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function qa_post_text() - Error : trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given #979

Open q2apro opened 1 year ago

q2apro commented 1 year ago

I had a hack bot on my site that tried to post an array instead of a string.

I am using for example: $inemailhandle = qa_post_text('emailhandle');

Having an array, the base function qa_post_text() throws an error with trim():

Error : trim() expects parameter 1 to be string,

Code line:

return isset($_POST[$field]) ? preg_replace('/\r\n?/', "\n", trim(qa_gpc_to_string($_POST[$field]))) : null;

See https://github.com/q2a/question2answer/blob/4344721c138e7f6845a8129278c9d3374daee085/qa-include/qa-base.php#L1212

I assume we should always cast the $_POST[$field] to string?!

Proposed Solution:

return isset($_POST[$field]) ? preg_replace('/\r\n?/', "\n", trim( (string)($_POST[$field]) )) : null;

I see that the $array POST will then become the string "Array" and does not throw an error anymore.

Can someone confirm this as a solution? Or is there a better way of handling this?

Thank you.