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#MyFuckedUpCalendar #1

Open joaweyang opened 4 years ago

joaweyang commented 4 years ago

我渴望邀请你加入我的参与式 Digital Archive 艺术计划《#MyFuckedUpCalendar》。在疫情面前,许多你曾经计划预定进你日历中的安排与我类似地,都接连被“取消”、“延期”。在消费主义盛行的当代社会,在晚期资本主义对 “时空连贯性”(Time-Space cohesion)的重新定义的格局下,“放鸽子”、“水一个局”、“消失爽约” 行为等不仅是对个人日常生活时间秩序的叙事语言的干扰,对工作与生产效率节律(social rhythm)的打破,对预期性情感投资(emotional investment of expectation)的耗蚀。与此同时,亦更令人反思:人类对组织化行为(organised social behaviour)的高粘度依赖性,对混沌无序(chaos / disorganisation / disorientation) 的恐惧。更可以管中窥豹个体对 “计划”、“约定” 的 “承诺感”(sense of commitment)的强弱程度之尺度光谱。

在《#MyFuckedUpCalendar》的 Digital Archive 中,我将邀请任何在 COVID-19 期间,因你的戏剧展、派对、会议、艺术节、机票.., etc 大小活动被疫情受到干扰而延迟(postponed)或取消(cancelled)的朋友们(任何人),在适当抹去你认为暴露隐私的邮件个人信息字眼后,截图发给我 joawe@live.cn 邮箱,吐露你的那份 “disappointment”。


疫情结束后(考虑到全球情况,初步计划在今年秋季),我会将《#MyFuckedUpCalendar》作品集结在线上 archive 上展陈(网站正在搭建中;Instagram:@MyFuckedUpCalendar),同时考虑将全体截图彩印展陈,实体展出。

投递方式:joawe@live.cn,投递前请抹去你认为有必要打马赛克的个人信息。提交即视为同意被纳入展陈 digital archive 系列中。是否留名完全自愿,也可使用化名/艺名/DJ名/各种昵称。邮件主题请填写:【活动名称】+ 【受影响活动所在的国家】+【受影响活动所在的城市】【延期 or 取消】(改线上不算)+(选择性填写你的)姓名。

欢迎在我的 Instagram @MyFuckedUpCalendar 关注更新。企盼感兴趣的你,用邮件(joawe@live.cn)与我沟通。感谢理解,等待你们的投递:)


joaweyang commented 3 years ago

A Failed Soviet Experiment Offers A Warning To Today’s Burnout Generation: The design of our calendars — the way we arrange our days, weeks, and months — is a reflection of how we aspire to live our lives https://eyeondesign.aiga.org/a-failed-soviet-experiment-offers-a-warning-to-todays-burnout-generation/

joaweyang commented 3 years ago

Time Poverty Amidst Digital Abundance | Judy Wajcman Technology’s promise is to “save” time. Its track record in real and psychological terms is often the opposite. A sociologist of science and technology, Judy Wajcman continues her examinations of time pressure and acceleration in the digital age. Her latest work considers how calendar software interacts with the existing anxieties of our digitally-driven lives.

Judy Wajcman is the Anthony Giddens Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics. Professor Wajcman was one of the founding contributors to the field of the social study of Science and Technology, as well as to studies of gender, work and organizations. Her latest books, "Pressed for Time" and "The Sociology of Speed", argues for a socio-material approach to the study of time. She was a 02017-18 fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences: https://casbs.stanford.edu (CASBS) at Stanford, co-sponsors of this talk.

"Time Poverty Amidst Digital Abundance" was given on March 27, 02018 as part of The Long Now Foundation's “Conversations at The Interval” Salon Talks.

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