pyvista / tetgen

A Python interface to the C++ TetGen library to generate tetrahedral meshes of any 3D polyhedral domains
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Does tetgen do mesh refinement ? #47

Closed gabrielfougeron closed 1 year ago

gabrielfougeron commented 1 year ago


I have an existing (small-ish) tetrahedral mesh, and I want to refine it. Nothing super fancy, no adaptive refinement. Uniform refinement would be perfect. Is there a way to achieve this using tetgen ?

If no, do you know of another open source alternative ?

Thank you very much,

banesullivan commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure if tetgen has a mechanism for that, but PyVista does: subdivide_tetra:

gabrielfougeron commented 1 year ago

Awesome, thank you! I'll check it out.