pyxem / diffsims

An open-source Python library providing utilities for simulating diffraction
GNU General Public License v3.0
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move utils from pyxem/pixstem into diffsims #89

Closed dnjohnstone closed 4 years ago

dnjohnstone commented 4 years ago

These functions currently in pyxem.utils.diffraction_tools should be moved to diffsims.

import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as sc

def acceleration_voltage_to_wavelength(acceleration_voltage):
    """Get electron wavelength from the acceleration voltage.

    acceleration_voltage : float or array-like
        In Volt

    wavelength : float or array-like
        In meters

    E = acceleration_voltage*sc.elementary_charge
    h = sc.Planck
    m0 = sc.electron_mass
    c = sc.speed_of_light
    wavelength = h/(2*m0*E*(1 + (E/(2*m0*c**2))))**0.5
    return wavelength

def diffraction_scattering_angle(
        acceleration_voltage, lattice_size, miller_index):
    """Get electron scattering angle from a crystal lattice.

    Returns the total scattering angle, as measured from the middle of the
    direct beam (0, 0, 0) to the given Miller index.

    Miller index: h, k, l = miller_index
    Interplanar distance: d = a / (h**2 + k**2 + l**2)**0.5
    Bragg's law: theta = arcsin(electron_wavelength / (2 * d))
    Total scattering angle (phi):  phi = 2 * theta

    acceleration_voltage : float
        In Volt
    lattice_size : float or array-like
        In meter
    miller_index : tuple
        (h, k, l)

    angle : float
        Scattering angle in radians.

    wavelength = acceleration_voltage_to_wavelength(acceleration_voltage)
    H, K, L = miller_index
    a = lattice_size
    d = a/(H**2 + K**2 + L**2)**0.5
    scattering_angle = 2 * np.arcsin(wavelength / (2 * d))
    return scattering_angle
dnjohnstone commented 4 years ago

These are the corresponding tests for the above.

import pytest
from pytest import approx
import numpy as np
import pyxem.utils.diffraction_tools as dt

    "av,wl", [(100000, 3.701e-12), (200000, 2.507e-12), (300000, 1.968e-12)]
)  # V, pm
def test_acceleration_voltage_to_wavelength(av, wl):
    wavelength = dt.acceleration_voltage_to_wavelength(av)
    assert approx(wavelength, rel=0.001, abs=0.0) == wl

def test_acceleration_voltage_to_wavelength_array():
    av = np.array([100000, 200000, 300000])  # In Volt
    wavelength = dt.acceleration_voltage_to_wavelength(av)
    wl = np.array([3.701e-12, 2.507e-12, 1.968e-12])  # In pm
    assert len(wl) == 3
    assert approx(wavelength, rel=0.001, abs=0.0) == wl

class TestDiffractionScatteringAngle:
    def test_simple(self):
        # This should give ~9.84e-3 radians
        acceleration_voltage = 300000
        lattice_size = 2e-10  # 2 Ångstrøm (in meters)
        miller_index = (1, 0, 0)
        scattering_angle = dt.diffraction_scattering_angle(
            acceleration_voltage, lattice_size, miller_index
        assert approx(scattering_angle, rel=0.001) == 9.84e-3

            ((1, 0, 0), 9.84e-3),
            ((0, 1, 0), 9.84e-3),
            ((0, 0, 1), 9.84e-3),
            ((2, 0, 0), 19.68e-3),
            ((0, 2, 0), 19.68e-3),
            ((0, 0, 2), 19.68e-3),
    def test_miller_index(self, mi, sa):
        acceleration_voltage = 300000
        lattice_size = 2e-10  # 2 Ångstrøm (in meters)
        scattering_angle = dt.diffraction_scattering_angle(
            acceleration_voltage, lattice_size, mi
        assert approx(scattering_angle, rel=0.001) == sa

    def test_array_like(self):
        # This should give ~9.84e-3 radians
        acceleration_voltage = 300000
        lattice_size = np.array([2e-10, 2e-10])
        miller_index = (1, 0, 0)
        scattering_angle = dt.diffraction_scattering_angle(
            acceleration_voltage, lattice_size, miller_index
        assert len(scattering_angle) == 2
        sa_known = np.array([9.84e-3, 9.84e-3])
        assert approx(scattering_angle, rel=0.001) == sa_known
dnjohnstone commented 4 years ago

These functions from pyxem.utils.dpc_utils should also be moved:

def bst_to_beta(bst, acceleration_voltage):
    """Calculate beam deflection (beta) values from Bs * t.

    bst : NumPy array
        Saturation induction Bs times thickness t of the sample. In Tesla*meter
    acceleration_voltage : float
        In Volts

    beta : NumPy array
        Beam deflection in radians

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pyxem.utils.dpc_utils as dpct
    >>> data = np.random.random((100, 100))  # In Tesla*meter
    >>> acceleration_voltage = 200000  # 200 kV (in Volt)
    >>> beta = dpct.bst_to_beta(data, acceleration_voltage)

    av = acceleration_voltage
    wavelength = dt.acceleration_voltage_to_wavelength(av)
    e = sc.elementary_charge
    h = sc.Planck
    beta = e * wavelength * bst / h
    return beta

def beta_to_bst(beam_deflection, acceleration_voltage):
    """Calculate Bs * t values from beam deflection (beta).

    beam_deflection : NumPy array
        In radians
    acceleration_voltage : float
        In Volts

    Bst : NumPy array
        In Tesla * meter

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pyxem.utils.dpc_utils as dpct
    >>> data = np.random.random((100, 100))  # In radians
    >>> acceleration_voltage = 200000  # 200 kV (in Volt)
    >>> bst = dpct.beta_to_bst(data, 200000)

    wavelength = dt.acceleration_voltage_to_wavelength(acceleration_voltage)
    beta = beam_deflection
    e = sc.elementary_charge
    h = sc.Planck
    Bst = beta * h / (wavelength * e)
    return Bst

def tesla_to_am(data):
    """Convert data from Tesla to A/m

    data : NumPy array
        Data in Tesla

    output_data : NumPy array
        In A/m

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pyxem.utils.dpc_utils as dpct
    >>> data_T = np.random.random((100, 100))  # In tesla
    >>> data_am = dpct.tesla_to_am(data_T)

    return data / sc.mu_0

def acceleration_voltage_to_velocity(acceleration_voltage):
    """Get relativistic velocity of electron from acceleration voltage.

    acceleration_voltage : float
        In Volt

    v : float
        In m/s

    >>> import pyxem.utils.dpc_utils as dpct
    >>> v = dpct.acceleration_voltage_to_velocity(200000) # 200 kV
    >>> round(v)

    c = sc.speed_of_light
    av = acceleration_voltage
    e = sc.elementary_charge
    me = sc.electron_mass
    part1 = (1 + (av * e) / (me * c ** 2)) ** 2
    v = c * (1 - (1 / part1)) ** 0.5
    return v

def acceleration_voltage_to_relativistic_mass(acceleration_voltage):
    """Get relativistic mass of electron as function of acceleration voltage.

    acceleration_voltage : float
        In Volt

    mr : float
        Relativistic electron mass

    >>> import pyxem.utils.dpc_utils as dpct
    >>> mr = dpct.acceleration_voltage_to_relativistic_mass(200000) # 200 kV

    av = acceleration_voltage
    c = sc.speed_of_light
    v = acceleration_voltage_to_velocity(av)
    me = sc.electron_mass
    part1 = 1 - (v ** 2) / (c ** 2)
    mr = me / (part1) ** 0.5
    return mr

def et_to_beta(et, acceleration_voltage):
    """Calculate beam deflection (beta) values from E * t.

    et : NumPy array
        Electric field times thickness t of the sample.
    acceleration_voltage : float
        In Volts

    beta: NumPy array
        Beam deflection in radians

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pyxem.utils.dpc_utils as dpct
    >>> data = np.random.random((100, 100))
    >>> acceleration_voltage = 200000  # 200 kV (in Volt)
    >>> beta = dpct.et_to_beta(data, acceleration_voltage)

    av = acceleration_voltage
    e = sc.elementary_charge
    wavelength = dt.acceleration_voltage_to_wavelength(av)
    m = acceleration_voltage_to_relativistic_mass(av)
    h = sc.Planck

    wavelength2 = wavelength ** 2
    h2 = h ** 2

    beta = e * wavelength2 * m * et / h2
    return beta

The corresponding tests are:

import pytest
from pytest import approx
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as sc
import pyxem.utils.dpc_utils as dpct

class TestBetaToBst:
    def test_zero(self):
        data = np.zeros((100, 100))
        bst = dpct.beta_to_bst(data, 200000)
        assert data.shape == bst.shape
        assert (data == 0.0).all()

    def test_ones(self):
        data = np.ones((100, 100)) * 10
        bst = dpct.beta_to_bst(data, 200000)
        assert data.shape == bst.shape
        assert (data != 0.0).all()

    def test_beta_to_bst_to_beta(self):
        beta = 2e-6
        output = dpct.bst_to_beta(dpct.beta_to_bst(beta, 200000), 200000)
        assert beta == output

    def test_known_value(self):
        # From
        bst = 10e-9 * 1  # 10 nm, 1 Tesla
        av = 200000  # 200 kV
        beta = dpct.bst_to_beta(bst, av)
        assert approx(beta, rel=1e-4) == 6.064e-6

class TestBstToBeta:
    def test_zero(self):
        data = np.zeros((100, 100))
        beta = dpct.bst_to_beta(data, 200000)
        assert data.shape == beta.shape
        assert (data == 0.0).all()

    def test_ones(self):
        data = np.ones((100, 100)) * 10
        beta = dpct.bst_to_beta(data, 200000)
        assert data.shape == beta.shape
        assert (data != 0.0).all()

    def test_bst_to_beta_to_bst(self):
        bst = 10e-6
        output = dpct.beta_to_bst(dpct.bst_to_beta(bst, 200000), 200000)
        assert bst == output

class TestEtToBeta:
    def test_zero(self):
        data = np.zeros((100, 100))
        beta = dpct.et_to_beta(data, 200000)
        assert data.shape == beta.shape
        assert (data == 0.0).all()

    def test_ones(self):
        data = np.ones((100, 100)) * 10
        beta = dpct.bst_to_beta(data, 200000)
        assert data.shape == beta.shape
        assert (data != 0.0).all()

class TestAccelerationVoltageToVelocity:
    def test_zero(self):
        assert dpct.acceleration_voltage_to_velocity(0) == 0.0

        "av,vel", [(100000, 1.6434e8), (200000, 2.0844e8), (300000, 2.3279e8)]
    )  # V, m/s
    def test_values(self, av, vel):
        v = dpct.acceleration_voltage_to_velocity(av)
        assert approx(v, rel=0.001) == vel

class TestAccelerationVoltageToRelativisticMass:
    def test_zero(self):
        mr = dpct.acceleration_voltage_to_relativistic_mass(0.0)
        assert approx(mr) == sc.electron_mass

    def test_200kv(self):
        mr = dpct.acceleration_voltage_to_relativistic_mass(200000)
        assert approx(mr) == 1.268e-30
dnjohnstone commented 4 years ago

Also this from pyxem.utils.radial_utils:

def _get_holz_angle(electron_wavelength, lattice_parameter):
    electron_wavelength : scalar
        In nanometers
    lattice_parameter : scalar
        In nanometers

    scattering_angle : scalar
        Scattering angle in radians

    >>> import pyxem.utils.radial_utils as ra
    >>> lattice_size = 0.3905 # STO-(001) in nm
    >>> wavelength = 2.51/1000 # Electron wavelength for 200 kV
    >>> angle = ra._get_holz_angle(wavelength, lattice_size)

    k0 = 1.0 / electron_wavelength
    kz = 1.0 / lattice_parameter
    in_root = kz * ((2 * k0) - kz)
    sin_angle = (in_root ** 0.5) / k0
    angle = math.asin(sin_angle)
    return angle

def _scattering_angle_to_lattice_parameter(electron_wavelength, angle):
    """Convert scattering angle data to lattice parameter sizes.

    electron_wavelength : float
        Wavelength of the electrons in the electron beam. In nm.
        For 200 kV electrons: 0.00251 (nm)
    angle : NumPy array
        Scattering angle, in radians.

    lattice_parameter : NumPy array
        Lattice parameter, in nanometers

    >>> import pyxem.utils.radial_utils as ra
    >>> angle_list = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1] # in radians
    >>> wavelength = 2.51/1000 # Electron wavelength for 200 kV
    >>> lattice_size = ra._scattering_angle_to_lattice_parameter(
    ...     wavelength, angle_list)


    k0 = 1.0 / electron_wavelength
    kz = k0 - (k0 * ((1 - (np.sin(angle) ** 2)) ** 0.5))
    return 1 / kz

And corresponding tests:

class TestHolzCalibration:
    def test_get_holz_angle(self):
        wavelength = 2.51 / 1000
        lattice_parameter = 0.3905 * 2 ** 0.5
        angle = ra._get_holz_angle(wavelength, lattice_parameter)
        assert approx(95.37805 / 1000) == angle

    def test_scattering_angle_to_lattice_parameter(self):
        wavelength = 2.51 / 1000
        angle = 95.37805 / 1000
        lattice_size = ra._scattering_angle_to_lattice_parameter(wavelength, angle)
        assert approx(0.55225047) == lattice_size
dnjohnstone commented 4 years ago

@isabelwood100 adding these functions to diffsims.utils would be great. Most of them should probably go in the file. There may be some duplication, which obviously we don't want but that's ok.

Does that make sense?