)

    # Cartesion
    x = r * np.cos(theta)
    y = r * np.sin(theta)

    # Now extrude in Z-direction
    levels = np.linspace(min_h, max_h, nh)
    x = np.repeat(x.reshape((*x.shape, -1)), nh, axis=-1)
    y = np.repeat(y.reshape((*y.shape, -1)), nh, axis=-1)
    z = np.repeat(levels.reshape((1,1,nh)), np.product(r.shape)).reshape(x.shape)

    # Create the grid!
    grid = pv.StructuredGrid()
    grid.points = np.c_[x.ravel(order="f"), y.ravel(order="f"), z.ravel()]
    grid.dimensions = [len(a), theta_resolution, nh]

    # Orient properly in user direction
    vx = np.array([0., 0., 1.])
    if not np.allclose(vx, direction):
        direction /= np.linalg.norm(direction)
        vx -= * direction
        vx /= np.linalg.norm(vx)
        vy = np.cross(direction, vx)
        rmtx = np.array([vx, vy, direction])
        grid.points =

    # Translate to origin
    grid.points -= np.array(

    return grid

# User definitions of ellipse levels
nr = 10
a = np.linspace(170, 200, nr)
b = np.linspace(20, 60, nr)
center =

# Make the ellipse
grid = EllipseStructured(a, b,
                         nh=500, min_h=0, max_h=1000, direction=(0,1,0))
grid.points += np.array(center)

From there, you could then interpolate or resample the image to that structured grid.

sampled = grid.sample(pyvista_image)

Then you could unroll each level of the structured grid to flat planar surfaces - however, it will be a bit distorted because the cylinder wasn't uniformly created. However, it will look better with better-fitting terms and center location.

slices = sampled["Tiff Scalars"].reshape(grid.dimensions, order="f")

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt



I hope this helps in some way!

banesullivan commented 4 years ago

Also, what is this an image of?

pr4deepr commented 4 years ago

Hi @banesullivan Thank you so much for your reply.

I'm curious if you have the 3D coordinates for the picked lines shown in the image you shared? <

I do not, I made a random drawing to illustrate what I was after.

Also, what is this an image of?

Its a stem of a germinating plant, in this case: Arabidopsis thaliana, commonly used model for studying plant growth. Although, my area is in gut biology. Interestingly, the problems are quite similar, i.e., having a curved cylindrical surface (gut wall) and interested in extracting defined regions along the curvature while keeping the topography in mind. I used this image as it is a clean example and a good starting point.

Thanks for the code and I really like this approach. I'm still getting my head around it and working on it now. I'll post here for any questions.

Other approaches/thoughts for now, (without straightening):

Thanks Pradeep

banesullivan commented 4 years ago

Apologies for the delay...

Is it possible to just use a scalar that is generated based on height from a certain location? For example, a scalar that is based on distance "r" from a line along Use this scalar to then get layers at different depths? Is this a viable approach?

I think that would work... You'd need to define a line along your mesh, then query the mesh's points inline with that line to get there distance from the line. Then you could do clipping/extraction based on different radii in a cylidrical fashion.

Here's a really basic implementation for you to take further:

import pyvista as pv
import numpy as np

pyvista_image ="Hypocotyl_GFP-MBD.tif")

#gaussian smoothing
smoothened = pyvista_image.gaussian_smooth(std_dev=3.)

# The function for computing distances
compute = lambda a, b: np.sqrt(np.sum((b - a)**2, axis=1))

dims = smoothened.dimensions

radii = np.empty(dims)

for j in range(dims[1]):
    # NOTE: there is a weird issue with this filter that I just fixed
    #       see
    slc = smoothened.extract_subset((0,dims[0]-1, j,j, 0,dims[2]-1))
    node =
    # Pluss a bunch to make the curve wider
    node[-1] = slc.bounds[-1] + 200.
    # set origin AFTER getting center to avoid issue I mentioned and properly fetch points in PyVista
    slc.origin = [0, j, 0]
    radii[:,j,:] = compute(slc.points, node).reshape((dims[0], dims[2]), order='F')

smoothened["radii"] = radii.ravel(order="F")

# Dummy to add to scene which will be overwritten by slider
slc = smoothened.contour(3, scalars="radii")

p = pv.Plotter(notebook=0)
p.add_mesh(slc, scalars="Tiff Scalars", name="slice", clim=[20, 255], log_scale=True)
p.add_mesh(smoothened.outline(), color="k")
# p.add_mesh(thresh, scalars="Tiff Scalars", clim=[20, 255], opacity=0.5)

def callback(value):
    slc.overwrite(smoothened.contour([value,], scalars="radii"))
    slc.set_active_scalars("Tiff Scalars")

p.add_slider_widget(callback, smoothened.get_data_range("radii"))

2020-06-20 23 40 21

banesullivan commented 4 years ago

Here is another version that gets fancy allowing you to update the arc of the slice with another slider. This is messy but it gets the job done (you have to intermix code calling back to VTK)

import pyvista as pv
import numpy as np

pyvista_image ="Hypocotyl_GFP-MBD.tif")

#gaussian smoothing
smoothened = pyvista_image.gaussian_smooth(std_dev=3.)

# The function for computing distances
compute = lambda a, b: np.sqrt(np.sum((b - a)**2, axis=1))

dims = smoothened.dimensions

def compute_radii(shifter=200.0):
    radii = np.empty(dims)

    for j in range(dims[1]):
        # NOTE: there is a weird issue with this filter that I just fixed
        #       see
        slc = smoothened.extract_subset((0,dims[0]-1, j,j, 0,dims[2]-1))
        node =
        # Pluss a bunch to make the curve wider
        node[-1] = slc.bounds[-1] + shifter
        # set origin AFTER getting center to avoid issue I mentioned and properly fetch points in PyVista
        slc.origin = [0, j, 0]
        radii[:,j,:] = compute(slc.points, node).reshape((dims[0], dims[2]), order='F')
    smoothened["radii"] = radii.ravel(order="F")


# Dummy to add to scene which will be overwritten by slider
slc = smoothened.contour(3, scalars="radii")

p = pv.Plotter(notebook=0)
p.add_mesh(slc, scalars="Tiff Scalars", name="slice", clim=[20, 255], log_scale=True)
p.add_mesh(smoothened.outline(), color="k")
# p.add_mesh(thresh, scalars="Tiff Scalars", clim=[20, 255], opacity=0.5)

def move_slice(value):
    slc.overwrite(smoothened.contour([value,], scalars="radii"))
    slc.set_active_scalars("Tiff Scalars")

sw = p.add_slider_widget(move_slice, smoothened.get_data_range("radii"),
                    title="Move slice",
                    pointa=(0.1,0.9), pointb=(0.4,0.9))

def adjust_arc(value):
    # Now adjust the other slider
    mi, ma = smoothened.get_data_range("radii")
    s = sw.GetRepresentation()
    c = ((ma-mi) / 2) + mi

p.add_slider_widget(adjust_arc, [75.0, 750.0], 
                    title="Adjust Arc - this is expensive",
                    pointa=(0.5,0.9), pointb=(0.9,0.9))
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pr4deepr commented 4 years ago

Thanks heaps for this.. This is beautiful!!! I will definitely been using this.. Apologies for the delay as well. I will post an update at some point.. Hope you are well!