pzim-devdata / volumouse

A Python 3 program that allows you to change the volume with the mouse wheel using it at the four corners of the screen
MIT License
12 stars 1 forks source link

Volume over 100% #1

Closed lamonda92 closed 1 year ago

lamonda92 commented 1 year ago

Hi, really enjoying your application. I switched from windows to linux and wanted something similar to this https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/volumouse.html, so your application is the equivalent of that in the linux ecosystem. I would like to point out that in linux mint that I use (probably in ubuntu as well) you set the max volume to the percentage you want, even above 100%, and the volume buttons of your laptop/keyboard respect that threshold. Your application goes above and beyond that limit, over-amplifying sometimes the output sound, thus creating distortion. Is there's a line of code I can add to your script to fix this? Thanks in advance for your help, and really enjoying your app.

pzim-devdata commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much for your encouragement. You can use amixer instead of pactl. For exemple amixer set Master 120% will do a volume to 100% and no more So if you want to inscrease untill 100% instead of subprocess.run("pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% & pid=$!",shell=True) do subprocess.run("amixer set Master 5%+ & pid=$!",shell=True) Look at the old version of volumouse : https://github.com/pzim-devdata/Tools-for-Linux/tree/master/Volumouse All is explain and choose "Volumouse_amixer_right.py" and "Volumouse_amixer_left.py" to download

Type amixer -h for help

I hope it will help :-)

pzim-devdata commented 1 year ago

Try this file, I have made this just for you : I have added lines 529,530, 548,549, 564,565, 580,581 if you want to check the code. Simply extract it and replace volumouse.py in your destination folder volumouse.py.zip

Don't forget to give me a star :1st_place_medal:

lamonda92 commented 1 year ago

Sure thing, thanks man you're the best!

pzim-devdata commented 1 year ago

I have published a new version on Github with the ability to configure max volume for each card with python3 volumouse.py -c Thank you for the idea ! ;-)