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How to deal with spam? #844

Closed Evgenivich closed 3 years ago

Evgenivich commented 3 years ago

The problem is that a very large amount is posted daily, which is very difficult to remove one by one. I have all the spam protection on my system enabled. This is reCAPTCHA, and moderation of absolutely all new messages (anonymous and registered). Full protection included, but it doesn't help.

Perhaps there are vulnerabilities in the code that spammers find and exploit? Since with such a strong on-on protection, spam still appears from both anonymous and registered users. Moreover, without moderation. Those. regular messages posted by users go to moderation, all without exception. But spam messages will be posted as if nothing had happened, both from anonymous users and from registered users, without any moderation.

Correct this please, I'm tired of fighting this spam. Make also the possibility of mass deletion of messages, as it is very difficult to delete such amount of spam one by one.

phy25 commented 3 years ago

Related to #783, #793...

Evgenivich commented 3 years ago

Although it is related to this, there is still no solution! What to use, will there be a solution in the next updates?

phy25 commented 3 years ago

Spam is a more and more complex problem nowadays so there is no one-fit-all solution I am afraid. There are solutions in those issues that are not in the core, have you tried those?

Evgenivich commented 3 years ago

I have not tried anything, only the standard one, I have not found any other solutions to combat spam. If there is something, tell me I will be glad.

svivian commented 3 years ago

There are 3rd-party plugins in the anti-spam section here: https://docs.question2answer.org/addons/plugins/ Akismet works well on Wordpress so it should be good on Q2A too. I haven't tested that particular plugin though.

There are various options in Q2A you can try. The first is the reCAPTCHA plugin if you haven't already. Also "Use moderation for users with less than N points" will stop all spam by new users appearing on your site.

Closing this as it's really a duplicate of #793

Evgenivich commented 3 years ago

I wrote that I have all protection against spam enabled, including RECAPTCHA. I am also enabled to use moderation for users with less than N points, but it does not help, spam still appears, albeit in a smaller amount. And I could not put the Akismet plugin into operation, maybe everything because it is for version 1.6, and now version 1.8.5? Is Akismet not working properly for this reason?

Modules such as Akismet need to be done by default in the CMS, in order to keep the update from being updated in place with the system, and this may be free from spam by default.

Anton-V-K commented 3 years ago

But spam messages will be posted as if nothing had happened, both from anonymous users and from registered users, without any moderation.

If this is realy the case, then this issue is a new one and not a duplicate of the general spam complains. Though on my site (running 1.8.5) I haven't encountered such problems - all spam (from anonymous users) goes to moderation first. Probably for registered users it may be handled differently.