pzzhang / VinVL

project page for VinVL
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Dataset can not download? #36

Open FutureWithoutEnding opened 1 year ago

FutureWithoutEnding commented 1 year ago


We provide the extracted image region features, object tags, and the original text annotations for each downstream tasks.

path/to/azcopy copy 'https://biglmdiag.blob.core.windows.net/vinvl/datasets/TASK_NAME' <target folder> --recursive

TASK_NAME could be coco_caption, nocaps, coco_ir, vqa, gqa, nlvr2.

above copy from https://github.com/microsoft/Oscar/blob/master/VinVL_DOWNLOAD.md

Run Output

[root@ln01]$ ./azcopy copy https://biglmdiag.blob.core.windows.net/vinvl/datasets/gqa . --recursive
INFO: Scanning...
INFO: Autologin not specified.

failed to perform copy command due to error: Login Credentials missing. No SAS token or OAuth token is present and the resource is not public

log show Autologin not specified. ?