pywavefront / PyWavefront

Python library for importing Wavefront .obj files
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Importing pywavefront.visualisation raises NameError #144

Open bmoverleysmith opened 2 years ago

bmoverleysmith commented 2 years ago

When trying to import the visualisation module, the following error occurs:

'V3F': GL_V3F,

NameError: name 'GL_V3F' is not defined

This seems to be due to the lack of correct import from pyglet. As it stands it means that the current example on the readme page does not work. Have I missed something, or is this an issue with a new version of pylet?

Thanks :)

einarf commented 2 years ago

ah right. It only works with pyglet 1.5.x. Probably need to make a version for pyglet 2.

Pyglet 2 is using OpenGL 3.3 core and have deprecated all fixed pipeline stuff. Basically 80%+ of old stuff is ripped out and you are left with buffers, textures and shaders.