Open tfluan0606 opened 1 year ago
You can currently find some info on how to use event handlers at
I have modified the Event Handlers example, but I think I made something wrong, my hadler never work.
#these function write in a class
def handle_received(self,sender, event_args):
self.frame = sender.try_get_next_frame()
async def get_frame(self):
event_loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
self.frame_arrived = self.framepool.add_frame_arrived(lambda s, e: event_loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.handle_received, s, e))
#I think the wrong place is here?
async def check():
while self.frame == None:
print('wait for frame')
await asyncio.sleep(1)
printer_task = asyncio.create_task(check())
await printer_task
#wincap is the class name
program stuck on the check(), keep printing "wait for frame", that means my handler never invoke. I've been trying all day, but still can't solve it.
After I changed from 'create' to 'create_free_threaded', my handler seems to have executed successfully. But it can only be executed once.
self.framepool = wgc.Direct3D11CaptureFramePool.create_free_threaded(
self.session = self.framepool.create_capture_session(self.item)
def handle_received(self,sender, event_args):
print("hadle occur")
self.frame = sender.try_get_next_frame()
async def get_frame(self):
event_loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
self.frame_arrived = self.framepool.add_frame_arrived(lambda s, e: event_loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.handle_received, s, e))
i = 0
while i !=5:
await self.received_queue.get() #loop run only one time,and stuck on here, that means handler only put one event in Queue, waiting for event to get
print('check '+str(i))
#wincap is the class name
what I want is to keep getting new frames It seems like the framepool buffer never clear? When I changed the buffer size of the frame pool to 2, it could only be executed twice.
@tfluan0606 did you figure it out? I was hitting the same issue where it seemed like the framepool's frames weren't being released so it would get "stuck" at received_queue.get() once the framepool was filled (number_of buffers specified during frame pool creation).
It turned out to be how I was getting the D3D device! I was using LearningModelDevice to get the D3D device. The workaround was to use MediaCapture. See this comment:
@tfluan0606 did you figure it out? I was hitting the same issue where it seemed like the framepool's frames weren't being released so it would get "stuck" at received_queue.get() once the framepool was filled (number_of buffers specified during frame pool creation).
It turned out to be how I was getting the D3D device! I was using LearningModelDevice to get the D3D device. The workaround was to use MediaCapture. See this comment: #11 (comment)
I'm sorry, I haven't found a solution yet. I'm also using the LearningModelDevice approach, and I don't know how to use the MediaCapture.
Both approaches are still workarounds/hacks and have their limitations. I'd prefer if python-winsdk exposed (or documented using ctypes/windll maybe?) an official way to get the Direct3D Device.
I'm trying to implement window capture on specific window and send it to opencv. I get a frame by keep calling try_get_next_frame(), send it to opencv and successfully show it. But it can only got 1 frame, what i want to do is like obs window capture, keep listen window ,so that opencv can do some object detection. I have read "screen-capture" and "screen-capture-video" by Microsoft build, I notice that both of these use FrameArrived to handle framepool. I think the equivalent one is add_frame_arrived, but how do I use it ?
The reson I want to use WGC is that the window I want to capture is hardware acceleration rendering.
Thank you for reading.