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Fix wrong redirection when titles do not match #956

Closed pupi1985 closed 1 year ago

pupi1985 commented 1 year ago

Take this URL: https://example.com/123/nice-title?show=29#c29 . Let's assume it works as excpected. Now turn it into https://example.com/123/?show=29#c29 . The result is taking away the comment reference.

We need to rebuild the URL.

NOTE: This is still leaving aside other states like editing a question. This should be less relevant.

svivian commented 1 year ago

Thanks for bringing up the issue. I actually fixed this in a much simpler way: 9a0d1175e398315442a406df9161cedead9848c2 That preserves any other parameters that may be part of the URL. (Browsers preserve the # when redirecting so we don't need to specify that)