q-shift / qshift-templates

Backstage templates for the Qshift demo
Apache License 2.0
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argocd + helm: error calling include: template: no template "quarkus-template.annotations" #6

Closed cmoulliard closed 5 months ago

cmoulliard commented 5 months ago


Argocd fails to generate the Helm template due to

Failed to load target state: failed to generate manifest for source 1 of 1: r
pc error: code = Unknown desc = `helm template . --name-template my-quarkus-app-deploy --namespace openshift-gitops --kube-version 1.27 --values /tmp/9f46bb0b-0982-4bdb-8a46-52c507662f6e <api versions removed> --include-crds` 
failed exit status 1: Error: template: quarkus-deploy/templates/deployment.yaml:7:8: 
executing "quarkus-deploy/templates/deployment.yaml" at <include "quarkus-template.annotations" .>: 
error calling include: template: no template "quarkus-template.annotations" associated with template "gotpl" Use --debug flag to render out invalid YAML
cmoulliard commented 5 months ago

Issue fixed