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tiling wm? #24

Closed pzl closed 10 years ago

pzl commented 10 years ago

want? no? stick with openbox?

pzl commented 10 years ago

tried spectrwm/scrotwm, i3, dwm

not a big fan of the master-window way of setting things up in scrotwm and dwm -- don't have windows arranged that way. i3 seems to allow more arbitrary configurations.

dwm screenshots seem to be more configurable than the others, but involve recompiling the wm for each change? hmm..

pzl commented 10 years ago

tentative setup getting i3 going OK:

pzl commented 10 years ago

bspwm promising, though seems immature in terms of community and adoption. Configurable enough, has best of i3 and dwm so far. documentation possibly lacking, just have to deal with man pages and experimentation. Sensible enough defaults.

a little buggy when using high poll-rate mouse, clicking and dragging a window or resizing noticeably laggy, though smooth. Will need to set low poll rate.

For razer naga, available via razercfg will have to investigate compatibility between razercfg and naga button remapping (#12)

For other mice, see https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=172590 (pasted below)

fengshaun, there is the module parameter mousepoll for usbhid... maybe that is what you are looking for? $ modinfo -p usbhid

Great thanks WonderWoofy & mah0... the nudge to look at module parameter mousepoll for usbhid was what I needed to fix this. Following the wiki page on mouse polling rate, I added this into /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf options usbhid mousepoll=2 and updated the polling rate without rebooting, to see the effect: # modprobe -r usbhid && modprobe usbhid Playing around with the mousepoll value as I had no idea what was an ideal setting - I tweaked it so far to 30, which has had the best effect on window move smoothness. However, not sure yet if that extreme has any unwanted effects - on quick review it seems not to, but I will see in due course, I suppose. thanks again :)